I'm convinced that the reason this post doesn't get more loves and comments is because it shows the out right violation of the standing army provisions. Too many people have been brain washed into thinking the standing army is a good thing while our founding fathers thought exactly the opposite.
My post called "The Oath Keepers Are Seditious? HUH?" deals with that topic. How can someone who swears to uphold and defend the US Constitution be "anti government' snice the GOVERNMENT of the US IS the Constitution?
I came in here on a quickie to say I don't hold with standing armies but it seems like you got the territory covered. It's frankly risky to hang around in here as I'm sure I'm on a gray list for just showing interest. So I'll leave a note for my handlers in Langley: just cuz I don't believe in your standing army, Virginia, doesn't mean...well, you already know what it doesn't mean. I'm keeping my nice little articles to Thursdays only and to health topics.
You have to ask yourself...which is more valuable? Life or freedom? Without freedom what is life? Being a slave to anyone is not what we should be. What keeps us from being able to face the reality? FEAR. Fear of DEATH. Which is how "they" control us. "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is FREEDOM" ~Thomas Jefferson. Where are we today? Why fear death...it's coming anyway? Why not make THEM fear death!
Seems like historically that "they" will pull some really nasty shit that will galvanize enough of the population that is willing to stand up and fight them no holds barred has to take place. It was a culmination of grievances that caused the colonists to tell King George to sit on a stick. Our list is rapidly becoming longer than the colonists list was.
When did the "unauthorized" citizen militia movement start? Waco. Ruby Ridge and years later with Bundy. If you look at my post about the Oath Keepers you'll notice that a bunch of guys that took their oaths of office seriously stopped THREE maybe even FOUR situations from getting out of hand to the point that bullets flew. They were their in DC for one reason...TO MAKE SURE THAT ANTIFA or any other insane group didn't start loosing it on the crowd. And they were willing to stand with the then Commander In Chief if he had asked for their assistance.
The reason Rhoades had to be put down is that he is a leader that they can't control as opposition. Just read the tenants of the Oath Keepers and you can see why they are a threat to the "powers that be".
So maybe what has been shown is that the militias we have had so far--good, brave Americans that truly have been--are not the seed that will grow. But a different militia seed might.
Yes, the "out sourcing" of protecting the nation followed along the same lines as hiring some mouth piece to defend us in the legal system! They both have resulted in our loss of freedom! Who among us here, can really see that when you give up your responsibilities you also give up your rights? When you give your responsibility to protect your country, you also give up your right to defend yourself! You can't have one without the other.
Personally I think you need to repost this as many times as you can for the next few months, if not years. Keep it on the forefront until more people finally see the light. While it wasn’t this article, you may possibly have authored the one that finally opened my own eyes a few months back. If not you, then another patriot like you.
I’m a somewhat feeble 59 year old woman who probably thinks she’s stronger than my exterior would allow because I’m fierce inside my heart, so if push comes to shove I KNOW I will be among the first to line up and physically defend my local area/neighborhood/city against any threat. I’d probably die the first day not having proper training, but damn my lion roar would be gloriously loud and hopefully inspire more to step up and grow a pair.
I’d love to join and train with a militia. But again I bet my age and aging bones will disqualify me. We need clear guidance for how and where people like me can still be used to support local militias. I’ve been asleep so long I don’t have a clue.
One of the issues I've run into with this post is those that will not read anything but the title and think in one case "So you're one of those idiots that think that to have a gun you have to be in a militia." or worse yet some detractor who claimed I was demented to think that a modern day militia would be able to stand up against an invading army. He doesn't understand that for all intents a MODERN DAY MILITIA was what fought against the Russian AND US Army in Afghanistan and literally chased us out of the country. Understand that a standing army may train CIVILIANS after they join to drive a tank or fly an F16, that if we had a properly formed MILITIA that militia members would and could be trained to drive a tank, or fly an F16 fighter. It really ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE!!! We just wouldn't be running all over the world using up arms and equipment while visiting some foreign country, meeting strange unusual people and killing them. We would be HERE for OUR borders and OUR countries defense. NO ONE would be dumb enough to invade us and EVERYONE would love the fact we weren't blowing up aspirin factories and wedding parties. Want to make enemies? Kill some man's child, or wife or brother or friend and just like that you've created a so called terrorist who in reality is just wanting some JUSTICE for the atrocity they suffered. DUH???
Palm beach county sheriffs have flying cell phone towers called Stingrays. This is the shit the CIA and JSOC used 20 years ago. The patriot act was one of the worst things to happen yo this country. Most of these sheriffs are power hungry anti citizen morons that have no clue about the constitution. And don’t think for a second that they’re on your side.
Militarization of Fire Departments will be coming. The combat tank that fights fires. The modified F-16 for antifire missiles. The refurbished submarine for ship fires if on a river or lake or sea
You have a rare skill and ability to convey this knowledge. Long may it continue and I look forward seeing many more post like these from you and other skilled writers and thinkers alike - many thanks again!
All of this is true. Why should politicians or government officials fear law abiding citizens with weapons? They know that they are not upholding the sworn oath of office. They know that they are corrupt. They know that we know all of this.
We also know they are not prosecuting criminals for using guns while committing crimes.
The only reason that government officials or politicians should fear law abiding citizens is when they start using the system to terrorize the people. When J6 protesters are put in front of us in the media and they show us what they will do even if you come to a protest that for all intents was VERY PEACEFUL compared to the riots where they burned down buildings that went on after the George Floyd incident. When they compare MAGA Trump supporters to extremists and white supremacist's and continue to persecute and harass and ruin their lives using writs of assistance which was one of the grievances of the colonists. When they CHEAT to win elections. When they compare the preferred candidate, Donald Trump, to Hitler and other totalitarian psychopaths throughout history. When they continually ignore the actual law of the land and basically use it for toilet paper. THAT is why they are fearful of armed citizens. Because there is going to be a point where they will have crossed a line and the evils we suffer under will no longer be able to be sufferable and then...and then...THE SHIT HITS THE FAN.
Sad thing for them is thinking they can prevail once they pass that rubicon. That genie won’t go back in the bottle and nobody will be spared. Just like the French Revolution, everybody loses.
From what I read the inquisitors got a little carried away with revenge and convicted some who were guilty but not guilty enough to lose their heads. Of course this is just the version I read and my opinion based on that.
@ Bert Powers: What we really have to do is say, we really don't know because we weren't there. I know that what I think I know I don't know. I have to base my knowing only on personal experience. And even that can be deceptive if one of our five senses read the circumstance incorrectly. I WANT to believe my eyes, but sometimes I have to wonder. And of course what we "believe" may be totally opposite of reality. And of course our opinions can be altered with input that makes more sense to our reason, logic.
Well said and very true. I wish more people felt that way and honestly look for common ground, rather than worrying about who is right and wrong. We had a principle back in my days in management as follows, "It's not who is wrong, it is what's wrong that matters. Then we can fix it."
Damn, I love it when you do this, it makes me feel so PATRIOTIC-- to my COUNTRY, and my CONSTITUTION, not to the traitors in our Central Govt. (Booooo!).
I'm going to post this on my page, too.
And I want to join a militia, too, and I donut CARE if I'm an "old lady"-- I yam Jaan of Arf!
And I am RIGHT NOW in the midst of fighting for the Unalienable Rights of my parents... A post on that is forthcoming.
We won't be expected at our age to actually join the militia, however, we can help support younger folks who are possibly short on funds for say a rifle. Because the militia was ALWAYS armed with their personal weapons and if there was something special they wanted, like a cannon, they would pool their resources to get one. PLUS we can get training on the side to make up for the fact of our age and incapacities. I can't run like I used to or jump like I used to but I can outshoot most folks.
Maybe I can get a dog gang together... We dooooo have sharp teef!
I'm trying to rescue my Mom Dog from a horrible sibling dog... Hoping he'll do something to me so I can get in front of a judge... Freakin' psycho rat dog muffo! He is far, far worse than FLEAS.
They don't even have money. They do have control over what they force us to use though their fiat legislation which is one of the two major problems. If you haven't read it yet...There is a REASON They Don't Listen to Us Anymore explains it all. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen
I donut rememble if I read that or not... I'll check it out later on. But if you're talking about the Fed and all the Fed Fuckery, yeah, yeah, I get that.
I pulled out the following quotes as examples of information that needs to be known from here. (IMO)
"Well regulated , meaning to run smooth, be disciplined , well supplied."
"..when called into Federal service, the National Guard would be considered Federal troops. So can we quit calling the National Gu2ard the militia?"
" The US Constitution does not give us any rights, and that includes the 2nd Amendment. Rather, it affirms rights that already existed"
"Note the time frame for the appropriation of funds for an Army. TWO YEARS."
-it's weird how we have had sone emergency or war ever 2 years for EVERY 2 years That I have been alive.-
"Obviously all living and breathing people have a right to their lives and thus a corresponding right to defend that life by WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY."
"He who attempts to get another man into his absolute power does thereby put himself into a state of war with him..."
-this John Locke quote is so great is so many ways, the whole thing-
And of course the most important quote.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Seriously well done! This article was thought provoking and comprehensive. Now to dig through my books to see if I have anything by John Locke. Thanks for the new side track.
(Sorry for the edits, my phone kept deleting my comment as I was trying to build it)
Thanks for bringing my attention to this fascinating, thoroughly educational and thought provoking article.
When I learn about injustices like these, I always marvel how these crimes were pulled off? If we don’t learn from history, how can we spot the methods employed to deceive, control and enslaved us?
Their methods don’t change but they continue to refine them...
Some of the methods employed by our would be captors, leading to the acceptance of the status quo:
- Removal of the study of civics;
- state sponsored indoctrination institutions (schools) leading to a conditioned and conforming populace incapable of critical thinking;
- mind control by 3 letter federal agencies, the military industrial complex and Hollywood;
- occulting knowledge of our divinity that we are magnificent beings of light capable of creating and shaping our reality due;
- control and design of the economy and instruments like usury and the “federal reserve”;
" state sponsored indoctrination institutions (schools) leading to a conditioned and conforming populace incapable of critical thinking;" When you look at "Communism AMERICA Style, you'll see why this was so important to the communist agenda.
The first 13 words is a nice revelation to learn about. And I believe if we had militias in place in every state, things WOULD be more peaceful. I'm HUGE on peace, and a world where the fighting STOPS. Thanks for showing us an alternative to the Cabal run world we were born into. But how do we get our lost millennials to realize their responsibility for being a part of keeping our country free, and joining a militia to ensure we stay free??
I believe that we have to work on the county level to teach the SHERIFF his responsibility to form a sheriff posse. The Sheriff Posse is the county level of the militia. If ONE red state sheriff were to do so, I'm convinced that many more would follow suit if the publicity is enough The next alternative would be to get a red state GOVERNOR to get behind a state militia patterned after the Swiss version that the founding fathers were familiar with. The mini doc at the bottom shows very well what the Swiss are doing to this day. We need something similar. The doc's creator is off base with his conclusion because he believes being able to form a militia is the only reason to be armed. Where in reality being armed would have to be first and foremost because you can't have a militia WITHOUT the right to bear arms. Other than his first time handling of ANY firearm was in Switzerland. Hard to believe that he wants credence placed on the conclusions he comes to. Just reading the comments you can tell that most everyone isn't too happy with those.
Problem here is the federal government thinks they own the militia. That scares most people because why the fuck would they want to be in Afghanistan or Iraq?
We need to work on the use of words. The "federal government" doesn't think anything. This may seem like nit picking, but it really isn't. What we have are CONTROL FREAK people administering government that think they own the militia. They can "think" what they want. We are the Militia. They don't own it. They just infringed on it back in the early 1900's by doing away with it's existence in the "constitutional" sense.
Well, that’s why the US is in a state of perpetual war globally and has military bases… 900 of them. As long as they’re in a state of war, those two years maximum can be ignored.
So use a term pet petrol war as a catch all… The US has been engaged, military operations, which is a another way of saying entering wars without congressional approval. I think the last one was World War II.
Thanks so much for posting this in my thread. Excellent piece. I debate this with my congressmen all the time. I’m a retired army infantryman and pilot. This whole idea in the last decade of “you need an F-16 not a M-16”. Horse shit, tell that to the thousands of dead American troops from Vietnam to west Asia in Iraq and Afghan. If anything that logic should conclude with rewriting the National Firearms Act and taking the restrictions off. Long rifles are no where near the top of the list of tools that people use to kill, yet the Feds are pulling out all the stops to ban them. Peel that onion back and ask yourself why.
If reading about a thousand zombie novels has taught me anything, it has taught me that after a genuine apocalyptic catastrophe
--EMP, super-volcano, asteroid, plague with high infection and mortality rate, sabotage of the electric grid, you name it--
the one best thing that America could have going for us would be a well-regulated and armed civilian militia, manned by steadfast and right-believing Americans.
Why not? Let the posturing idiots in Washington keep up their political theater and revolting, depraved lifestyles.
The militia would not have the intention of taking control of the government. It would be an association of people preparing go depend on each other instead of on the government. Which has certainly proved that we cannot depend on it to do the right things in an emergency.
For example, the first steps of the militia would not be to arm the members with guns, but with communications. Sat phones, EMP hardened radios, and so on. The militia would only need its guns to gun down the flood of leftists from the "blue" cities, coming to steal the provisions of the productive, rightist militia members.
Or to gun down the flood of government enforcers that may be sent to disarm them. We can call the groups we start on the private level, "neighborhood defense leagues" thus leaving behind the stigma that has been attached by the purveyors of lies for the word "Militia". AND we can work as hard as we can to get this kind of research out to as many friends and relatives as possible. TO WAKE THEM UP! The word militia should only be looked at in a positive light, not in a negative one, at all!
Very good ideas. I like ""neighborhood defense leagues". No centralized control. A decentralized network of groups of people planning to depend on each other in the case of any extreme disruptions of society.
("Or to gun down the flood of government enforcers that may be sent to disarm them." We could hope that the government forces would have their hands full trying to keep control of the cities. And, in fact, the lessons we learned about what FEMA and the rest of the government are really able to do is that they are incompetent. Keystone Kops.)
These people are clever, if nothing else. They will try to find a way to disarm us all and, like the sheeple we became during the covid, many will be fooled into compliance. Let's hope sufficient numbers of us are not.
I'm convinced that the reason this post doesn't get more loves and comments is because it shows the out right violation of the standing army provisions. Too many people have been brain washed into thinking the standing army is a good thing while our founding fathers thought exactly the opposite.
It also shows that the political warfare against citizens, espcly those engaged in militias has been effective in driving support underground.
My post called "The Oath Keepers Are Seditious? HUH?" deals with that topic. How can someone who swears to uphold and defend the US Constitution be "anti government' snice the GOVERNMENT of the US IS the Constitution?
I came in here on a quickie to say I don't hold with standing armies but it seems like you got the territory covered. It's frankly risky to hang around in here as I'm sure I'm on a gray list for just showing interest. So I'll leave a note for my handlers in Langley: just cuz I don't believe in your standing army, Virginia, doesn't mean...well, you already know what it doesn't mean. I'm keeping my nice little articles to Thursdays only and to health topics.
Wish I could say more, Lion. --david
You have to ask yourself...which is more valuable? Life or freedom? Without freedom what is life? Being a slave to anyone is not what we should be. What keeps us from being able to face the reality? FEAR. Fear of DEATH. Which is how "they" control us. "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people there is FREEDOM" ~Thomas Jefferson. Where are we today? Why fear death...it's coming anyway? Why not make THEM fear death!
I never had a government, nor any master, but yeah, excellent about moving beyond fear.
True. But underground is where seeds start to grow. Maybe the right seed just hasn't been planted yet.
Seems like historically that "they" will pull some really nasty shit that will galvanize enough of the population that is willing to stand up and fight them no holds barred has to take place. It was a culmination of grievances that caused the colonists to tell King George to sit on a stick. Our list is rapidly becoming longer than the colonists list was.
When did the "unauthorized" citizen militia movement start? Waco. Ruby Ridge and years later with Bundy. If you look at my post about the Oath Keepers you'll notice that a bunch of guys that took their oaths of office seriously stopped THREE maybe even FOUR situations from getting out of hand to the point that bullets flew. They were their in DC for one reason...TO MAKE SURE THAT ANTIFA or any other insane group didn't start loosing it on the crowd. And they were willing to stand with the then Commander In Chief if he had asked for their assistance.
The reason Rhoades had to be put down is that he is a leader that they can't control as opposition. Just read the tenants of the Oath Keepers and you can see why they are a threat to the "powers that be".
So maybe what has been shown is that the militias we have had so far--good, brave Americans that truly have been--are not the seed that will grow. But a different militia seed might.
Yes, the "out sourcing" of protecting the nation followed along the same lines as hiring some mouth piece to defend us in the legal system! They both have resulted in our loss of freedom! Who among us here, can really see that when you give up your responsibilities you also give up your rights? When you give your responsibility to protect your country, you also give up your right to defend yourself! You can't have one without the other.
As usual, your points make sense.
Personally I think you need to repost this as many times as you can for the next few months, if not years. Keep it on the forefront until more people finally see the light. While it wasn’t this article, you may possibly have authored the one that finally opened my own eyes a few months back. If not you, then another patriot like you.
I’m a somewhat feeble 59 year old woman who probably thinks she’s stronger than my exterior would allow because I’m fierce inside my heart, so if push comes to shove I KNOW I will be among the first to line up and physically defend my local area/neighborhood/city against any threat. I’d probably die the first day not having proper training, but damn my lion roar would be gloriously loud and hopefully inspire more to step up and grow a pair.
I’d love to join and train with a militia. But again I bet my age and aging bones will disqualify me. We need clear guidance for how and where people like me can still be used to support local militias. I’ve been asleep so long I don’t have a clue.
One of the issues I've run into with this post is those that will not read anything but the title and think in one case "So you're one of those idiots that think that to have a gun you have to be in a militia." or worse yet some detractor who claimed I was demented to think that a modern day militia would be able to stand up against an invading army. He doesn't understand that for all intents a MODERN DAY MILITIA was what fought against the Russian AND US Army in Afghanistan and literally chased us out of the country. Understand that a standing army may train CIVILIANS after they join to drive a tank or fly an F16, that if we had a properly formed MILITIA that militia members would and could be trained to drive a tank, or fly an F16 fighter. It really ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE!!! We just wouldn't be running all over the world using up arms and equipment while visiting some foreign country, meeting strange unusual people and killing them. We would be HERE for OUR borders and OUR countries defense. NO ONE would be dumb enough to invade us and EVERYONE would love the fact we weren't blowing up aspirin factories and wedding parties. Want to make enemies? Kill some man's child, or wife or brother or friend and just like that you've created a so called terrorist who in reality is just wanting some JUSTICE for the atrocity they suffered. DUH???
The arming of Federal agencies is a standing army also.
Many local police departments fit the definition also. There should be no need for them with a county Sheriff.
Palm beach county sheriffs have flying cell phone towers called Stingrays. This is the shit the CIA and JSOC used 20 years ago. The patriot act was one of the worst things to happen yo this country. Most of these sheriffs are power hungry anti citizen morons that have no clue about the constitution. And don’t think for a second that they’re on your side.
Militarization of Fire Departments will be coming. The combat tank that fights fires. The modified F-16 for antifire missiles. The refurbished submarine for ship fires if on a river or lake or sea
Nothing would surprise me these days.
Satire has been becoming reality the last few years so this is probably true.
Including the IRS. Scary. Tax man with guns. Not what we fought for.
The 2A hits some people at the gut level, and others just don’t see it. Funny.
Funny, in a sad way.
You have a rare skill and ability to convey this knowledge. Long may it continue and I look forward seeing many more post like these from you and other skilled writers and thinkers alike - many thanks again!
All of this is true. Why should politicians or government officials fear law abiding citizens with weapons? They know that they are not upholding the sworn oath of office. They know that they are corrupt. They know that we know all of this.
We also know they are not prosecuting criminals for using guns while committing crimes.
The only reason that government officials or politicians should fear law abiding citizens is when they start using the system to terrorize the people. When J6 protesters are put in front of us in the media and they show us what they will do even if you come to a protest that for all intents was VERY PEACEFUL compared to the riots where they burned down buildings that went on after the George Floyd incident. When they compare MAGA Trump supporters to extremists and white supremacist's and continue to persecute and harass and ruin their lives using writs of assistance which was one of the grievances of the colonists. When they CHEAT to win elections. When they compare the preferred candidate, Donald Trump, to Hitler and other totalitarian psychopaths throughout history. When they continually ignore the actual law of the land and basically use it for toilet paper. THAT is why they are fearful of armed citizens. Because there is going to be a point where they will have crossed a line and the evils we suffer under will no longer be able to be sufferable and then...and then...THE SHIT HITS THE FAN.
Sad thing for them is thinking they can prevail once they pass that rubicon. That genie won’t go back in the bottle and nobody will be spared. Just like the French Revolution, everybody loses.
The common man didn't lose because of the French Revolution.
From what I read the inquisitors got a little carried away with revenge and convicted some who were guilty but not guilty enough to lose their heads. Of course this is just the version I read and my opinion based on that.
@ Bert Powers: What we really have to do is say, we really don't know because we weren't there. I know that what I think I know I don't know. I have to base my knowing only on personal experience. And even that can be deceptive if one of our five senses read the circumstance incorrectly. I WANT to believe my eyes, but sometimes I have to wonder. And of course what we "believe" may be totally opposite of reality. And of course our opinions can be altered with input that makes more sense to our reason, logic.
Well said and very true. I wish more people felt that way and honestly look for common ground, rather than worrying about who is right and wrong. We had a principle back in my days in management as follows, "It's not who is wrong, it is what's wrong that matters. Then we can fix it."
Excellent, wonderful post, Lion!!!
Damn, I love it when you do this, it makes me feel so PATRIOTIC-- to my COUNTRY, and my CONSTITUTION, not to the traitors in our Central Govt. (Booooo!).
I'm going to post this on my page, too.
And I want to join a militia, too, and I donut CARE if I'm an "old lady"-- I yam Jaan of Arf!
And I am RIGHT NOW in the midst of fighting for the Unalienable Rights of my parents... A post on that is forthcoming.
WELL DONE, LION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We won't be expected at our age to actually join the militia, however, we can help support younger folks who are possibly short on funds for say a rifle. Because the militia was ALWAYS armed with their personal weapons and if there was something special they wanted, like a cannon, they would pool their resources to get one. PLUS we can get training on the side to make up for the fact of our age and incapacities. I can't run like I used to or jump like I used to but I can outshoot most folks.
I donut have money, but I can chew some bootox-- And maybe bark a lot. And I cook! lol But I DO wish I had a bang stick of my own.
You don't have any bang sticks at all? You poor pup! As for not having money? WHO DOES?
NObunny got money except them Nasties!
Maybe I can get a dog gang together... We dooooo have sharp teef!
I'm trying to rescue my Mom Dog from a horrible sibling dog... Hoping he'll do something to me so I can get in front of a judge... Freakin' psycho rat dog muffo! He is far, far worse than FLEAS.
They don't even have money. They do have control over what they force us to use though their fiat legislation which is one of the two major problems. If you haven't read it yet...There is a REASON They Don't Listen to Us Anymore explains it all. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen
I donut rememble if I read that or not... I'll check it out later on. But if you're talking about the Fed and all the Fed Fuckery, yeah, yeah, I get that.
I pulled out the following quotes as examples of information that needs to be known from here. (IMO)
"Well regulated , meaning to run smooth, be disciplined , well supplied."
"..when called into Federal service, the National Guard would be considered Federal troops. So can we quit calling the National Gu2ard the militia?"
" The US Constitution does not give us any rights, and that includes the 2nd Amendment. Rather, it affirms rights that already existed"
"Note the time frame for the appropriation of funds for an Army. TWO YEARS."
-it's weird how we have had sone emergency or war ever 2 years for EVERY 2 years That I have been alive.-
"Obviously all living and breathing people have a right to their lives and thus a corresponding right to defend that life by WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY."
"He who attempts to get another man into his absolute power does thereby put himself into a state of war with him..."
-this John Locke quote is so great is so many ways, the whole thing-
And of course the most important quote.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Seriously well done! This article was thought provoking and comprehensive. Now to dig through my books to see if I have anything by John Locke. Thanks for the new side track.
(Sorry for the edits, my phone kept deleting my comment as I was trying to build it)
Thanks for bringing my attention to this fascinating, thoroughly educational and thought provoking article.
When I learn about injustices like these, I always marvel how these crimes were pulled off? If we don’t learn from history, how can we spot the methods employed to deceive, control and enslaved us?
Their methods don’t change but they continue to refine them...
Some of the methods employed by our would be captors, leading to the acceptance of the status quo:
- Removal of the study of civics;
- state sponsored indoctrination institutions (schools) leading to a conditioned and conforming populace incapable of critical thinking;
- mind control by 3 letter federal agencies, the military industrial complex and Hollywood;
- occulting knowledge of our divinity that we are magnificent beings of light capable of creating and shaping our reality due;
- control and design of the economy and instruments like usury and the “federal reserve”;
- occulting knowledge of a spiritual war etc.
Thanks again! 🙏
Thank you for the encouraging response! I love knowing I'm helping my fellow man uncloud his thinking capacity.
" state sponsored indoctrination institutions (schools) leading to a conditioned and conforming populace incapable of critical thinking;" When you look at "Communism AMERICA Style, you'll see why this was so important to the communist agenda.
The first 13 words is a nice revelation to learn about. And I believe if we had militias in place in every state, things WOULD be more peaceful. I'm HUGE on peace, and a world where the fighting STOPS. Thanks for showing us an alternative to the Cabal run world we were born into. But how do we get our lost millennials to realize their responsibility for being a part of keeping our country free, and joining a militia to ensure we stay free??
I believe that we have to work on the county level to teach the SHERIFF his responsibility to form a sheriff posse. The Sheriff Posse is the county level of the militia. If ONE red state sheriff were to do so, I'm convinced that many more would follow suit if the publicity is enough The next alternative would be to get a red state GOVERNOR to get behind a state militia patterned after the Swiss version that the founding fathers were familiar with. The mini doc at the bottom shows very well what the Swiss are doing to this day. We need something similar. The doc's creator is off base with his conclusion because he believes being able to form a militia is the only reason to be armed. Where in reality being armed would have to be first and foremost because you can't have a militia WITHOUT the right to bear arms. Other than his first time handling of ANY firearm was in Switzerland. Hard to believe that he wants credence placed on the conclusions he comes to. Just reading the comments you can tell that most everyone isn't too happy with those.
I agree!
Problem here is the federal government thinks they own the militia. That scares most people because why the fuck would they want to be in Afghanistan or Iraq?
We need to work on the use of words. The "federal government" doesn't think anything. This may seem like nit picking, but it really isn't. What we have are CONTROL FREAK people administering government that think they own the militia. They can "think" what they want. We are the Militia. They don't own it. They just infringed on it back in the early 1900's by doing away with it's existence in the "constitutional" sense.
—- AAAAA aaaa M E N
..!!!!!!!!!!! ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Well, that’s why the US is in a state of perpetual war globally and has military bases… 900 of them. As long as they’re in a state of war, those two years maximum can be ignored.
When was a war declared by Congress? So it is being used ILLEGALLY.
So use a term pet petrol war as a catch all… The US has been engaged, military operations, which is a another way of saying entering wars without congressional approval. I think the last one was World War II.
And OBVIOUSLY that is in direct opposition to the Founders intent. I’m looking for this
Elected Sheriff leads posse:
Thanks so much for posting this in my thread. Excellent piece. I debate this with my congressmen all the time. I’m a retired army infantryman and pilot. This whole idea in the last decade of “you need an F-16 not a M-16”. Horse shit, tell that to the thousands of dead American troops from Vietnam to west Asia in Iraq and Afghan. If anything that logic should conclude with rewriting the National Firearms Act and taking the restrictions off. Long rifles are no where near the top of the list of tools that people use to kill, yet the Feds are pulling out all the stops to ban them. Peel that onion back and ask yourself why.
If reading about a thousand zombie novels has taught me anything, it has taught me that after a genuine apocalyptic catastrophe
--EMP, super-volcano, asteroid, plague with high infection and mortality rate, sabotage of the electric grid, you name it--
the one best thing that America could have going for us would be a well-regulated and armed civilian militia, manned by steadfast and right-believing Americans.
But, but, but then the PSYCHOPATHIC CONTROL FREAK PARASITES couldn't control the people!
Why not? Let the posturing idiots in Washington keep up their political theater and revolting, depraved lifestyles.
The militia would not have the intention of taking control of the government. It would be an association of people preparing go depend on each other instead of on the government. Which has certainly proved that we cannot depend on it to do the right things in an emergency.
For example, the first steps of the militia would not be to arm the members with guns, but with communications. Sat phones, EMP hardened radios, and so on. The militia would only need its guns to gun down the flood of leftists from the "blue" cities, coming to steal the provisions of the productive, rightist militia members.
Or to gun down the flood of government enforcers that may be sent to disarm them. We can call the groups we start on the private level, "neighborhood defense leagues" thus leaving behind the stigma that has been attached by the purveyors of lies for the word "Militia". AND we can work as hard as we can to get this kind of research out to as many friends and relatives as possible. TO WAKE THEM UP! The word militia should only be looked at in a positive light, not in a negative one, at all!
Very good ideas. I like ""neighborhood defense leagues". No centralized control. A decentralized network of groups of people planning to depend on each other in the case of any extreme disruptions of society.
("Or to gun down the flood of government enforcers that may be sent to disarm them." We could hope that the government forces would have their hands full trying to keep control of the cities. And, in fact, the lessons we learned about what FEMA and the rest of the government are really able to do is that they are incompetent. Keystone Kops.)
These people are clever, if nothing else. They will try to find a way to disarm us all and, like the sheeple we became during the covid, many will be fooled into compliance. Let's hope sufficient numbers of us are not.