Because they are insane. Only crazy people with all the power are ruining our country. I’ve stopped saying “can’t get any worse” because the next news cycle is more insane than the day before. I believe in prayer and Gods will be done. I think there are lessons to be learned, but if Harris cheats her way into the oval, then I pray for God to help us all.
You did a great job and we may have a civil war brewing. I pray for peace and justice. Are we in the last days? Only He knows. Times to step up and get involved in our local elections and stop them from stealing it again. Pray and then pray harder.
Well said Courageous Lion - the "Land of the fee and the home of the slave."
EXACTLY. Here's another Constitutional property violation well worth taking a look at - which Wikipedia conveniently has a page on - the almost UNKNOWN 1951 Inventions SECRECY Act - which means the Federal Government of the USA SCREENS all patent applications and any Federal Agency can call for the patent application to be CLASSIFIED and there is ZERO recourse to the inventors, all in the name of "National Security" - which is code for "Protecting the financial interests of American oligarchs and the International Money Cartel who are the true slave masters." It is even detailed that the Inventions Secrecy Act's purpose is to "stop disruptions to any existing industries" and that any patents seized can be used by the "military industry."
This is where all the United States SECRET WEAPONS are source - the government STEALS the technology, then farms it out to the Military Industrial Complex and tells the property owners to sod off while giving billions to private contractors!!!!!!
Yes-all the increased energy patents get immediately flagged, some of them have no doubt been classified, sometimes they try and buy the inventors off, and if the inventor insists on going ahead then they often end up as a 'died suddenly' case.
I personally have a pet hatred of patents, as I believe it violates a fundamental principle of the right to copy everything and they create monopolies, and perhaps the only exception that could be made being the words we use.
But I have an even greater hatred of governments that steal property rights and then use them by handing them over to monopolistic monstrous military multinationals, and use them to create weapons to use against mankind!!!!!!!!
The problem is we gave them vast power over us via our laws. They may be small, but those laws can hurt us and swiftly. Changing the laws takes decades and it’s never timely to help an individual in any given moment.
If you don’t pay what they want they can move so fast to garnish your wages. So you can’t not pay.
If they don’t like your deductions, even when they are perfectly legitimate and in line with the tax laws they wrote (like deducting special education under medical,) they can withhold your entire refund and take away ALL your deductions for several years until you jump through impossible hoops for them. (This happened to us and they hijacked $12,000 that rightfully belonged to us under their own tax code, and we were never able to get it back.) But to prove our innocence it cost us almost just as much money as what they hijacked for a tax attorney to represent us and prove they broke their own laws. They have all the power because they have our money and it’s up to us to prove the money is rightfully ours. We went through this for 5 years between 2013 and 2018 and lost the $12,000 plus another $7800 in attorney fees because of their illegal actions. We ran out of money to continue paying the attorney so couldn’t continue the fight. ($300-$475/hour adds up FAST, and most of what you pay them is paying them just to read your emails or evidence, not actually fight for you.) We have no assets but an old car and a house. Nothing else. Yet we were somehow juicy targets, criminals for expecting help with the exorbitant expenses involved in raising three children with severe medical conditions and disabilities. We never lied either. We never defrauded. Those were their actions.
What else could we have done? All those dots won’t rally behind us. And one dot alone is squashed under the laws. The “laws” are so convoluted in how to defend yourself against an IRS audit and you are deemed guilty until proven innocent. And if you get an auditor with a chip on their shoulder who doesn’t like the tax code as written, they can waste time and money while you fight them. Only those with real assets and money can afford to fight back and win.
We can’t do anything unless the laws change. Period. And those never change.
OK, I didn’t finish your comment, but we didn’t give them anything to our representatives that resembled this nonsense, they acquiesced to Hydra deep state whatever you call it
I’m still amazed how many still believe in voting or the Government. Until the people come together and realize they are sovereign beings and no man has rule over him, will we begin to live free. The only Laws over us is natural law. Not some paper a bunch of men wrote to also enslave us. The brainwashing is deep. Those who put their faith in Trump because he will save us are fools. We are the only ones who can save ourselves by waking up to the facts, Government has no power over us, it’s only the belief in Government that does.
The Declaration of Independence states that when a government becomes destructive, the people have the right to alter or abolish it and establish a new one. The Declaration also states that governments are instituted by the consent of the governed and derive their just powers from that consent.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes DUTY.
They will never quit on their own.
They must be stopped and held accountable for their transgressions against us.
Problem is most people, about 90 procent of them I guess, think their government helps them to lead the best life possible, saves them trouble, and they even think their governments are saving their lives.
As long as most people are able to keep on thinking this way, without loosing comfort, they will.
Because they don't care and/or can't care about anything but their own comfort, which is food and play.
Like it always has been. Most people aren't very alive and they don't want to either.
That is our real problem: we do care, and most other people don't and so most other people choose or accept leaders that are bad for us. Everywhere. It is not just governments.
I know you say that about being “God’s amendment” but I’d like more of an understanding of what you mean. And the 10th was supposed to make it CLEAR to the FEDS that the states and the people were left with what wasn’t taken by the Constitution. We live in interesting times to say the least.
It's the only amendment other than the 9th that represents all rights without a number... the foundation is where your feet stand and the heavens where God stands, its an infinite number meaning our rights are infinite and not just the first 8... the 10th was written as a reminder to the states and the 9th to which is quite simular is to the 10th for the individual. They were put in specifically to remind the federal government that they only get what we authorized them... the 10th effectively can shut down federal mandates, federal indoctrination, corrupt court systems, the 10th & 9th represents complete freewill
Oh I had a beautiful affair with the 2nd and will hold it dearly but I married the 10th and she's the rule maker... the 2nd is the firey red head that fixes shit if they dont follow the 10th... my mistress ❤️
Well then get the fiery red head ready because they haven’t been following ANY of the bill of rights or the Constitution for YEARS. They have been following the Communist Manifesto though.
Just wait until they install Kamala as President. All pretense will have been abandoned at that point.
I'm surprised so many people still harbor ideas that the last "election" was anything other than a coup.
Because they are insane. Only crazy people with all the power are ruining our country. I’ve stopped saying “can’t get any worse” because the next news cycle is more insane than the day before. I believe in prayer and Gods will be done. I think there are lessons to be learned, but if Harris cheats her way into the oval, then I pray for God to help us all.
You did a great job and we may have a civil war brewing. I pray for peace and justice. Are we in the last days? Only He knows. Times to step up and get involved in our local elections and stop them from stealing it again. Pray and then pray harder.
Well said Courageous Lion - the "Land of the fee and the home of the slave."
EXACTLY. Here's another Constitutional property violation well worth taking a look at - which Wikipedia conveniently has a page on - the almost UNKNOWN 1951 Inventions SECRECY Act - which means the Federal Government of the USA SCREENS all patent applications and any Federal Agency can call for the patent application to be CLASSIFIED and there is ZERO recourse to the inventors, all in the name of "National Security" - which is code for "Protecting the financial interests of American oligarchs and the International Money Cartel who are the true slave masters." It is even detailed that the Inventions Secrecy Act's purpose is to "stop disruptions to any existing industries" and that any patents seized can be used by the "military industry."
This is where all the United States SECRET WEAPONS are source - the government STEALS the technology, then farms it out to the Military Industrial Complex and tells the property owners to sod off while giving billions to private contractors!!!!!!
Another major TYRANNY - and source of great Evil.
So that is what is happening to free energy patent applications. I’m going to look into that one!
Yes-all the increased energy patents get immediately flagged, some of them have no doubt been classified, sometimes they try and buy the inventors off, and if the inventor insists on going ahead then they often end up as a 'died suddenly' case.
I personally have a pet hatred of patents, as I believe it violates a fundamental principle of the right to copy everything and they create monopolies, and perhaps the only exception that could be made being the words we use.
But I have an even greater hatred of governments that steal property rights and then use them by handing them over to monopolistic monstrous military multinationals, and use them to create weapons to use against mankind!!!!!!!!
The problem is we gave them vast power over us via our laws. They may be small, but those laws can hurt us and swiftly. Changing the laws takes decades and it’s never timely to help an individual in any given moment.
If you don’t pay what they want they can move so fast to garnish your wages. So you can’t not pay.
If they don’t like your deductions, even when they are perfectly legitimate and in line with the tax laws they wrote (like deducting special education under medical,) they can withhold your entire refund and take away ALL your deductions for several years until you jump through impossible hoops for them. (This happened to us and they hijacked $12,000 that rightfully belonged to us under their own tax code, and we were never able to get it back.) But to prove our innocence it cost us almost just as much money as what they hijacked for a tax attorney to represent us and prove they broke their own laws. They have all the power because they have our money and it’s up to us to prove the money is rightfully ours. We went through this for 5 years between 2013 and 2018 and lost the $12,000 plus another $7800 in attorney fees because of their illegal actions. We ran out of money to continue paying the attorney so couldn’t continue the fight. ($300-$475/hour adds up FAST, and most of what you pay them is paying them just to read your emails or evidence, not actually fight for you.) We have no assets but an old car and a house. Nothing else. Yet we were somehow juicy targets, criminals for expecting help with the exorbitant expenses involved in raising three children with severe medical conditions and disabilities. We never lied either. We never defrauded. Those were their actions.
What else could we have done? All those dots won’t rally behind us. And one dot alone is squashed under the laws. The “laws” are so convoluted in how to defend yourself against an IRS audit and you are deemed guilty until proven innocent. And if you get an auditor with a chip on their shoulder who doesn’t like the tax code as written, they can waste time and money while you fight them. Only those with real assets and money can afford to fight back and win.
We can’t do anything unless the laws change. Period. And those never change.
What a sad story showing how sick and disgusting the system is.
It is such a sad story I live near Tibet looking down the pond, a village on Sunset and they have this really good weed you can smoke legally
OK, I didn’t finish your comment, but we didn’t give them anything to our representatives that resembled this nonsense, they acquiesced to Hydra deep state whatever you call it
Correct 100 procent! Of course we did not!
Great damn stack😃👍🏽geez
I’m still amazed how many still believe in voting or the Government. Until the people come together and realize they are sovereign beings and no man has rule over him, will we begin to live free. The only Laws over us is natural law. Not some paper a bunch of men wrote to also enslave us. The brainwashing is deep. Those who put their faith in Trump because he will save us are fools. We are the only ones who can save ourselves by waking up to the facts, Government has no power over us, it’s only the belief in Government that does.
Great comment! Larken Rose’s “The Most Dangerous Superstition” is a great one to read.
The problem with the gang is that if we DON’T band together they got all the guns as Ron Paul has stated.
If we ban together we way outgun them. Ever watch Larken’s The Tiny Dot? If not, here is a link…
100% AGREE
Dems are definitely playing on the Despot Team.
Well said.
Police state which sounds like Tierney to me I love your matter of fact examples well put thanks.
Jean Tierney?
They describe her life as a tragic story, I know differently such a beautiful woman
Thank-you. I started with Gene, then thought it was wrong. 😒
Enemies foreign and domestic are closing the noose.
Absolutely no question.
Hell, they tried to kill us, and have put poison in loved ones
They try and try (in horrible ways) to get our guns.
Yet military is arming "our" police forces beyond belief
FBI- WE shouldn't have these federal terror agencies.
Dr. Judy Wood - Where did the towers go... 911 . Alex Jones and James corbett, controlled opp
Please keep your guns!
I am afraid you guys shall have to save 'the west' ....because in Europe (y)our tirans already disarmed us decades ago...
There is only ONE solution.
It is not the soapbox.
It is not the ballot box.
It is not the jury box.
The Declaration of Independence states that when a government becomes destructive, the people have the right to alter or abolish it and establish a new one. The Declaration also states that governments are instituted by the consent of the governed and derive their just powers from that consent.
When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes DUTY.
They will never quit on their own.
They must be stopped and held accountable for their transgressions against us.
Problem is most people, about 90 procent of them I guess, think their government helps them to lead the best life possible, saves them trouble, and they even think their governments are saving their lives.
As long as most people are able to keep on thinking this way, without loosing comfort, they will.
Because they don't care and/or can't care about anything but their own comfort, which is food and play.
Like it always has been. Most people aren't very alive and they don't want to either.
That is our real problem: we do care, and most other people don't and so most other people choose or accept leaders that are bad for us. Everywhere. It is not just governments.
10th amendment is a necessity not a tool of divisiveness... it's God's amendment
I know you say that about being “God’s amendment” but I’d like more of an understanding of what you mean. And the 10th was supposed to make it CLEAR to the FEDS that the states and the people were left with what wasn’t taken by the Constitution. We live in interesting times to say the least.
This is coming to a head.
The Cult is on a tightrope, and isn't as safe as it thinks
It's the only amendment other than the 9th that represents all rights without a number... the foundation is where your feet stand and the heavens where God stands, its an infinite number meaning our rights are infinite and not just the first 8... the 10th was written as a reminder to the states and the 9th to which is quite simular is to the 10th for the individual. They were put in specifically to remind the federal government that they only get what we authorized them... the 10th effectively can shut down federal mandates, federal indoctrination, corrupt court systems, the 10th & 9th represents complete freewill
Wellllll…the 10th without the TEETH of the first 13 words of the 2nd is what they typically make of the rest of the bill of rights. A bad joke.
Oh I had a beautiful affair with the 2nd and will hold it dearly but I married the 10th and she's the rule maker... the 2nd is the firey red head that fixes shit if they dont follow the 10th... my mistress ❤️
Well then get the fiery red head ready because they haven’t been following ANY of the bill of rights or the Constitution for YEARS. They have been following the Communist Manifesto though.
I'm ready... 😉
Subsidiarity is Catholic teaching. Of course, commies controlling Vatican urge one world satanic gvt
Me in a nut shell! Free for ever✨
I'm pretty scared
You are not alone
I find out they are coming and I'm going to start running towards them.