The war on drugs has been nothing but a cash boon to the government. Gold is a finite resource but cocaine can be grown over and over again, current price for an ounce of gold is around 2k, ounce of cocaine is most likely going for the same price. With the government controlling the black market they also control the price, want the price to go up you magically bust some major players and remove product from the market. If you want to remove "deplorables" from the world you first get them hooked on oxy and then flood the market with fentanyl after cracking down on legal ways to get opiates. Also, a book written by Alfred McCoy, titled The Politics of Heroin, goes into great detail on how every major empire, British, French, and now the land of the free, has used opium/heroin to finance their imperial adventures. The war on drugs has zero to do with helping anyone, it's all about power, control, and greed.

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The Chinese are still recuperating from the opium wars that the British unleashed on them decades ago. Your statement is absolutely true. Think of the Iran Contra scandal. Think of Air America. Think of Mena Arkansas...the list of CIA and black ops using drugs to get financed is endless.

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I truly think that the fentanyl crisis in the US is payback from China for the Opium Wars, China does not forget being subject to that type of humiliation and knows how to play the long game. Why else would they allow all the manufacturing, and export, of such a deadly chemical?

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Actually I think that some Chinese are simply taking advantage of the stupidity of people that are willing to pay the money to have the drugs to use. If people are that stupid to use the crap and overdose, I'll step over their dead body and figure that is one less idiot that can pollute the gene pool.

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And where's the same for the fuckin' PATRIOT ACT, dammit!!!!!!!!!!

NULL AND VOID ON ITS FACE, brother Lion man!

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A hell of of a lot of money has been spent on the war against drugs when our own government is bringing it in and taking kickbacks to get it.

Now this is something that pisses me off. The DEA has decreased the amount of opioid pain medication for people that use it for chronic pain condition. the hospitals are having shortages on chemotherapy products people. Tucker ran a clip on Fox News about this I thought he was really reaching but I have experienced it myself. I fell from a second story window back in 87 and actually fractured my spine and my low back is a mess, but I pay good money to see a pain management specialist. I get a 28 day supply. I see her on the 29th day and I have to call the three pharmacists in my town to see if they have it, and if they don’t then I’m SOL. And I’m not the only one people there are hundreds of thousands of Americans finding themselves in this dilemma. It’s unbelievable to me. I live in Oregon for crying out loud. it’s been decriminalized heroin has, all hard substances have and mushrooms are now legal to purchase and my rural eastern Oregon community. Yet our government is micromanaging our meds. Maybe they want us to turn to the streets to get drugs laced with fentanyl? Yes, the freaking jab didn’t get you, so we will take out the older ones who are just fodder. I didn’t get the jab and I won’t look for it on the stress so I guess I’ll just wait and see what they throw at us next.

Thank you for your article. It was exceptional and eye opening. I think things need to be changed but I don’t know the answers. I couldn’t guess how to begin. What a mess we are in.

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I am reminded of the Gary Webb story. Where he ended up dead or should I say Arkansided. BTW..it hasn't been "our" government in our lifetime. Or your grandparents. Or theirs. Thank you for your reply. It is so true that it's pitiful.

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It's NEVER been any of the PEOPLE'S govt., only the Filthy Rich People...

It's just one long series of handfuls of bullshit to placate, divide & conquer, lie, beat down, starve, and so on and so on and so on... :(

Pisses me right arf.

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Well, I'd say your are technically right since the Founding Fathers as a whole were rich aristocrats. BUT they did put together a government that if it was being followed was limited in many ways that are being ignored. They believe in "little" government, but without any way to have enforced it on the agents of government we've been getting screwed for over 100 years.

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Well... I think that's a rosy look at it, prolly. I've been re-reading "A People's History" by Howard Zinn and I think there was plenty of fuckery early on, disguised and covered up. Ever read that book? It's a power house! Anyway, cheers.

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The Whiskey Rebellion and the way it was put down was surely one of those fuckery times. And that was in the first 4 years of the new countries existence!

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That's nuthin' compared to the early-on AND ongoing fuckery that's been the delight of the filthy fucken rich from the get go and right up to this very MINNIT...

Sigh. I yam exhausted from all THAT, plus the fuckery of my stupid greedy bros, and trying to look after my folks and keep them out of Jab World, which my POA brother deeply and profoundly believes in (and refuses to even LOOK at any other evidence! He's the prototype for the Angry, Vengeful, Violently Foolish/Arrogant Ignoramus we've all come to know and loathe. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

If he weren't in KS, I'd go poop in his shoes...

Butt, I YAM Jaan of Arf. ;)

Sent you a holiday card, Lion.

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I agree. However, I would not want drugs to be sold in our neighborhoods but maybe they are, I just can’t see it. Drug dealers, drug selling does seem to lead to murder in gangs and innocent victims are usually the result, effect.

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What you have to realize is this...by eliminating the profit motive, the gang violence will go away and innocent people wont' be caught in the crossfire. Just like the gang violence and innocent people getting killed stopped when prohibition stopped. And if you want to use drugs, you would have to prove you are above a certain age to get them legally at the corner market. Just like with alcohol. And we KNOW that kids under age never get alcohol somehow and some way don't we?

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The bio-weapons/fungus is disturbing. A British author has a fiction series ("The Best of Us") based on such a weapon loosed on the world with disastrous consequences to the global food supply. Doncha love these existential decisions "scientists" and "officials" make for us unilaterally? One hopes there is a special place for them, after.

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Wait until the UN will have complete authority to lockdown the world in May of 24 when Biden will approve them to do so. I can’t see him vetoing this, can you? Yes sir, just in time for the election.

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So will you be locked down? I REFUSE to live in that WORLD and will leave it with a pile of hot brass nearby.

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No I won’t be locked down. I would rather die on my feet than on my knees to the globalist gods. That’s my position.

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Need a weapon or ammo? We can fight them back to back. The minute they try to lock us all down is the time that the LION in me comes out.

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We are stocked! Hunters and prepared!

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Where do you reside Deborah? I always wonder how close those of the same mindset are located just in case we actually do need to back each other up.

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Feb 7, 2024
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So in another words make up something called "Trading with the Enemy Act" to circumvent the Constitution when it comes to a so called reason. All constructive fraud. Wherever I look. If they HAD to have an amendment to outlaw alcohol then they SHOULD have had to have an amendment to outlaw an herb. And somehow those "Acts" no longer apply in many states because of...well because of WHAT? It's ludicrous on it's face. If I grow some "weed" and sell it to you, how does the "Trading with the Enemy Act" apply to our personal voluntary exchange?

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Feb 7, 2024
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I missed you asking about those two. The first one is a BLATANT violation of the Constitution because it was passed in 1933 to end the gold clause in the constitution and the public and private contracts, and to discharge the debts of the federal government. You can't PASS a "LAW" that VIOLATES the very Constitution that it is for. You would have to have AMENDED it. Which is more CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD on it's face. FDR was quite the slime. And as for PL 73-10? You mean PUBLIC LAW 73-JUNE 18, 1953? It's another stinking piece of shit on toilet paper that they want us to blow our nose in. MORE stinking CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD. They do all this shit without the public knowledge, without our consent, behind our back, behind closed doors, with no input making it nothing but MORE Constructive FRAUD. Stinking traitorous actions. They should all have been SHOT.

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Feb 9, 2024
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How can the prepay a debt with no thing? Seems like the whole mess is nothing but constructive fraud. When you have to dig so deep that you can't breathe where you end up it can't be nothing but constructive fraud. My brother has tried like hell to find the nexus where the all capital man comes into existence. He thinks it might be through the Socialist Security System but I've heard it goes deeper than that. He's tried but can't find the beginning. I have no doubt that the name on "my" drivers license isn't me. Because there is no REASON to have it in all caps except for some sort of control mechanism. CONSTUCTIVE FRAUD. Carl's song should be the national anthem. Why The Banksters Keep Us Dumb... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIjfaXHyrlw

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Feb 9, 2024
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Feb 8, 2024
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You have no idea what I do with it! LOL!

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Feb 9, 2024
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Feb 10, 2024
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No...but if I want to purchase a new firearm, It is pretty much impossible without filling out the "4473" form which has a question...Have you ever renounced your US Citizenship? if you say yes, then according the assholes in control I can't have that purchase completed. I don't have the time to go into it. I don't THINK I am a US citizen but in reality with their constructive fraud and the never actually ratified according to the rules 14th amendment, THEY claim I am. So no, I don't think I am. But someone else does. I don't have a Social Security number. Someone else does. But they CLAIM I do which was issued to me at the age of 14. Realizing it is a contract, I wasn't of the proper age to engage in a contract. Today they issue them at birth on new children. The only way it is EVER going to change is if the people are no longer willing to suffer evil. And then it appears that the amount to rebel will need to be between 3-5%. Ever hear of Ivan Throne?

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Feb 10
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I'm going Ivan's way as soon as possible...I can't take all the legalese bullshit that they have shrouded everything with. I have "onestupidfuck" up on my browser even before you sent this and have been reading a lot of what he says and claims.

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Feb 9, 2024
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I read it and it makes no sense. It's like typical legalize that goes in circles. CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD!

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Feb 9, 2024
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So why isn't this more widely known of? Is it a secret that you and others are keeping for a rainy day?

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Since I have no mortgage, or car notes, how would it matter to me? And as for utilities? How does that work? I'm interested. Like I said, I read it and it makes no sense to me. At least not in the way you seem to believe it does.

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