We should have picked our own cotton. Thomas Sowell said, “Racism is not dead, but it is on life support -- kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as 'racists.” It sure does seem like racism is very much alive now since “They” are trying to create an oppressor/oppressed class when that idea is so anti-American in every way. And if things go bad, who is going to defend the women and children if men are emasculated? Nobody! Men and women need each other and women better start speaking up before it’s too late!

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Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with Black Women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.

We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world, Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples."

-Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, Emergency Council of European Rabbis, Budapest, Hungary, January

12, 1952

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May 16Liked by Courageous Lion

I read that only 3% of Americans ever owned slaves, and some of them were black. I have spoken to a few black people that were smart enough to state they were happy their ancestors were slaves or else they would be living in Kenya (or another hellhole) without a hope of escape. Any one who buys into this nonsense has an IQ below 72. As a Southerner I am tired of being treated like a second class citizen, but now I'm not alone. All Americans (with a few exceptions) are treated as second class citizens, regardless of race.

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May 16Liked by Courageous Lion

I read once in a pro-Union piece, that 67% of South Carolinians owned slaves.

This is not only bullshit, but bullshit took to a couple of orders of magnitude higher.

C.L., thank you for this piece. Been busy today, after 6 hours in the Jeep I'm getting things back to normal.


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Never feel guilt for things you have not done.

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May 16Liked by Courageous Lion

... the powers that be want us just dumb enough to believe such bullshit - reformations for dead ancestors. Clif High is taking some heat for his podcast talking about I.Q. differences between blacks and whites - 100 being the mean - half higher (smarter) and half lower (dumber).... with blacks the average is 72. He claims there has been a concerted/active effort to dumb-down the human population through a constructed narrative of white women preferential/favoring to mate with black males - in order to progressively dumb-down society as a whole. If eugenics isn't enough - then make 'em stupid.

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Charles Murray explained it all in his book THE BELL CURVE. Of course, this has made him an enemy to all who believe DEI is more important than intelligence, ambition, or common sense.

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May 19Liked by Courageous Lion

It goes way back in History…”Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with Black Women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory.

We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world, Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples."

-Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich, Emergency Council of European Rabbis, Budapest, Hungary, January

12, 1952

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Naaaa…that’s not happening Ohio Deb! Oh wait…I wonder how much longer before it’s a “law”.

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... race doesn't matter to me - although they tell me I'm a priviledged whitey - in the neo-tribal world ahead - it will be every man (and woman) for himself/herself.

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I'd like to take that Rabid Rabbi out behind a woodshed!

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We are not guilty of the sins of the predecessor

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Yes you are!

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Go stick your head in a ceiling fan

Your brain is fried

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So if your mother or father shoots the next door neighbor because his dog woke them up at midnight, you are guilty of their act? See where this takes us? You surely are a victim of the government school system if you can actually "believe" your statement.

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I guess we shall see in the end….the Great book doesn’t lie! Press on.

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Enough of your superstitious idiocy.

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By Great Book you mean Atlas Shrugged don't you?

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If you can’t see the correlation between shooting a dog and stealing and displacing an entire people group, forced labor for generations, raping, hanging, killing…putting crack in their communities, you know the destruction of an entire community of people are not the same then you maybe need to be reschooled

Addl, if you can’t see how this has systemically benefited the enslavers families, then you really need to be reschooled!

You may have forgotten but trust me, God has not forgotten! He is the One that says, “Vengeance is mine.”

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So how is this "Vengeance" going to be meted out? You going to go into white neighbor hoods and start killing white people? Is God going to wipe us out with lightning? If the poor picked on black folks start getting carried away, that will be the worse idea in the history of the US. They are so outnumbered by guys who actually know how to hold a pistol properly it will be a sad day for them. You obviously are some sort of racist if you believe some of the crap you are posting here.

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In short, yes but not with lightning, it’s with the plagues! Natural disasters, drugs, war abroad and within…sit back and enjoy the show!

Go re-read your Bible!

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I’ve read it enough to know that I’m not going to reread it again. Three times was enough. And when read with the Age of Reason by Thomas Paine…my REASON took over. God gave us REASON not RELIGION. The “revealed” religions of the world have given the human race all kinds of wonderful wars, hatred, blood shed, murder, terrorism, hanging, burning of women believed to be witches etc. etc. etc. It is an ILLNESS that needs a CURE.

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Get back on your meds. For if you think that ANYONE alive today is guilty of what someone a hundred years ago did, you're not only in need of "reschooling" you're in need of mental help. What are you one of those poor picked on black guys that I read about? I am not in any way responsible for the least of those crimes against any group of people. Dip shit.

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You never heard of the sins of the father being passed down to the children?

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Yes, and that's bullshit too.

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What did your father sin?

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Great writing but let's add that had there not been white slave traders there wouldn't have been black Americans...the slaves were saved from certain death at the hands of the Ashanti tribe (you know the tribe honored by Pelosi)

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A lot of blacks were sold into slavery by tribes that conquered and captured them.

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Joel 3:1-14!

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One thing I love about the bible is those chapter and verse markings so that you can pick and choose what you want for any given scenario in the world. I read that and am odds to what your point is.

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Who the hell was this Joel bloke?

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Never forget that black slave traders sold the slaves that ended up in the New World to white slave traders. These were not free men and women that were captured and rounded up by white men. If anything, the native tribes that sold the slaves initially should be on the hook for reparations.

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EXACTLY. I read your post after I posted my response.

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May 16Liked by Courageous Lion

Another great article which I agree with 100% I do believe that to get where we are now, did take a lot of protests, marches, and civil disobedience and as Thoreau once said, "It's everyone's duty to spend one night in jail." which I support and ready to do my share if needed. Blacks' lives have improved, they have choices now they never did before and the same goes for women. What I'm displeased with, as are you, is that the white man needs to be freed now.

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May 16Liked by Courageous Lion

The victor writes the history and most of the descendants of the authors are ignorant of the truths. The truth is an abolitionist.

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Another great piece!

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May 17Liked by Courageous Lion

Absolutely spot on. The idea of reputations is absolutely disgusting to me. There was a time and a place for that and it was 1866 not 2024

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Yet we are still giving Israel reparations for war crimes that we didn’t even commit against them….God will decide.

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If I were President,


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May 19Liked by Courageous Lion

Deo Vindice

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Got it! SO TRUE!!

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May 19Liked by Courageous Lion

Amen. Blacks should be thankful they got taken out of sub Saharan Africa where they still live to the standard Europe achieved 4000 years ago. I know many blacks who are thankful. Also it’s worthy to note that any successful black is labeled as a sell out if they don’t support the very bullshit that keeps blacks (and others) down, free shit. Clarance Thomas, Herman Cain, Ben Carlson. All demonized by white liberals for being successful. For fucks sake we’ve already had a half black president, what more do they want?

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however if they did replace all whites.



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They need to have a sad place you can check rather than just a "like". This is a fantastic assessment of the lies of the Yankee hoards that did such atrocities to the civilians of the south. Talk about a bunch of COWARDS!

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ya hear a lot about war crimes and atrocities. ya occasionally read about Sand Creek or Wounded Knee. ya never hear about it relating to sherman and georgia. ya never read about Andersonville in that context either. or the northern prison camps. or why, if it was all solely about slavery, why arkansas, tennessee, north carolina, and virginia didn’t secede until lincoln called up volunteers to invade seven other sovereign states. much more complicated than solely slavery. much more complicated with many shades of gray.

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Ever see the movie “Ride With The Devil”? The guy who produced it had no bones to pick. He did it strictly on research. Toby McGuire was the main character with Jewel and a few others that were well cast.

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i shall look it up. have not heard of it. ty.

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My wife who is Thai had her Naturalisation Citizenship ceremony the beginning if this year and there was a few African people getting their citizenship at the same time , sorry I am going to call you out on that point as bs . If you’re still identifying as “A race “ this is all our problem still thinking “ The reality interface “ is us . Identity politics is divisive . Humans in general need to rise up to the next level in their clarity.

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It's really twisted and evil how they've used color revolution to keep us divided. We are 1 race created by God, Satan's worked hard to create this division among the people.

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Why aren’t we three races created by God? It sure appears that way to my logic. Too many very distinct differences tell me there are three. Do a bit of research into “Thou shalt not commit adultery”. Because it doesn’t mean having a sexual relation while married.

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The Human Race. We're all related under the creator...

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Related, obviously. And can interbreed just like dogs or cats. But are we SUPPOSED to if the end result is typically a child with the genetic defects of each race? Or one or the other? Wouldn’t it be better to breed out any genetic defects?

Genetics and race is one of those awkward conversation during volatile times.

I seek out of curiosity, not to be disparaging.

The point is that genetic facts — including evidence of genetic differences between racial populations — carry no necessarily social or political implications. Nevertheless,  these same genetic facts may help highlight obstacles to achieving desired social outcomes, and could provide information that assists in overcoming them. In this respect, just as greater awareness of social and environmental barriers can assist in designing policies to reduce inequalities, so too could greater recognition of possible genetic hurdles to improved life outcomes.

In the past — in the era of Social Darwinism and eugenics — hereditarian political beliefs equated biology with destiny. Unfortunately, much of the present-day antipathy to human genetic research appears premised on a similar erroneous belief: that if human behavior is under the influence of biology/genes then certain social outcomes, such as disparities in wealth or status,  are inevitable. Hence the desire to denigrate genetic research that touches on the raw nerve of race — for, as many well-intentioned egalitarians may mistakenly believe, if meaningful differences between different peoples really do exist, then the goal of greater equality could prove unattainable.

The biological study of human behavior is notoriously fraught — hardly surprising, given that fallible humans are both the subject and the object of scrutiny. Furthermore, given the egregious history of political ideas based on supposed ‘facts’ of human biology, the results of human behavioral research are often held to a higher standard of proof — and most especially with research relating to politically sensitive topics, such as race, gender or sexuality.

Whether always warranted or not, such critical inspection comes with the territory; indeed, one higher standard that human geneticists can impose upon themselves is to understand the motivation of the opposition, however wrong-headed this might appear. Such awareness would not mean avoiding discussion of troublesome topics — but it might avoid discussing them in ways more likely to inflame than inform.

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