For you see, the truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by “masters” who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods until wrong looks like right in their eyes. For all of you with eyes that can see, whose spirits are quickened by words you can hear, the truth is alive and was spoken long ago by one who lived as a man and whose life was a gift to this world. If you have been called out of darkness to you this mystery is being revealed. And this truth will set you free, yes the truth will set you free, just like through hearing it, it set me free…
Many years ago I heard a song by Don Francisco that to this day gives me the frisson experience. Listen to it and let me know what it does for you…
I was one of the very few back in my days in High School that saw the big picture. Since I graduated in 1972, I look around and even to this day wonder why so many people are so blind? That was fifty one years ago my friends. I’ve been watching, and waiting with the glowing heart of the lion that was part of my very genetic makeup for the last 51 years of my existence. Words like this come to mind:
New blood joined this earth in 1954, that was me, and quickly I was subdued. Through constant pained disgrace as a young boy I learned their rules. Within time as children we draw in, we sort of give up. I know I was a whipping boy who had really done no wrong. Being beat for no good reason. Do as you are told or else. I was deprived of all of my thoughts when I entered their “schools”.
As a young man I struggled on and on and made a vow unto my own, that never from that day would I allow my will to be taken away.
Because you see…what I’ve felt, what I’ve known has never really shined through in what I’ve shown. I’d never be. I’d never see. I most likely won’t see what might have been. For what I’ve felt, and what I’ve known has never really shined through in what I’ve shown. For in reality I’ve never really been allowed to be free. Or never really been able to be me.
“They” dedicate their lives to running all of ours. Don’t we try to please them all? These bitter man and women are what we become. For throughout our lives isn’t it the same? We’ve battled constantly, seems this fight we cannot win – Until eventually a tired man they see who no longer cares. But I do care. I want to see in my lifetime a world of true freedom where the individual is held up as the pinnacle of life not some lie of a life lived that was never allowed to be what we should all be.
Can anyone guess what the title is of the song the previous four paragraphs are based on? Let me know in the comments. For that song is another one that always affects me. BECAUSE THE WORDS of it ARE TRUE!
“Freedom means freedom from forces and circumstances which would turn man into a thing, which would impose on man the passivity and predictability of matter. By this test, absolute power is the manifestation most inimical to human uniqueness. Absolute power wants to turn people into malleable clay.” ~Eric Hoffer
I’m convinced that Gary Barnett drives the truth home with some of what I just read in his latest post.
For you see, the bulk of the worlds population has been rendered mentally harmless by the elimination of individuality. That’s a fact. If you have not been rendered harmless it is because you are divergent. You are a rebel. You are a thinker. You are automatically the enemy of the psychopathic control freaks in power. They hate your individualism. They are the Borg, they demand that you be assimilated and they will tell you over and over that resistance is futile. Funny how if you look at certain movies, TV shows and other sources of entertainment you can find these tidbits of reality stuffed in as a way for them to kick us while we are down.
“Many wonder why things are as they are today, why unique and sovereign individuals gather in large groups en masse, (as one) why they seek and embrace the herd mentality, and why they demand a dominate government, when this behavior can only lead to a loss of identity and an elimination of all critical thought. This does not happen due to a lack of intellect, it does not happen because of any intentional desire for one to destroy his own free will, it is the result of purposeful long-term planning on the part of the ruling class, and the voluntary acceptance of dependency by the masses. This technique, is in essence, the use of people as chattel, little different than that of animals, by the select few in society whose aim is to control all others. It is humans using and abusing humans as a matter of policy. This is why the (State) government schooling system was created in the first place, and in today’s highly technological environment, this designed experiment is proving its worth to the evil ‘elites,’ and their controlled pawns in government.
None of this, as mentioned above, was or is accidental in any regard, as allowing the general populace to remain self-reliant, entrepreneurial, self-sufficient, and fully literate, is anathema to the authoritative element of society, and is considered by the powerful ‘elites’ a deadly weapon against their rule and domination. The elimination of the individual in favor of the lie that is the ‘common good,’ the dumbing down and indoctrination of each generation of children from infancy to adult by structured intellectual obsolescence, and the propagandizing and promotion of a general attitude of non-existent ‘equality’ and entitlement, leads directly to dependence on the State.
To examine our distant past, is to walk in a world that is completely opposite of this totalitarian hell-hole that is America today; an America that has been voluntarily surrendered to the few. This is due to a total breakdown of the individual in society, replaced by cogs in a machine of scared, non-thinking, dependent, conforming, lost souls, hiding in a collective mass of confused people without purpose. This once society of independent free men has allowed others to control their lives, instead of accepting themselves, and pursuing life as a confident individual. This has happened because most have turned over their children to a government system bent on destroying their drive, their individual talents, and their unique abilities to live, grow, prosper, and follow their own path, without resistance from any illegitimate authority; especially given the harm caused by the heinous ‘public’ (government) schooling system.
According to research confirmed by The Columbian Phenix and Boston Review in 1800, “no country on the face of the earth can boast of a larger proportion of inhabitants, versed in the rudiments of science, or fewer, who are not able to read and write their names, than the United States of America. Literacy had been an obsession in America since as early as 1642. In Massachusetts, children were to be able to read and understand the principles of religion and capital laws of the country at this time. Thomas Jefferson even stated in the 1770s: “Those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny; and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large.”
During much of the 18th, and throughout the 19th century, literacy was nearly universal in this country, but there is much more to this story. Basic literacy, reading, is one thing, but knowledgeable and active literacy is a different matter. In the past basic literacy was only the beginning, as gaining great knowledge, having the ability to communicate with others intelligently in conversation, and being able to write and successfully present thoughts and information, was common. Even with this advanced society of the time, much more was required in order to remain free and prosperous. That was the independent spirit of the individual, entrepreneurial drive, self-reliance, and a high degree of confidence.
Most all desired to work for themselves, own their own businesses, and even if one began work as an apprentice or not, he wanted to use all knowledge and assets gained in order to soon work for himself. Most all businesses were small and private long ago, including of course the massive number of small farms, and interest in working at a ‘job’ for someone else was rarely considered. The horrendous corporatism of America changed all that, and for it to be successful for the corporate class moguls, and the new massive government, the dumbing down of society was necessary. And what more perfect solution could there be to indoctrinate an entire society than a prison-like existence, brainwashing, and obedience training centers called ‘public’ (government) schools?
Now literacy took on a whole new meaning, as a high percentage would still be ‘literate,’ (could read) but only enough to be able to understand their orders, not to be intellectually awake, and able to discuss the important matters of a dissenting society, but simply a large body of drones doing the work of their masters instead of working for themselves. This is the America of today, one of weakness, compliance, nationalism, and State worship; all living under tyranny, instead of a society made up of intelligent, happy, and moral citizens, entrepreneurs, critical thinkers, and dissenters.
So long as people continue to expect government to give them things at the expense of others, so long as they think of government ‘welfare’ as a right, so long as they expect to be protected or enriched by government laws and policies, so long as the masses look to the collective herd instead of self, so long as this population continues to ‘vote’ and accept their political masters, and so long as people do not become fully independent, self-responsible individuals, the State will rule, and the people will be condemned to slavery.
The total negation or elimination of the State, along with its heinous institutions, would go a long way toward allowing people to once again embrace the idea of the individual, critical thinking, self-determination, independent existence, and regain the freedom they have lost. ~Gary Barnett
BE who you are. SHINE your light to the world around you. WAKE UP those that are sleeping even if you have to yell the truth into their ears while they are sleeping. You who read my stack are surely some of the lions who are awake. Use some of my writings to plant seeds in those poor souls who know something is wrong but just can’t put their finger on it! I know that my job isn’t to wake up the sheep, it’s to wake up all the other SLEEPING LIONS!
The day is coming when we will rid this world of the hyena psychopathic control freaks by simply IGNORING THEM. And their enforcers! When they can jail someone for 41 months for NOTHING DONE WRONG, (the Q Shaman) they CAN JAIL ANY OR ALL OF US! And I for one, will not go quietly into the night!
But we can win because we have the numbers and we are the ones coming from the farms and fields with the word that glows from our very beings to ILLUMINATE the world with the LIGHT of the KINGDOM to COME!
Yeah, Lion, YEAH.
You know I'm down. So... what to DO is where I am now. There are many possibilities... And I believe, whole-heartedly, that WE SHALL PREVAIL.
I used to hate "the elite" but after the past 3 years I see them in a new light. The "elite" are a necessary evil. What if the "elite" are simply playing the role of "the adversary"? Like the role of Satan in the Book of Job or Mr. Slugworth in Willy Wonka. Both characters were under complete control of a God figure and their role was to present challenging moral situations to teach spiritual lessons. I think we all hate to admit that without an "adversary" we would become stagnant beings. Just as a spoiled child who is given everything they desire without having to work for any of it, they usually become the most wicked, incompetent, morally corrupt people.
What if "the elite" simply plant negative ideas in our minds and we collectively can create that idea into reality with our imaginations or we can reject their ideas and instead focus our imaginations on creating "beauty for ashes".
Do "the elite" actually do any of the acts of killing, poisoning, stealing or do they simply set up the scenarios to make it possible for US to do those things to EACH OTHER? For example, did Bill Gates actually give anyone a toxic vaccine or toxic medications or did doctors and nurses do those things? People also had free will to not allow themselves to be injected. Did society do enough to help protect the vulnerable? Do world leaders who order wars actually slaughter innocent lives and destroy cities or do the soldiers do those heinous acts?
Who is more culpable, the order givers or order followers?
Who actually clamoured for the crucifixion of Christ, Pilate or the people?
Is the government inherently evil or is it simply a reflection of the current state of collective morality? Essentially, we have the government we collectively deserve. We can look back and see that as morality declined so did the quality of our government. Trump is a spoiled, petty, narcissist reality TV star and now we literally have a bumbling idiot as our president and a cackling stoner as VP. Hmmm. What does that say about the state of morality?
What if the solution to society's problems is as simple as taking personal responsibility for our actions instead of blaming "the elite" or claiming "I was forced" to do something.
Another hint is in the Rolling Stones song Sympathy for the Devil, "Who killed the Kennedys? When after all it was you and me".
The devil is our mind (materialism) and Christ is our spirit that are in constant battle with each other.
So, in my humble opinion, we do need "them" to challenge our beliefs and transform into higher beings. I now see "them" as a personal trainer. I abhor the vile ideas they present, but without the fake "pandemic" I never would have grown up. For that I am thankful.