Nov 22, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Non-voter here from the land down under Terra Australis. Illegitimate government. The “Australia” corporation is registered in the US and geographically located on Norfolk Island not this land of Terra Australis.

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Another case of CONSTRUCTIVE fraud where as the people as a whole have no idea what is going on behind closed doors in the middle of the night where psychopathic control freak PARASITES congregate figuring out ways to suck the life blood from the rest of the world population.

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FUCK those guys.

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Naaa....let's hang them.

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Let's fuckin hang 'em. lol

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Nov 23, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Another non-voter here ... not when I lived in the states, for similar reasons. And now, not in Japan because I neither have, nor want that right. Politics is just as much a kabuki show / family business over here as it is in the states, with the exception of the smallest, local levels, which have little power when push comes to shove. The national government of the corporate nation-state will simply impose it's will on the populace, and if there is any push-back against self-proclaimed

'public servants' of the managerial class, the rulers do not change anything but their words ... for example condescending to the public saying they will persist until the public understands, as if the public were too stupid to agree to their own marginalization.

Looking at the broad sweep of world history, a vibrant middle class has been the exception to the rule. A small number of predatory sociopaths feed on the labor of a majority who is deliberately kept in the dark and near the poverty level. The plandemic and carbon footprints are a mob-style herding technique meant to herd us and revert to the mean.

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You are so correct. Now if we could only get a few billion more to understand this.

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I myself chose not to vote for quite some time. I truly felt my 1 vote wouldn't make a difference. But that thinking is how we got here, because my thoughts were multiplied by thousands. I was awake but didn't know it, in the political aspect. I finally chose to vote in 2016 because the thought of Hillary Clinton as President was terrifying 😳. And with that success, I'm hard core on being part of the change I wish to see in this world! Keep up the good work because this article was enlightening!👍

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Great post, CL! I liked and cross-posted for my readers to receive tomorrow morning!

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Wow! I didn’t know these things about what wasn’t in the constitution. I have wanted to reread it. I have felt the same way: why vote when these ppl violate and break the rules. Furthermore, they don’t receive any consequences for their actions and they are praised and lauded by other lawbreakers. I still will vote though. 😩🙏

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 23, 2023Author

It's extremely hard to kick an addiction. And that is what it becomes. We actually feel that it is right to vote but in reality? It's sort of like taking just a little bit of heroin. It's called cognitive dissonance. When you have two conflicting thoughts running through your brain the brain reacts by defaulting to the thought that conflicts the least.

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Nov 22, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

I'd wager he means "heroin." ;)

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Thanks. fixed.

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I understood that it was a drug I but didn’t understand how the reply. It’s ok

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Believe me, he only scratched the surface. THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) only use the Constitution when convenient, otherwise it's an old worthless document from the dark ages.

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Yes,voting is supposed to be the sacred cow,people died so I could vote,etc.However, somewhere deep down inside told me bullshit,this is all bullshit,however whenever I found the courage to say it I would be slapped down, ridiculed,dumped on by just about everyone. So the propaganda machine cranks on. Isn't it a pity.

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Imagine if they had an election and nobody came. The scum in office would simply declare that no one wanted them to leave, probably.

FWIW, I think the rule breaking started with the First Bank of the United States; it's been all downhill from there.

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Me, too.

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