There was also Wilhelm Wundt from Germany, who sought to control the "unruly" students in his classrooms. He thought of people (of course, himself excluded) as no more than a body, brain, and neuro-receptors. So his idea of "education" was to introduce "experiences" that induced specific responses. His "work" paved the way for the US education system along with Pavlov and other psychopaths. This information is in a book called "The Leipzig Connection."

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Be sure to include these classes in your home schooling curriculum. You may suggest them to your local school board, and if they don't like the idea it tells you all you need to know.

Methods of control: What methods do the powerful use to control the populace? Classroom exercises would be in order, wherein students think up what kind of subterfuge they could use if they were kings and queens, how they would recognize it and how to counter it. People often don't recognize them for what they are when they see them.

The use of false flag operations through history: This might be thought to be part of methods of control, but I think it deserves it's own heading. Students should be asked to explain what kind of false flags they would plan if they were a king and were trying to subjugate their populace.


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Apr 16Liked by Courageous Lion

Homed schooled all 3 of my kids.

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Apr 15Liked by Courageous Lion

I was constantly in the principals office as a kid because I could think of… I learned to read and write and once math became letters and not numbers I list interest in all the other crap . I being an active male child hated sitting still . Males learn by doing not watching. I educated myself to a university literacy level after 1977 when I left school and consumed books . Sci Fi , History, archeology, chemistry, physics, and Religion. All religions not just the narrow corridors of Abrahamic religions. I plugged away in a government job eventually and retired as early as I could to play music , which is what I really wanted to learn since before I started school, never got to learn to read music early enough to be of much use to me . I play way more complex and fast than I could ever follow to read . I should always have been artistic as I can draw well , sculpt , but music was it for me . Pushing paperwork around and plugging away as a tradesman lineman then went into the office and retired as a grade 22 clerical officer ( I got good at being a stiff ) . I have travelled and realised that is something else I had wished I had done . That taught me more about life than schools ever did bar the times table and alphabet. Which is technically all most people ever need to master.

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Control the schools and media, control the minds.

Control the banks, control prosperity and poverty.

Control “medicine” and control the body.

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Apr 16Liked by Courageous Lion

Public schools-- hitting the nails (students' heads) on the head with a hammer (teachers). After the initial brain concussion of being hit on the head, students are then subjected to the likes of CRT, DEI (DIE), etc. Public schools also "educate" on sexual perversion and deviance. Destruction of the nuclear family (H. Clinton, former secretary of marxism, "It takes a village"). Public schools are a place of mass indoctrination and "vaccination". What better weapon to destroy morality, ethics, culture than public education.

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Brother, the water we drank as kids must not have had much fluoride in it. Or, maybe it was because we only got two childhood vaccinations, small pox and polio, which in our day was likely the Salk "killed virus" vaccine. How else did we become such independent thinkers?

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