Jul 20Liked by Courageous Lion

I never, and I mean never, wore one. A couple of stores barred me so they lost my business.

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The grocery cart boy would follow me around the store offering one, then asking me to take it as he held up the mask box, then pleaded with me until I would say ‘No thank you’ and later, ‘No thanks, I do NOT want one!’ or ‘I am not going to take one’.

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Same here, Gwyneth. No mask -- EVER. No Needle. No Sick. No problem.

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Jul 21Liked by Courageous Lion

During the peak days of the Stupid 19 scam, I absolutely refused to cover my breathing holes with a silly nappy. While shopping almost everyone would leave alone if I just put it my chin, but occasionally some cranky know-it-all would be me the business in which case I’d flash my Mask Exemption card provided by someone who understands the American Disabilities Act and put their rules on it. It worked all but a couple of times. The Apple Store, Trader Joe’s and Costco employees were the worst Nazis. Many other places seemed to be more respectful.

One night I was standing in the check out line at CVS minding my own business when this customer who honestly looked like a frog got in my face about my open face. As I smiled at her while showing her my exemption, she got all crazy telling me that she worked in healthcare and that I was full of shit. So I just ignored her as I proceeded to approach the cashier who wasn’t in the mood to listen to her ranting either. And it was hard not to crack up laughing as walked out of the store seeing her in corner of my eye screaming at lady giving out vaccines who didn’t want any part of it as well.

I’ve learned a lot over the last few years - none more than the reality that one of humanity’s greatest flaws is how easily we can fall for tricks. And when you add arrogance to the gullibility, you find yourself in an army of deluded idiots no longer to simply think straight.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

She most likely had been jabbed and it fried what was left of an already addled brain. This was my favorite mask and even Menards left me alone with it! After all, it IS a mask! Substack is messed up in some respects. This is one. It gives the icon to add a picture but then it actually doesn’t add it.

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Please send me the picture privately - if you need my email it’s jeffschreiber99@gmail.com - I’d love to see it.

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Jul 20Liked by Courageous Lion

I was at a large Brooklyn Hospital ER Wednesday. 90% of workers had on masks. Great article

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I live in the UK. I'm traveling around Wales this summer. Small towns, larger towns, Cardiff, Swansea. Maybe one person out of 200 or 300 wearing a mask, just out at the shops and such. Most of the ones wearing them look genuinely frail. How sad.

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I know all this yet I cannot finish it in one sitting, as it angers me so much.

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Worse yet are those who allowed an unknown substance to be injected into their bodies. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is DEADLY.

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I understand the sentiment, but as both lead to the same destination, it is my opinion that that are at least equally bad. I have an argument though on how masking is worse.

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💖Courageous Lion💖 Your articles will help me advocate for myself at work better. Thank you.

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Good. Maybe your supervisors or whatever they are will wake up to reality.

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I have something to add, which I've never read anyone write about. Here it is: September '20, the wife had lost all sense of smell for two weeks but was otherwise completely okay. First meeting at her job (Monday) since the beginning of Covid, she reluctantly agrees to wear a mask (first time ever). Halfway through the meeting, runny nose, nothing to write home about. Monday night, fatigue. Tuesday, her condition deteriorates dramatically - joint pain, vertigo, loss of balance, headache, raspy breathing. Tuesday night, labored breathing, lungs sound like they're full of water, almost no sleep (too tired to sleep syndrome). Wednesday, she does not tells me how bad she feels so I go to work like an idiot and recommend that she buys zinc; soon, no energy left whatsoever, she feels like she's going to die on the very spot. It takes her *two full hours* just to be able to stand up from the chair where she is sitting and open the door to the garden for our dog. She finally musters up enough energy to go to our pharmacist (100m walk) and buy zinc gluconate. *One hour later*, the symptoms start to recede. Thursday, we finally call our family doctor - we were kind of wary about what he would do, hospitalization being an absolute no-no - who adequately prescribes Azithromycin, good for him. She eventually recovers but it takes her months to go back to her usual self.

I am *absolutely certain* that masks were made compulsory because they create the perfect condition to help the virus - otherwise easily contained in the nose epithelium - go down into the lungs.

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No, what they do is trap the bacteria that your body normally expels with the exhale. It builds up on the mask and you start breathing back in the bacteria that you were trying to get rid of. Now you have a proliferation of bacteria with no way to escape and you end up becoming sick. It’s like this…in your throat are many different kinds of living bacteria. In your gut, in your lungs etc. We have a symbiotic relationship with them. One of the bacteria in your throat is streptococcus. If something get’s out of balance in your system and that bacteria can proliferate you will end up with strept throat. It works that way in other parts of your anatomy also. That’s why we need a balance in our system of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. If you start looking at the “symptoms” of “Covid” you will find that they match up with symptoms of Vitamin B1 deficiency, vitamin D and a few others. There is no virus. There are parasites, bacteria, fungus and toxins caused by poisons in the environment as well as from the parasites, bacteria and fungus. There are exosomes which for all intents are what they are claiming is a “virus”.


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Ok, save yourself the trouble. I know all - and I really mean all - about that debate. I was reading Stefan Lanka's theories twenty-five years ago - Koch postulate not being fulfilled, Béchamp vs Pasteur and so on - so I've had plenty of time to assess them, and I've also put a lot of effort into it. It's a lot of hot air. So I'm not a bit impressed by him or any of his recent offshoots - snowball artists like Drs Bailey, Cowan, Kaufmann et al. If you care to read what Lanka is writing now, you'll see that he has gone from a no-virus stance to a full no-pathogens-whatsoever one (so, no bacteria either, I kid you not), and he's now fully endorsing the New German Medicine by Dr Hamer, which is completely bonkers to put it mildly. If you want to follow him down that slope, good luck. That particular astroturfing op has now resurfaced for one reason only: to exonerate the whole GOF military program.

FYI, not only is SARS-CoV-2 a virus, it was initially engineered as a transmissible live vaccine for bats, and transmissible it is, to say the least. This is incredibly well documented by Jim Haslam on his Substack and I have plenty of real-life examples - I tend to believe my own eyes - that corroborate just that. Like, perfectly healthy people - as is my wife - who died on day 4, absent any lethal protocol.

Make of that what you will.

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I make of it that you have swallowed the lies, hook, line and sinker. So far from reality as to be some sort of fantasy world. All I can say to you is this...IF THE GERM THEORY WERE TRUE. NO ONE WOULD BE ALIVE TO BELIEVE IT. Make of that what you will.

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Courageous Lion, do we have streptococcus in our throats at all times? If so, that is very, very interesting.

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Yes we do. We actually have all kinds of bacteria that if they become prolific that can cause issues due to their wastes. A lot of people think that bacteria eat bone in an infection and in a way they do, But not like you would think of as to support itself. What they are doing is eating SUGAR in the blood, and secreting a highly acidic waste byproduct that eats the bone. Same with fungus. We all have candida fungus in our bodies. Get that growing in overload and you end up with lots of nasty side effects.

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Thank you so much. I guess I probably should have known this..?

Over the years, it was always my throat that seemed susceptible. Dry, on-all-the-time-in-winter heat would bring on irritation. I would "plan" for it as we headed into the colder temps and jump on even the slightest indication that my throat might be getting "sore" or irritated. I'd often stand over steaming water for the moisture, treated with peppermint and tee tree oil, and breathe it in. Works like a champ to fend off any real soreness or sickening irritation.

Anyway, it's kind of a revelation that we have streptococcus with us all the time, waiting for just the right moment and conditions to strike. Feel kinda silly that I didn't know this, so I thank you once again for your edification.

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Get some zinc lozenges that you suck on for those times. I’m glad my research was of some value to you.

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Thanks! I've also used X-Clear. It works wonders to relieve dryness and to stave off any of the irritation that comes at the start of the "heating" season.

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Or an illegal!!

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