I have 2 grandsons (brothers) that are labeled Autistic but there was a mold problem in the house they were born in. I paid money for them to be sent to a functional medical guy who tried guiding my daughter to detox the boys. It's seriously like watching a train wreck. She won't do what needs to be done because it's too hard (no processed food for one). I don't see them much because she is angry that I'm frustrated she won't do whatever it takes to bring healing to those boys. It's sick how people refuse to accept the truth nowadays! And that's why I believe we NEED Rfk Jr in the white house, on Trumps administration! But I trust God!

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I have a very good friend who is a registered nurse and she refuses to believe that the vaccines are causing autism. She will exclaim from the highest mountaintop in her loudest voice that vaccines do not cause autism. And yet she refuses to read any of the studies From anywhere in the world that actually point out that yes, vaccines probably do cause autism. It’s very frustrating. The evidence is abundant. And yet there are people out there who still are in denial about this. It’s not about your pride, it’s about saving these kids. It’s about saving the future of the world?

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Some people simply cannot fathom the thought that someone would market a dangerous drug for profit only and that they really don't give a rats ass about the outcome. They develop cognitive dissonance on the subject. It's like the mother that can't accept the reality of a father who sexually abuses their daughter or son because it would destroy everything that she thought was good about that father. Or to believe that your own government was behind 911 and was willing to murder thousands of people to get some agenda that profits the military industrial complex in the process by demonizing a billion people.

The major issue is this...and we need to realize and accept the reality that psychopathic control freak PARASITES have been ruling our world since Cain killed Abel. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

Your friend prefers to live in ignorance because ignorance is bliss. Actually ignorance is EXTREMELY dangerous. She prefers to live in her bubble and you are the needle.

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It's so evil as to boggle the mind. Because I think we know this is deliberate. Just this alone should be reason enough to rise up and take these fuckers down.

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100%. And it’s way past time. Something needs to be done yesterday.

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1995 looked at the vaxxine schedule that started in 1986 in the States and the autism rates increasing along with the amount of shots. Decided not to get 1996 baby any vaxxes. Our neighbor had an autistic

Child who was extremely unpredictable, both his parents said he was normal, then got a series of vaccinations. Which only convinced me that I was making a good decision yet one the medical community is just waking up to! SIDS during CV 19

Rates went down during lockdowns bc babies were not getting all their damn shots. If there is a silver lining in the scam CV 19 is parents becoming more

Aware that vaxxines are not always as they claim, safe or effective. For all the little ones who have no

Voice, adults who connect the dots best speak and act up for the sake of our kids

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Unvaccinated babies/kids are happy, bright, responsive, active, curious, and interested in people and their environment. Many or most Vaxxed babies, on the other hand, tend to look like "nobody's home": dull, withdrawn, no "sparkle in the eyes, and not interacting with people, or at least not in the way that the unvaxxed babies/kids do!

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I have a VERY energetic 5 year old grandson who without a doubt if he were to attend government controlled school would be prescribed medication to take care of his over activity.

He was not vaccinated. The mother of the child has taken friends and relatives children in on occasion to "baby sit" and every single one that she has done so for have children that have been jabbed. And I can bear witness to EXACTLY what you just stated.

So since freedom is bad for tyrants, they want to drug us all so we can complacently accept their tyranny.

The founding fathers would look at us with total disdain for allowing ourselves to get where we are today.


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Life itself has been medicalized and mediatized because people have been mesmerized, not totally their fault because of the incremental programming. But when does the hypnosis wear off, folks?

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Its not just the mercury. Aluminum aborted fetal tissue . Nobody knows whats in the syringe. And some say mRNA is in all vaccines now....https://www.bitchute.com/video/1yZVPwrLgXz8/

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And of course they won't list the monkey puss and snake venum in the vaccines either.

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Once you meet the parents of a child so affected, before they even got home from one of the shots, you won't have any doubts at all.

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