Wow! What an education! It's so evil and twisted what the elite have done. What's been done to the Native American was unacceptable too. And then we "elect" -select? A racist black President who sets race relations back DECADES...UGH it's just ugly!
Paints a whole different picture of what it was truly like during that time. Much more inclusive than I knew. Reminded me of WWII because of a shortage of males, women were then 'allowed' to wear pants and hold a male's job - until the male returned anyway. All women and children were chattel until the '70's. Great piece!
I'd love to meet you in person so that if we shook hands I would never wash it again as you seem to be one self righteous know it all who knows nothing asshole. What a world it would be like if everyone had your point of view on life. Go do something to let off steam. Geezzz...
Regardless of who or what you 'learn,' it will have an element of inherent bias - be it scientific, religious, historical or traditional - except in the 'now,' by the 'who.'
I always like seeing posts with book titles or videos that people recommend. So I’d like to throw these out there and definitely appreciate other’s recommendations in response.
I have and have read “The South Was Right” It is actually two Kennedy brothers. And “The Real Lincoln” exposed that slime for what he REALLY was. A totalitarian nut case.
I think there IS a case for some of the South's complaints, and the Northerners were snotty and punishing afterward, for ... ever. Nothing like the Civil War will ever be SIMPLE. Hey have you read anything by Wendell Berry? He wrote a book called "The Need To Be Whole," and he talks about North/South and farmers and white/black... I think you'd very much enjoy his book (s). He's an old guy now, but he's written TONS of books... and he's a Kentucky farmer.
Hoorah for truth. Biden and his demonrat friends have kept the black man enslaved to steal their votes. Return the Republic and the Constitution and Bill of Rights to their rightful place.
I have heard of H.K.Edgerton. Although I did not personally hear his speech, I received a copy of it the next day. Impressive, to say the least.
I. as a student at the University of South Carolina employed in interlibrary loan (I sent books all over the world), have sat in the South Caroliniana Library and read the letters of the soldiers of "The War of Northern Aggression" sent to their families, friends, and colleagues. In that building, standing since 1840, you can get a feel for what they thought as well as what they wrote. And the war was fought primarily "because they were down here." It was not fought because of slavery, as a matter of fact, slavery was hardly mentioned in the letters.
The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia is just that, a Battle Flag, not a symbol of racism, and anyone that tried to tell you or anyone else is in error.
Maybe, just maybe, you will find your paradise in a box when your body has no more breath left in it. You are so filled with hate that the very words you post exudes it from my monitor screen. While your underlying message may be "do no harm" to get there you seem to want to do a lot of it. Chill out. As for "Imagine American people who eat AND drink poison KNOWINGLY every day and drug their babies with toxins" KNOWINGLY? SERIOUSLY? It is in their abject IGNORANCE they do these things. No one would KNOWINGLY do them.
Goal: return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. with witnesses that do not rebut you and form a jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use
On Oregon they have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.
Confederate battle flag is not racist stinkn lincoln protected the northern slaves owners. Slavery was already over in south due to economics the south got tired of paying the fed and getting nothing back in return roads bridges etc so they said we are succeeding and stinkn couldnt have that. 680,000 Americans later and these progressive chicoms are still pushing racism
Bullshit. When Lincoln gave the “Emancipation Proclamation” speech he didn’t include the NORTHERN slaves that were under bondage. Read the post and not just the headline. It’s obvious that is all your read.
Notwithstanding that, the Southern States were fighting to preserve slavery. Furthermore the flag is definitely used in certain contexts as a racist symbol. However I also acknowledge that it can be used in non-racist contexts too.
No, the South was fighting to preserve the CONSTITUTION. Do you honestly BELIEVE that a bunch of white boys fought a war to make sure that 3% of the population that had slaves could keep the slaves? It’s a mind game Baz. You’re a victim. It was all over taxes and who was going to collect what. The north said, GREAT…LEAVE…see if we care. The rest is explained in The South Was Right by the Kennedy Brothers. You can go on “believing’ the swill fed to the victims of government school, or you can do some reading and take a different path in the matrix. You still haven’t read the post because frankly you don’t want your bubble burst.
I just can't accept this. Sure there were probably a handful of Negro folks who were sort of friendly with their "masters," but... Really? This feels very very like CO. I've read a fair amount about slavery in the US... Whenever it's going on, NOBODY wants to be a slave, no matter how good people are to them, human beings don't want to be slaves. Period. Yes, it's possible, even probable that there were a FEW black folks who didn't HATE their "owners," but... REALLY?? I can't go there.
So the black man who this article is based on is racist? Apparently you are of the belief of the typical propaganda that the war was over slavery. That would be my guess. Am I correct?
Well, let’s see…maybe it should be worded like this for you deep thinkers…And of course the answer would be subjective. Is flying or displaying this flag proof you are racist? How is that? So far everyone has figured out what the statement means except you. Or at least no one else has made such an obvious observation.
When I see that flag, I don't think anything. I see a flag without having any emotional attachment to it. Same thing with the current American flag. I just see a flag. I don't see emotions like "patriotism, pride, or unity".
From my awareness, just because people had something in the past and they were cruel people, doesn't mean I associate what someone has with what was done in then. Does that make sense?
If I saw someone with a flag like this, my first thought would be, "That's an old flag." I don't associate people being a racist until I've seen or heard them do or say something racist.
People could look at me all day long and say, "She has this, so she is this.", and they could be wrong. If I know things about me could cause people to feel I'm different than I am, I don't want to feel that same energy about others. It's like a mirror.
I can't imagine what it must feel like for people to see symbols of atrocities and have to reconcile how those atrocities affected their families. We have such a hurtful, broken-down, cruel history. I guess if I really had to dig deep, I'd say I feel disappointed when I see that flag. Disappointed that in 2024, we're STILL not doing better as a unified species on the landmass we call Earth.
There was this black man, could be the very one in the photo only he’s probably passed by now but I used to watch him on YT giving us history lessons on the confederacy and how he loved it. He would walk around in his uniform and flag and talk to anyone who approached him. I wish I could remember his name. Shame on me for not remembering. It’s what they want, need in order to erase ppl like him
We seem to have the same basic wants when it comes to government that many of us have. But calling people names and acting out some sort of supremacist attitude with your inflammatory posts is hardly the way to get folks to come over to your way of thinking. Want to know the underlying issue YOU seem to have missed? You can quote me.
Wow! What an education! It's so evil and twisted what the elite have done. What's been done to the Native American was unacceptable too. And then we "elect" -select? A racist black President who sets race relations back DECADES...UGH it's just ugly!
Paints a whole different picture of what it was truly like during that time. Much more inclusive than I knew. Reminded me of WWII because of a shortage of males, women were then 'allowed' to wear pants and hold a male's job - until the male returned anyway. All women and children were chattel until the '70's. Great piece!
I'd love to meet you in person so that if we shook hands I would never wash it again as you seem to be one self righteous know it all who knows nothing asshole. What a world it would be like if everyone had your point of view on life. Go do something to let off steam. Geezzz...
Regardless of who or what you 'learn,' it will have an element of inherent bias - be it scientific, religious, historical or traditional - except in the 'now,' by the 'who.'
I always like seeing posts with book titles or videos that people recommend. So I’d like to throw these out there and definitely appreciate other’s recommendations in response.
“Southern by the Grace of God”, Michael Grissom;
“The South was Right”, James Kennedy;
“The Real Lincoln”, Thomas DiLorenzo
I have and have read “The South Was Right” It is actually two Kennedy brothers. And “The Real Lincoln” exposed that slime for what he REALLY was. A totalitarian nut case.
I think there IS a case for some of the South's complaints, and the Northerners were snotty and punishing afterward, for ... ever. Nothing like the Civil War will ever be SIMPLE. Hey have you read anything by Wendell Berry? He wrote a book called "The Need To Be Whole," and he talks about North/South and farmers and white/black... I think you'd very much enjoy his book (s). He's an old guy now, but he's written TONS of books... and he's a Kentucky farmer.
I’ve never heard of him or the book title. I’ll put that one on my list to check out. Thank you!
Hoorah for truth. Biden and his demonrat friends have kept the black man enslaved to steal their votes. Return the Republic and the Constitution and Bill of Rights to their rightful place.
I have heard of H.K.Edgerton. Although I did not personally hear his speech, I received a copy of it the next day. Impressive, to say the least.
I. as a student at the University of South Carolina employed in interlibrary loan (I sent books all over the world), have sat in the South Caroliniana Library and read the letters of the soldiers of "The War of Northern Aggression" sent to their families, friends, and colleagues. In that building, standing since 1840, you can get a feel for what they thought as well as what they wrote. And the war was fought primarily "because they were down here." It was not fought because of slavery, as a matter of fact, slavery was hardly mentioned in the letters.
The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia is just that, a Battle Flag, not a symbol of racism, and anyone that tried to tell you or anyone else is in error.
Maybe, just maybe, you will find your paradise in a box when your body has no more breath left in it. You are so filled with hate that the very words you post exudes it from my monitor screen. While your underlying message may be "do no harm" to get there you seem to want to do a lot of it. Chill out. As for "Imagine American people who eat AND drink poison KNOWINGLY every day and drug their babies with toxins" KNOWINGLY? SERIOUSLY? It is in their abject IGNORANCE they do these things. No one would KNOWINGLY do them.
Ouch…I’m sure that you will be happy to find out you will have plenty of help when that fuse reaches the explosive at the end of it.
Goal: return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. with witnesses that do not rebut you and form a jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use
On Oregon they have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.
Good luck, you'll need it.
Because people do not know what is, what it stood, nor who it represented.
A quote from a black friend who has lived in the North and the South:
In the North they love the race but hate the individual.
In the South they hate the race, but love the individual.
Confederate battle flag is not racist stinkn lincoln protected the northern slaves owners. Slavery was already over in south due to economics the south got tired of paying the fed and getting nothing back in return roads bridges etc so they said we are succeeding and stinkn couldnt have that. 680,000 Americans later and these progressive chicoms are still pushing racism
Certainly racist in many contexts given that it represents the states who wanted to retain slavery.
Bullshit. When Lincoln gave the “Emancipation Proclamation” speech he didn’t include the NORTHERN slaves that were under bondage. Read the post and not just the headline. It’s obvious that is all your read.
Notwithstanding that, the Southern States were fighting to preserve slavery. Furthermore the flag is definitely used in certain contexts as a racist symbol. However I also acknowledge that it can be used in non-racist contexts too.
No, the South was fighting to preserve the CONSTITUTION. Do you honestly BELIEVE that a bunch of white boys fought a war to make sure that 3% of the population that had slaves could keep the slaves? It’s a mind game Baz. You’re a victim. It was all over taxes and who was going to collect what. The north said, GREAT…LEAVE…see if we care. The rest is explained in The South Was Right by the Kennedy Brothers. You can go on “believing’ the swill fed to the victims of government school, or you can do some reading and take a different path in the matrix. You still haven’t read the post because frankly you don’t want your bubble burst.
I just can't accept this. Sure there were probably a handful of Negro folks who were sort of friendly with their "masters," but... Really? This feels very very like CO. I've read a fair amount about slavery in the US... Whenever it's going on, NOBODY wants to be a slave, no matter how good people are to them, human beings don't want to be slaves. Period. Yes, it's possible, even probable that there were a FEW black folks who didn't HATE their "owners," but... REALLY?? I can't go there.
No offense, Lion Man! You know I have to speak my opinion. xo
The flag is never racist, but the people raising it are if they want to return to the antebellum South
So the black man who this article is based on is racist? Apparently you are of the belief of the typical propaganda that the war was over slavery. That would be my guess. Am I correct?
The last part of what I sadi— “ if they want to return to the antebellum South”. I doubt that African American wants to return to that hell.
Read the post.
Flags aren't racist; they don't form cohesive thoughts or opinions about things.
Well, let’s see…maybe it should be worded like this for you deep thinkers…And of course the answer would be subjective. Is flying or displaying this flag proof you are racist? How is that? So far everyone has figured out what the statement means except you. Or at least no one else has made such an obvious observation.
When I see that flag, I don't think anything. I see a flag without having any emotional attachment to it. Same thing with the current American flag. I just see a flag. I don't see emotions like "patriotism, pride, or unity".
From my awareness, just because people had something in the past and they were cruel people, doesn't mean I associate what someone has with what was done in then. Does that make sense?
If I saw someone with a flag like this, my first thought would be, "That's an old flag." I don't associate people being a racist until I've seen or heard them do or say something racist.
People could look at me all day long and say, "She has this, so she is this.", and they could be wrong. If I know things about me could cause people to feel I'm different than I am, I don't want to feel that same energy about others. It's like a mirror.
I can't imagine what it must feel like for people to see symbols of atrocities and have to reconcile how those atrocities affected their families. We have such a hurtful, broken-down, cruel history. I guess if I really had to dig deep, I'd say I feel disappointed when I see that flag. Disappointed that in 2024, we're STILL not doing better as a unified species on the landmass we call Earth.
There was this black man, could be the very one in the photo only he’s probably passed by now but I used to watch him on YT giving us history lessons on the confederacy and how he loved it. He would walk around in his uniform and flag and talk to anyone who approached him. I wish I could remember his name. Shame on me for not remembering. It’s what they want, need in order to erase ppl like him
It was him. I have never seen another like him on youtube. He stood for the truth. The liars won the war.
He lived in one of the Carolinas I’m pretty sure. God bless him
Which of many lies are you referring to Michael?
We seem to have the same basic wants when it comes to government that many of us have. But calling people names and acting out some sort of supremacist attitude with your inflammatory posts is hardly the way to get folks to come over to your way of thinking. Want to know the underlying issue YOU seem to have missed? You can quote me.