20,000+ Gun Control Laws on the Books...It IS Insane, Isn't It?
How do they EVEN exist in lieu of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?
It is insane isn't it? That the length of a shot gun needs to be registered if under this and that blah blah blah. That if you want a nice compact rifle you have to act like a poodle at a circus and jump through hoops and pay a tax stamp and say MASSA may I please have this SBR? Can I massa? Look at the new bull pup designs and with a 16" barrel they are actually shorter then most SBR's. Unless you want a really really short one, which makes about no sense to have in the first place. And I don't know about you...but I feel so much safer knowing that someone has an SBR or full auto and has paid for the tax stamp and is not going to hurt us. They have deemed those weapons to be unusual and dangerous and yet I guess if you pay that $200, something magical happens and POOF it’s no longer unusual and dangerous. And if you DON’T pay that $200 they will shoot your kid in the back and your wife in the head, which surely isn’t a violation of the 8th amendment! (Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted) Then there is the $200 you have to pay to engage in the “privilege” of dealing in firearms that they will murder you over if you don’t pay that one too.
I mean really, why not make laws that deal with crimes that have VICTIMS. I don't know anyone that was ever shot up with a machine gun because machine guns don't shoot people. Neither do short barrel rifles or whatever. Funny how the ATF can call a pistol with a vertical grip an "any other weapon" and yet allow a wrist brace as if that was the normal design of a pistol. It is arbitrary moral relativism made to treat we the people like slaves. ATF needs to go away. So does the NFA act. So do million of victimless crime "laws' that make felons out of people for bull crap. WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO READ THE 2ND AMENDMENT CLOSELY. Realize it doesn't say SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED EXCEPT _________________________________ fill in the blank. IT SAYS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Now man up...land of the free my rear.
Someone will say: I totally agree on all that insanity, but we need to wait until the “supreme” court is packed with a few more judges that would rule in our favor. I can wait one to three more years if it means greater chances of having the NFA (National Firearms Act) and the ATF (UnConstitutional Anti 2nd Amendment Bureaucracy) abolished.
I hope you're right. But for some reason I doubt it. Maybe because it has been in effect since 1934? Maybe because of the 1968 GCA that made it even worse? Maybe because Reagan the "conservative' made newly made machine guns unavailable to the public driving the prices of the ones in circulation into the stratosphere? Maybe because politicians and judges are all psychos in the first place? Maybe? Maybe? I'm not holding my breath. And seriously, in the "Land of the Free" why should we have to wait for some "judges" in black robes who look like Baal priests issue an "opinion" on the subject in the first place? Doesn't it say in plain simple language SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED? As for this shotgun...great. I'll use my 870 with the side folding stock. Or better yet my Keltec KSG with the 16 round magazines that is SHORTER than a 18” “normal” shotgun and barely longer than a short barrel taxed one.
(Aren’t you skeered knowing I have one of these? You should be if you’re a psychopathic control freak parasite. I think it was Thomas Jefferson who made the statement, “when the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is freedom. You don’t get the government to fear the people by voting. You get them to fear you when the people build gallows and hang their ass for violating their oaths of office.)
Or who knows? Maybe that will arbitrarily be declared a who knows what by the psychos in control. Just look at what is happening in some states in the name of "safety" No magazines over a certain size, no removable magazines...unless you carry a bullet button. I bet those real honest gang bangers in California and other places follow all those laws. Don't you? Most of these "Laws" are meant for slaves. Except for a crime that is committed where there is a victim. And honest law abiding people don't violate laws that would harm another person or their property. HOWEVER, honest LAW ABIDING PEOPLE just MIGHT violate a "law" that violates their conscience or rights, because that "law" isn't a LAW in the first place. It is just some arbitrary elitist edict that means NOTHING to a free people.
More moral relativism. It's destroying the world. This firearm can never be concealed, period. Ok, so what do I do if I want to take it to the range. Put it on the hood of my car? Can I put it in a case for protection or is that "concealed"? If I carry it to my car on my right side and someone cannot see it from my left side, is it concealed? If I drive to the range and it's in my trunk is that concealed? Do any of us see the ABSURDITY of all this gooblety gook? (not real words because we can't be dealing with reality here can we?) This has GOT to go away. SOMEHOW, either by votes, either by jury nullification, either by blood running in the streets...It has GOT TO GO AWAY. Putting people in cages for this kind of nonsense or worse yet, shooting their kids in the back and their wives in the head has GOT to stop. Oh wait, what is worse then shooting a kid in the back and a woman in the head for some sawed off shotgun bs law? I remember! Burning a church down around 17 little children over supposed PRESUMED NFA violations. You remember...WACO TEXAS where the WACKO'S in charge at the time thought the way you deal with non violent "crimes" is to attack a church full of people and use tanks and tear gas to roust them. And while the church is burning down psychos with machine guns shoot them trying to flee? Welcome to the insane asylum called the USA. And remember..you're FREE... LOL!
Defund atf fbi dea shut them down. ATF is anti American these idiots understand nothing about firearms. As u stated shall not be infringed…… simple to understand