>>... "all the Talking Heads say they're bringing back Joy. What the flying fuck does that mean?"

Clearly, it means: "Yes, We Can!"

>>... "I don't actually think the dumbing down of the rhetoric was because the people of the country become that much dumber."

Unfortunately, I have to disagree with that. Yes, they *have* dumbed-down the people and as a result, the people became dumber. Therefore, they fall for meaningless, bullshit rhetoric.

The American people are no longer nonfiction readers, and haven't been for a long time. Nowadays, they are video game players and video clip viewers, and cell phone watchers. I have seen too many high school and college graduates interviewed who *literally* cannot read a clock or watch... unless it's a digital display of the time. I've seen too many high school and college graduates who thought the "Civil War" was fought between Italy and England. I saw one teenager in San Diego or Los Angeles who couldn't name the ocean to the West of him. He finally took a guess and said, "The Atlantic ocean?" Hell, the majority of Millennials & Gen Z'ers today can't even point toward the "West" if you ask them to. Why should they know where "West" is when their Google map app tells them where to turn?

Sadly, the reason these substance-free, idiotic political slogans work is because... most of the voting public is comprised of idiots.


~ Hosea 4:6

~ D-FensDogG

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Author

Great comment. So true. It's pitiful. I was at the gym the other day and got in a conversation with a couple of 12th grade high schoolers. Within five minutes I had ten of them surrounding me asking questions. They aren't being educated, they are being INDOCTRINATED. I'd like to start a class somehow called "What you didn't learn in government school" and start with the power of the Jury. Our country, no the WORLD is being run by psychopathic control freak PARASITES!

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Sep 1Liked by Courageous Lion

Damn. You got that right. These kids have been dumbed down to the lowest common denomionator. And they don’t even know what a denominator is.

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Sep 1Liked by Courageous Lion

We are fucked. And not in a joyful way

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It is time to force them to stop the fuckery. PERIOD.

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Sep 1Liked by Courageous Lion

He's not wrong.

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Someone with more talent than me, needs to write a book just using all the campaign slogans. I'll wager it would be a doozy.

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its like all the advertising, look at the labels they all have nice words about there product, great, fantastic, it's the best, you know what i am talking about, subliminal messaging and the fools fall for it. all these devices are our undoing

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So, throw it all in one big pot and denigrate it all. We are in a war and shallow assessments are not helpful. For example: If you think tarrifs on China are a tax on the consumer rather than a hinderment to flooding the country with cheap merchandise, to support Made in USA, then your motivation for your other opinions is suspect and you are not a source i can trust.

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A tariff is a tax on a good that is coming into the country that people want. Try buying a US made floor jack. Now imagine that the current high quality floor jacks coming into the country have a 100% tariff added to them. Now YOU get to pay DOUBLE what it would have cost without the tariff with no recourse of buying a jack somewhere else. Supporting made in USA is fine, but in many cases you are NOT buying a better product or one that cost the same. You are buying one that cost more of the same quality. The problem arises due to the disparity between labor costs and government regulations. People in the USA at this time think that if they are a plumber that their labor is worth $100+ an hour. Do you suppose people would hire a Chinese plumber if he could charge you $50 an hour and do the same job correctly? Obviously the answer is yes. So if you want to be suspect, be suspect of reality. NO ONE wants to pay more for anything since the costs have to be covered by your labor. Some people may buy something that is the same quality due to a status symbol of sorts, but that is their option. Like buying a Wilson Combat .45 pistol vs a made in the Philippians, Rock Island Armory .45 which isn’t less accurate, is well made quality wise and costs WAY less. The Wilson pistol is a status symbol. When it comes to automobiles BMW’s, Mercedes Benz, Lexus, etc are status symbols they are not particularly more reliable or do they maintain their value because of what they are. So Larken makes some actual real life observations. What I see shouldn’t be “Make America Great Again” I see it should be Make America Free Again. The thousands and thousands of “laws” that make simple life situations into crimes need to go away. Why should Sammy Weaver and Vicky Weaver had to die over the length of a shotgun barrel and a $200 fee? Why did Bryan Malenowski have to die over a $200 fee? You took your time on your response and this is me taking my time on mine to yours.

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Sep 1Liked by Courageous Lion

50 years ago China had nothing? The geouze decided we use them as cheap labor even if we fock the Westrrn workers. The stupid Western societies couldn't figure this out because the geouwish media will not Chrystalize it for them. Today we don't produce she-it, and China produce everything? If anyone needs to complain about the miserable position that we ended up in, they must recognize the evil work of Kissinger and his Khazarian mafia.

Trump (I am not in approval of his zionist agenda) is the only candidate who brings trade issues. Make America great again may be meaningless to simple minded people, but, for me it means anything like

1- America can compete again in educational level of its children.

2- America can produce everything again.

3- America can be an honorable power that seeks peace again.

4- America can speak English again, no Para Español o prima IL OTCIO boolshit.

5- American Rabbi s can go back to preach morality instead of opening porn sites.

6- NGOs can go back to provide help to poor people instead of toppling governments the Zionists don't approve of.

7- America can focus on strengthening the family unit morally and economically.

8- America can redefine masculinity as an honor from God to protect the family.

9- America can reform the media to be a forum of honest conversations that gives everyone an opportunity to air their views.

10- America can break down the giant silicone valley firm, and install fair-minded inspectors to ensure degradation of libtard communist globalist concepts.

These are just few things that we need to improve to make America Great Again.

Any comments that we are already great is self indulgence. and lack honesty.

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My response to your list:

1- America can compete again in educational level of its children.

Buy ending the 10th plank communist manifesto public school system.

2- America can produce everything again.

It already can. It just is cost prohibitive. We need to get back to honest money world wide.

3- America can be an honorable power that seeks peace again.

That won't happen as long as the Military industrial complex has it's say.

4- America can speak English again, no Para Español o prima IL OTCIO boolshit.

I agree. For sure. My ancestors can from Hungary and learned ENGLISH. They may have spoken Hungarian in a home setting but they learned English and didn't have to press #2 on the phone for Hungarian.

5- American Rabbi s can go back to preach morality instead of opening porn sites.

And shit can the Talmud which has all kinds of immoral idiocy in it.

6- NGOs can go back to provide help to poor people instead of toppling governments the Zionists don't approve of.

For sure.

7- America can focus on strengthening the family unit morally and economically.

By staying out of our lives.

8- America can redefine masculinity as an honor from God to protect the family.

What? And do away with the concept of toxic masculinity? Are you crazy? We have to have toxic masculinity, which btw, according to the moronic definition I fit to the Tee...

9- America can reform the media to be a forum of honest conversations that gives everyone an opportunity to air their views.

That's in the works. It's called alternative media and can be found all over the web.

10- America can break down the giant silicone valley firm, and install fair-minded inspectors to ensure degradation of libtard communist globalist concepts.

I don't like the idea of inspectors for anything. They get too much power and cause more of the problems that sent us overseas in the first place.

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Sep 1Liked by Courageous Lion

you are absolutely right, so what is the answer, i am sorry to say but we are doomed and i am not a pessimist, we are in the end times

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I would agree, but I saw first hand what happened when BLM came to Harrison Arkansas and threatened to burn the town down. A citizen militia formed spontaneously that had at least 200 participants all apparently willing to shoot someone in the face that would try to throw a Molotov cocktail at one of our buildings. As Carl Klang stated in the lyrics of “Their Coming to Take The Patriots Away” back in the mid 90’s…

The twisting thread shall stretch and snap

The straw shall break the camels back

And tables when they turn shall bring a swift end, friend

Yes things divine can wrench and bend

The well laid plans of mice and men

And when they do what will you traitors do then, when

We'll be taking the traitors away ha ha

…all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. Declaration of Independence

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Where did Joy go? For s Ride?

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Agreed: Larken knocked it out of the ballpark!

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