Perhaps the Democrats and the Republicans will collectively turn on each other and rend each others' throats. Then, maybe, just maybe, we might start anew.

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A pox on both their houses.

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Everyone knows where the local no go zones are and why they are that way. But noticing is racist.

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Great article. Who’s safer? A white guy in a black neighborhood or the other way around? 54% of murders committed by 13% of the population. This is how the left wants it. I live in palm beach county. Same here. There’s some places no white person would go at night.

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More like 75% of the murders, commited by 6.5% of the population. Although black women, do commit more murders/capita than white men as well. DoJ and local police classify clearly dark skinned people as "White" on the arrest reports. It makes the trannies, midgets and Somalians the FBI now hires smile.

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The demonrat playbook, Communist Manifesto, Alinsky, etc. have worked excellently, and will continue to be used until (if) the people wake up, and say HELL NO. It's all part of the plan-- divide and conquer, destroy the culture, change the language. The next move is ours, patriots. Take the move or the game is forfeited. The fate of the Republic is in our hands.

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Good god, how was this truth ever posted on that propaganda rag Salon? Was a much different world back then, never thought I’d remember the early 2000s as a better era than what we’re living through now.

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The media, is 96% jewish. Open Borders, nearly 100% jewish. Communism, 95% jewish. The greatest mass murderers of history, 90% jewish, or trained by jews.

McCarthyism has been proven true. Most of the traitors were jewish.

Although my pattern recognition skills are not as good as the trained investigators under the Skull & Bones Chris Wray, that jewish owned Drump appointed, I might have an inkling some of the things afflicting the West are moderately correlated with other things.

Of course, in 18 nations, and now a few US States, that would get me put in jail. With all the other White Nationalists, because the jewish Attorney General says we are the greatest threat to a political ideology, Democracy, our founders despised.

I do not miss America. I hate America. Thanks jews.

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And yet the irony is that the article is written by a Jewish man. Who of course, must be a self hating Jew. I believe that there are a LOT of Jews who do not have the mentality of the ones you are speaking of. It's just there is a disproportionate number who are.

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There are a few outliers. Ron Unz. Bobby Fischer. Been watching some otherwise wide awake authors here, post Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman memes. One was a Communist as a boy, the other created economic constructs that left us $180 trillion in debt, when you add in the unfunded obligations. They post these assholes in a vain attempt to show they love blatts and jews. When instead, they could find millions of White heroes, economists, brave men. I will never get the tepid Republicans trying so hard to get blatts, hispanics and jews to love them. "Fook 'em" is the proper response, and then the Will to expel them all, is the next logical response, to things that threaten your very existence.

Hail Victory. I sure hope our people become much more unyielding. I do applaud you for overcoming your genetic, high ethno-centrism. Still, all I want is a Nation that is only for White people, just like Israel, an apartheid state, wants to be only jews.

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"One was a communist as a boy". Thomas Sowell is far from a communist these days. I was an idiot as a boy. Does that still make me an idiot? You may claim that is so because maybe I disagree with some of your assertions, but it doesn't make it so. Who created an economic construct that has left us 180 trillion in debt? And what debt are you referring too? If you can explain to me what the debt is OF, I'll send you 100 pounds free of charge and even pay shipping. Have you ever read the book Human Action by Von Mises? I'm pretty sure that Milton Friedman used that as the basis as his understanding of economics. The federal reserve system isn't based on anything Milton Friedman was supportive of. The basis of the site LewRockwell.com is the Von Mises institute. How could you pigeonhole an anti-war, anti-state, free market belief into your cubby hole? And as for outliers? How does one become a Jew typically? Isn't it by birth unless they proselytize like Sammy Davis Junior who btw was never really accepted by the Jewish community as a Jew?

Now I do realize that a lot of Jews do follow the belief system and that is a major issue. But then again, may so called Christian follow the belief system that seems to go right along with a lot of Jewish thinking such as that it's OK to murder people in Gaza because they are as one "leader" over there claimed that they were "dogs".

BTW...seems like one reason that there is so much hate being stirred up against Russia is because of their whiteness.

A LOT of Jews that were born that way do not follow the religion and are basically agnostics or atheists. And they don't seem to present a problem except of course that they follow THEIR psychopathic leaders just like the so called Christians follow theirs. I call out the psychopathic control freaks behind all religions, all colors, all creeds all of humanity. THAT is the major issue. Normal people following the human dregs as if they are saints.

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The follies one experiences as a youth, are directly related to the milieu, parents, religions, or lack thereof. it is why I feel so lucky to have been raised by Christian Parents, of high moral fiber. I never had to "undo" any degeneracy, or "idiocy." The small, Texas Hill country town I was raised in, kept out the jewish degeneracy, and horrific ideologies, such as Communism, and Feminism, you had to awaken to, and rail against. And, kudos to you for being able to delineate, and even chastise your own. As I do for Shabbos Goys, and White Traitors, who should be on the Side of the White Race, but will dance, naked if needed, for FIAT shekels.

I was an Austrian in Grad School. The fine folks at FEE attempted to travel to my almost all Goy university, then the Rice Institute, now Rice University. Because the Goy Kennedy School of Government sorts from Haaaaaaarvad had invaded the faculty, and di not like me pointing out the Keynesian fools, had steered the USD on a collision course all FIAT currency finds itself in, hyperinflation. Especially if Bretton-Woods has crowned it, "The Reserve Currency."

Brother, if you need me to explain to you our National Debt which is funded, and the same debt which includes unfunded obligations, such as Pensions, I am instead going to go and nail my Wife, a pretty Goy still. Not that Bella Abzug and Susan Sontag weren't beauties as well!

The jews we reference here, are the racial/religious/ethnic blob that has gotten themselves kicked out of 109-111 nations and nation states (Guatemala just booted a few), 1035 times. You pick the original tribes, lost tribes or Khazerian branches, I really do not care. No one needs to be told that Chucky Schumer, Adam Schiff, Bibi, Epstein, Fried and and Meyer Lansky were all members of a single group, that sticks together. I am going to bet Meyer Lansky never went to a Synagogue, but 999 out of 1000 people would call him, a jew. Rothschilds may be more Saturnalic than Hasidim, but he is a jew.

I have spent a lot of time in Eastern Europe. I wish Russia, Moscow in particular, was more than the 60% or so White it is today. Sankt Petersburg is 90%+ White, and I vastly prefer it. One of the greatest cities on Earth. But even there, the insidious jew, via it Bolshevism/Communism, did very long lasting damage.

I simply can not stand the phenotype, anti-Morals, language, ghetto preferences, of your people. I simply want to live without you, in a high trust, almost all White nation. So, I moved to one.

Enjoy the decline, and I do hope one day you come to understand the ponderous load "unfunded debt" is, as it crushed the last Synagogues, in America's Former Heartland. At least you will know, America died because of your people, despite how nice we were to you. Last quip. I lived in Thailand for a bit. They did a few things, I would politely call, "stupid as fuck." As an American, I did not feel it my place to critique their 700 year old lifestyles and traditions. So, i did not. Perhaps if you jews observed that simple courtesy, instead of pushing faggotry and pederasty, abortion, Feminism, and degeneracy too disgusting to detail, you might have gotten along. But, you can't. There is something profoundly wrong with you.

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You seem to have come to some false conclusion that I'm a Jew. Far from it. Not even close. What almost all white nation did you move to?

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That's why I hate painting everyone with the same brush. I don't think it's anyone's race that makes them who they are, but it's their culture and background. It's too bad that fear keeps us from discussing the roots of the problem. I'm sure there is an ology that has studied and reached some conclusions, but they too are afraid to publish their findings. I hope someone will weigh in with some unprejudiced thoughts or theories. Aren't we all a product of our childhood and families? Apparently, many people learn hate and evilness from infancy, and it's fed by a segment of society. I can't believe so many are born as psychopaths. All humanity is capable of good and evil, but what's really happening?

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" can't believe so many are born as psychopaths. All humanity is capable of good and evil, but what's really happening?" From https://www.courageouslion.us/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

A major understanding to consider in terms of how a society can be taken over by a group of pathological tyrants is that the psychopaths’ only limitation is the participation of controllable individuals within that given society. Lobaczewski gives an average figure for the most active control freaks at approximately 6% of any given population. (made up of 1% essential psychopaths and up to 5% other psychopathies and wanna be psychopaths) The essential psychopath is at the center of the web. The others form the first tier of the psychopath’s system of control. Many of that tier are enforcers that claim to “just be doing their job”.

The next layer of such a system is made up of individuals who were born normal, but are either already damaged by long-term exposure to psychopathic material via family or societal influences, or who, through mental weakness have decided to meet the demands of the psychopath for their own selfish ends. According to Lobaczewski, numerically, this group makes up about 12% of any given population under normal conditions.

So you see Nancy in NC, it isn't that many that are born that way. It's that they have the ability to influence other people in a very negative way.

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Blacks are the least intelligent, most violent group in every nation they exist in. From Sweden to Rwanda. You need to overcome the jew inspired, and baseless theory that "we are all the same" and "diversity is our strength." It isn't, it is socially, economically and scientifically provable. Ask the idiotic women in Germany, UK and Sweden holding up "Migrants Welcome" signs now, if they were right.

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One thing for sure that I have to agree on is the idiotic notion we are "all the same". Everyone is an individual. And some are obviously dumber and more violent in their makeup. I experienced that first hand as a youngster in government school. Blacks, as a whole, seem to have a pack mentality about them way more so than whites do. And as for "diversity is our strength". That is a time worn out bullshit slogan for sure. Diversity is based on collectivism in and of itself. Which is antithetic to individualism.

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I agree. But why do blacks have a pack mentality? Is that caused by genetics or environment? Birds of a feather flock together? Strength in numbers? Something else?

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I'm sure that the pack mentality is environment. As a matter of fact most all people still have a tribal or pack mentality or it has been dissolved by environment. If someone from Cuba moves to somewhere in Arkansas, chances are he will blend in quite quickly. Especially if he or she were "white" Cuban. Who were the decedents of Spaniards vs Native Indians. But if they moved to "little Cuba" in Miami, well that tells a story right there. That is why in early times of our own country the Irish were at odds with the Italians and they were at odds with whoever else was not of the tribe. As the Tribes diverted into the landscape that mentality faded away. You don't know who and Italian is just by looking at them. Or a Hungarian, or Pole or Spaniard. They are all the same race. But Blacks were from Africa and all blacks can recognize one another instantly so the tribal aspect not only sticks, it can in many cases metastasize into gangs that rob, rape, and steal from their own kind as well as those who aren't. Black on black violence is epidemic in many black controlled areas of the US. Black on white violence seems to be increasing due to the continual bombardment of whitey is bad propaganda that is fed to us. If you BELIEVE that whitey is bad, why wouldn't you be more likely to have no problem hurting bad people? If you can get them to BELIEVE that whitey is the reason of all your problems the outcome can only be a negative one.

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Nowhere in my post did I say "we are all the same" or "diversity is our strength". I believe neither. I'm trying to make sense of why certain races have certain proclivities. Apparently you don't know either.

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Low IQ is most like inherited. But you can't obviously claim that all blacks have low IQ, and I'm not saying you are. I'm convinced that if you tell your children all white people are evil enough, the children will grow up and believe all white people are evil. And visa versa. Jews that adhere to the "goyim" view of non-Jews who teach their children that way of belief will have children who will grow up believing non Jews are equivalent to cattle. There is a lot to the equation that isn't so easily seen.

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Now you're getting to the real meat. I guess I was trying to play devil's advocate, but I tire of the generalization often expressed that it's because of the Jews ((or anyone else). I am not Jewish and I'm not defending the numerous bad actors that happen to be Jewish. I still have no handle on that, because most of the bad actors are secular so religion doesn't play a part.

As for blacks, don't you think the government is responsible for what has happened to black families? Without fathers, boys learn from other bad male role models -- gang members and drug dealers for instance. My daughter is divorced and she struggles with her 3 boys.

Your last sentence says it all. It's complicated, but perhaps we need to think about it more. Regardless, your article is excellent.

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Of course I know. It is called genetics, which has a vast degree of control over common traits, such as intellect and impulse control.

Demography is Destiny. I've been to Liberia, and Angola. Never been to Israel though, where the greatest evidence of a wholly foul Racial strain, studies The Talmud for 20 hours a day, trying to find ways to kill all they deem, "unclean" and "Not Chosen."

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If it's just genetics, then why are there blacks like Thomas Sowell? Or dumb Asians? Do you think environment plays no part? I think you're grasping for the low hanging fruit.

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Where do you come up with your percentages? Just curious. And where are you residing these days? Also curious...is the grass greener there?

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An excellent publication.

I believe to the greater degree black on White crime is racially motivated and on many occasions this has been confirmed by the perpetrator.

We are quite literally sitting ducks as many crimes against us are celebrated and very much incentivised by the media and Government alike with their 'Whites are evil' rhetoric.

Our day will come, we will triumph, we will find our rightful place once again and to those who have unleashed this hell upon us we will not be kind.

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Sadly, quite a few of them are white.

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