Nov 15, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

"Do not put your faith in man..

he is a deceiver"....

Dr: "Trust me"....

Used Car Salesman: "Trust me."

Your body is more valuable than a car...

- Do your research

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Preacher: Believe on faith, trust me.

Teacher: Trust me child

College Professor: Trust me, I'm always right!

Police officer: Trust me!

Politician: Trust me, I have your best interests in mind! (Problem is, I don't have a mind. At least not one that I use.)

New Car Salesman: Trust me

I'm pretty much convinced that since I can't even trust myself, that trust is a idea that actually doesn't exist. At least if you're dealing with men or women. Or even dogs and cats!

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THIS dog is trustworthy. But... DONUT TRUST ME ANYWAY, lol.

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I am not sure that last paragraph. Some you can trust. But they are a rare breed....and sometimes you can also express understanding with Dogs and Cats. Though point taken...sometimes they don't give a shit. But there is a language barrier. Action and approach seems to matter to them.

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Nov 15, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

God bless you, Courageous Lion. You and your wife did a great job raising your kids, the best, clearly you gave it all you had. We also home-birthed, and raised our kids with a healthy suspicion of the so-called "medical" establishment and its deceptive wares. However, our younger son got his head spun in college where a so-called "mental health expert" told him after seeing him for all of twenty minutes that he is bi-polar and ADHD. The push to ply him with anti-depressants and ritalin and the rest of their despicable concoctions took off from there. Our protestations fell on deaf ears and once the "pandemic" hit soon thereafter, we, as skeptics, were cordoned off as "the enemy." Despite our ceaseless efforts, he has cut us out of his life. Tearing close families apart is top priority on the 5th generation warfare agenda. It is heart-rending but we parents must not give up! PS: A small consolation is that he did not change sex.

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My like is a sad one. I can feel what you are experiencing in your words. Read my post about the SSRI connection to mass murder, suicides and spontaneous murder. He needs to get off those drugs. The "mental health expert" needs a good ass whipping. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/mark-reynolds/the-ssri-connection-to-suicides-spontaneous-murder-and-mass-shootings/

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Nov 16, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Thank you. I will read your link. Mental health "experts" are literally driving people crazy.

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just wow. That article really tells a story. A nightmare actually.

Truth is these people are killing us and our children from all directions, while disabling us along the way. We need to find a lot of strength....because we battle fictions, and deceit. But they are playing for realz.

Young Frankenstein comes to mind. "It's Alive!"

Is anything in this world nothing but marketing? I view that as a false narrative...sell it, and paint it pretty.

Marketing death appears to be a thing...and perpetual trauma. Hope we reject the bullshit and become better.

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Sadly, as so many people do these days...

- they Trust blindly...

has anyone else noticed the rise of local 'mental health care clinics' in low income areas of cities?

Site fronts popping up post covid shutdown?

-Be aware of new media initiative for mental health counseling for CHILDREN...

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The Movie is heart wrenching. I wish this world was a better place. What is being done is pure evil all the way around, and convid was an accelerator to all sorts of other things equally as evil as the shot. It needs to be stop and we must all rise.

Now on another note. You send me e-mails...why when I come here do I need extra verification? It rejected my password...but it probably stems from these messages where I have to change passwords..or get a temporary...not sure what happened but click reset password...but it let me comment instead.

I phucking hate technology, and changing passwords and anything Digital...That too is evil.

I get these stories, I subscribed....the more digital you go with this website...beyond the communication will turn me off and I will lose you. Not that I want to....but keeping up with tech will shut out this lion from roaring.

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I'm not sure exactly how substack works to this day. Somehow I have two accounts with the same handle but with different Email addresses. I'm always being asked to sign in. They do let you sign in with a password or have a link sent to you. I'm sure that it is a PITA and they should make it easier for folks to get to the posts without having to jump through ANY hoops. I'm going to forward you message to the "powers that be".

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I do have some suspicions about SS... Why are they the only site that doesn't CENSOR everything? I suspect we're being monitored and ID'd from here...

Noooooo, I'm not suspicious, I'm so TRUSTING...

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It did it again...and wanted me to change password that I already changed yesterday.

This time it accepted my password. Funny though...it showed me as being signed in in top right corner. But still would not let me type until I re-signed in.

Thanks for getting back to me. Yeah, it is a PITA. and very inconvenient to have conversations. Hope the PTB fix the problem.

Unlike the main Powers that shouldn't be that go full on pain and bs.

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