Great analysis. Bottom line, we are being screwed, every which way AND loose.
"That would be about a $144,759.68 new house today."
I about busted my gut! In California, where I live (not even near S.F., L.A., O.C., or Sacramento), that 1500 sq. ft. home (ours is 1464 sq. ft.) is worth $740,000, even if it's 16 years old, like our house! Your family home was also probably on a decent size lot, enough for a big vegetable garden and a play area for the kids. Ours is 7500 sq. ft. and the property taxes are almost $6,000 per year. Add in "landscape & lighting district," "city sewer and trash" fees, and we're being extorted to the hilt.
Don't get me wrong: I am filled with gratitude to our home. It is plenty big for my small family and a small pet or two. But this economic robbery is *insane*!
How do we end this nightmare? How, really? When most people are entertained to death and have become inured to being slaves to crap jobs just so they can stay entertained. Can 3% of the adult population truly rise up and destroy the destroyers? That's just in the US. What happens when the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns from Canada, Mexico, and our old (same old) "friends" from the UK send in their goons? Do we have enough real men? Do those men have the fire-power? The stamina? The psycho-spiritual maturity?
That must be why so many folks are selling their $740,000 1464 sf homes and moving to my area and buying up 200 acres and building 2500 sf homes on them and having $400,000 left over. Think I'm kidding? I can show you 110 acres with a fabricated home (double wide) that you could live in while you build your mansion for about $200,000 RIGHT NOW. I did some plumbing for the guy. And I'd help you build your dream home! I'd do the plumbing for you! And the yearly "taxes" or "rent" as I call it, since most of it can be considered agriculture, would be about $1500-$2000. It's about 3 miles off of a paved road, but it is kept up by the county and the area is BEAUTIFUL.
I also wonder what that same house in California would have cost in 1964 compared to the cost of the one my dad had purchased in North Miami Florida back then.
Thank you, CL🦁! We have considered the "exit and build" strategy, but feel that it is equally if not more important to "stay and reclaim" right here. There is a reason that my area is sought after (year-round growing season being a main feature), and we feel undaunted in keeping California free. Other states have excellent benefits, as you mention, but if we lose California, we're losing mainland gold in terms of food, fuel, and coastal access/control. To be sure, we won't be stupid if the wayward wizards turn full-on violent, and we will change our plans if necessary. It's great to know that so many of us are offering our wisdom, local knowledge, and skills to the growing tribe! On that note, my husband and I are both professional multi-instrumental musicians/singers and creative producers, I am a chef, and he is a music therapist and top-notch handyman!
I understand the stay and reclaim idea as many of us believe that is a nation wide strategy that needs to be adhered to. So I'm not moving to Uruguay though the thought is tempting on occasion. BUT, how do you reduce your "property taxes" from $6,000 to a reasonable, if there is such a thing in my mind, level? If you can liquidate the house that is worth $740,000 you would be so far ahead and be able to build back better in a location where like minded people are at your elbow wherever you turn. Just a thought...Speaking of musicians...did you ever hear of Carl Klang? I worked with him for a while. He passed a couple of years back but you can find his inspirational patriotic music on Youtube. One of my favorites:
Yeah, we thought about Mexico for a couple of weeks, haha. Anyway, we live in a live pocket of old-timers — farmers, people who build stuff, who have plenty of *ways to fight tyranny* at the door😉. When we first moved here from Southern California, I hated all that but soon grew to love the folks here who will give you the shirt off their back when you're in need. To be sure, not everyone is like that, because a lot of people came from big cities in the last 10 years and have not relinquished their shitty ways, partly because their hefty bank accounts make them think they are better than us, than the farmers and laborers who bring food to their fancy dining tables, and partly because they're brainwashed by politics, L and R, and other fake "experts" and "authorities."They're really living in some kind of altered reality, one of scientific materialism.
I have traveled across much of the country, and found that real freedom lovers are in every little village, college town, and major metropolis, just as they are here in California when I come back home. So, thank you for your thoughts, but for now, we will stay here and continue to build our tribe, which is already pretty big for a small town.
I had not heard of Carl Klang before. Looks like he passed in 2019 and left a nice catalog of his songs.
I'm revisiting this post after reading a recent one of Lion's...
And we've crossed paths, and I like your "way," as Peter Frampton once said...
And your comment above really resonates for me... I lived in SF for about 20 years and the city mentality really is very different from the country folks... because they rely on each other. Real community. I think that's where we're heading now. It'll be bumpy for some, but a real homecoming, too... Someone compared this stage of our time here on Earth as being squeezed through the birth canal into a New Life... It's a bitch (woof!) getting through the birthing part, but then--- New LIFE! I hope I live long enough to see it. xo
Thanks for your sentiments, Word Herder! We lived in Los Angeles for over 15 years, so I well know how the hive-mind machine-mind infiltrates metro areas and makes them into places of frenetic, unfriendly frequencies. Somehow, I always found enough really good-hearted people to make living there not just bearable, but life-enhancing. However, I truly cherish these smaller, more rural areas.
I really want to think that this insane world of inversion and perversion and the psychopaths who manufactured it will *go away* due to the intentional actions of our small minority of genuinely freedom loving folks who can handle the rough times to come. Either way, I'm following my moral compass and maintaining flexibility! I, too, would L-O-V-E to see the Matrix crumble and Paradise revealed once again! "Woof!" to that!
The biggest con job (the Fed, that is) in US history, until WWI, and then WWII, and then all the rest of it, right up until THIS ONE, which I just call "Covid."
We are not just in a war for our own lives, but for HUMANITY and the future of our species, a lot of other species, and maybe even the planet.
The PROPER definition of "money" is: DURABLE, DIVISIBLE and a STORE OF VALUE. Paper money is NOT durable, it is NOT divisible and unless it is backed at par with REAL MONEY it is not as store of value. Why do banksters that are behind the creation of FAKE "money" have to have anything paid back to them if they can, with the cooperation of some thieves in the federal Treasury create all they want? There are a number of posts in my Stack that deal with this subject. Anyone who really wants an education on the subject should start with Blood Running in the Streets:
Courageous Lion, I think you should know that I was unable to like this post for at least 4 hours. All the other stacks I read worked fine. Read-Like-Comment. When "liking" yours it went to the, "Substack is experiencing technical difficulties.", page. Just thought you'd like to know. Now, I will have to reread your stack, so I'll remember what I was going to say. 😉
Substack seems to have issues on occasion. I'll post a comment and find I can't even edit my own comment and it will have an option to ban user! So I guess I could ban myself! LOL!
The price and value of silver and gold has not gone up. It's the value and purchasing power of our dollar that's going down. Always wise to convert that worthless fiat monopoly money into "God's currency" that retains it's value! Great article.
NO ! ... GOLD is NOT money ! Nixon showed that to the world every well...where have you been since 1972 ? .... LEGAL TENDER is all, and uncounterfeitable fiat is the way to go ! The USA wins such contests each year as the best fiat in the world ! MONEY should be based on ALL items of worth (including gold) of a nation including land, resources, LABOR (and various skill sets including innovation) as in TAXES "generateable" (which is totally abused by the fed as it has been since 1913, etc.) and other assets as makes the nation successful as with ...everything that people flock to America for including a "freedom index" due to our great documents that few have or have lost ! Discussion invited as always.
"everything that people flock to America for including a "freedom index" due to our great documents that few have or have lost" Our great IGNORED documents. Everything they flock here edjunkashun. Free housing, Free food, free medical, free, free, free at OUR expense due to INFLATION caused by all the FREE stuff. Good ol Auntie Samantha TIT for the masses!
Sad even EVIL junk of course... and yet MOST in our 'government' are in total misprision for NOT calling attention to and dealing properly with such outrages against our very existence as a free people, one of the FEW with a Constitution AND Bill of Rights which few had, and most had taken away, which we must guard at MOST cost ... besides the 'Ohio effect' by the rich of the world who think they own us via mostly bribery, debt-based COUNTERFEIT 'money' and supporting de-regulation to our infrastructure totally such that disasters like Ohio will now happen much more often AS PLANNED and in this case ruining all farmland and drinking/food preparation water in the north east (FDA and EPA rules) ! All of which means the 'government' is in total misprision of felony or perhaps even TREASON as it greatly threatens the "Constitutional general welfare" of the nation as nobody at any level of "government", especially the judiciary is pressing charges against such violators and destroyers of our economy and way of life in general !
Are you just ignorant of the fed or are you part of it ? DEBT-BASED "money" must be outlawed...hopefully worldwide as since especially 1972, ours has been based on LABOR as in TAXES, as on the national debt where we can only pay the interest at over $ 700 B/yr....when there should be NO interest at all besides NO sale of securities for foreign types, etc.....if they want to "invest" in America, then they should be limited to business opportunities as law allows, not bring parasites on our mostly wrongful debt as with obscene profiteering by the MIC ...also suffering from a HUGE array of abuses by the rich of the world who think they own us via that unConstitutional debt-based 'money' and worse abrogations of our great documents besides colluding to counterfeit, etc. (my lists of abuses if you want).
The "money" used by the colonies at the time was not debt based. It was backed by at par with specie, both gold and silver. The problem lies in TRUST, that you have to have that those who are in control of the "debtless" paper money remain HONEST. The propensity of man is to slide towards DISHONESTY when the chance arises. Not all men, but enough so that if you trust someone else with YOUR money you will get screwed. That is WHY, if the monetary clauses, if understood properly in the US Constitution, were being used we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today. I wrote a stack yesterday you might find a bit informative. I think you are on the right track but "debt free" paper money is not the answer. REAL money is and has been for thousands of years. Please take the time out of your most likely busy schedule to read the following post:
P.S. if you can tell me the THING that the national debt is actually based in besides "labor" which is a mental construct, I'll send you 100 pounds of it free of charge. For you see if the national debt is based on NO THING it can be dissolved as easily as it came into existence. If it was created out of NO THING it can disappear into NO THING.
Great analysis. Bottom line, we are being screwed, every which way AND loose.
"That would be about a $144,759.68 new house today."
I about busted my gut! In California, where I live (not even near S.F., L.A., O.C., or Sacramento), that 1500 sq. ft. home (ours is 1464 sq. ft.) is worth $740,000, even if it's 16 years old, like our house! Your family home was also probably on a decent size lot, enough for a big vegetable garden and a play area for the kids. Ours is 7500 sq. ft. and the property taxes are almost $6,000 per year. Add in "landscape & lighting district," "city sewer and trash" fees, and we're being extorted to the hilt.
Don't get me wrong: I am filled with gratitude to our home. It is plenty big for my small family and a small pet or two. But this economic robbery is *insane*!
How do we end this nightmare? How, really? When most people are entertained to death and have become inured to being slaves to crap jobs just so they can stay entertained. Can 3% of the adult population truly rise up and destroy the destroyers? That's just in the US. What happens when the wayward wizards and their cushy-job-keeping career clowns from Canada, Mexico, and our old (same old) "friends" from the UK send in their goons? Do we have enough real men? Do those men have the fire-power? The stamina? The psycho-spiritual maturity?
That must be why so many folks are selling their $740,000 1464 sf homes and moving to my area and buying up 200 acres and building 2500 sf homes on them and having $400,000 left over. Think I'm kidding? I can show you 110 acres with a fabricated home (double wide) that you could live in while you build your mansion for about $200,000 RIGHT NOW. I did some plumbing for the guy. And I'd help you build your dream home! I'd do the plumbing for you! And the yearly "taxes" or "rent" as I call it, since most of it can be considered agriculture, would be about $1500-$2000. It's about 3 miles off of a paved road, but it is kept up by the county and the area is BEAUTIFUL.
I also wonder what that same house in California would have cost in 1964 compared to the cost of the one my dad had purchased in North Miami Florida back then.
Thank you, CL🦁! We have considered the "exit and build" strategy, but feel that it is equally if not more important to "stay and reclaim" right here. There is a reason that my area is sought after (year-round growing season being a main feature), and we feel undaunted in keeping California free. Other states have excellent benefits, as you mention, but if we lose California, we're losing mainland gold in terms of food, fuel, and coastal access/control. To be sure, we won't be stupid if the wayward wizards turn full-on violent, and we will change our plans if necessary. It's great to know that so many of us are offering our wisdom, local knowledge, and skills to the growing tribe! On that note, my husband and I are both professional multi-instrumental musicians/singers and creative producers, I am a chef, and he is a music therapist and top-notch handyman!
I understand the stay and reclaim idea as many of us believe that is a nation wide strategy that needs to be adhered to. So I'm not moving to Uruguay though the thought is tempting on occasion. BUT, how do you reduce your "property taxes" from $6,000 to a reasonable, if there is such a thing in my mind, level? If you can liquidate the house that is worth $740,000 you would be so far ahead and be able to build back better in a location where like minded people are at your elbow wherever you turn. Just a thought...Speaking of musicians...did you ever hear of Carl Klang? I worked with him for a while. He passed a couple of years back but you can find his inspirational patriotic music on Youtube. One of my favorites:
Yeah, we thought about Mexico for a couple of weeks, haha. Anyway, we live in a live pocket of old-timers — farmers, people who build stuff, who have plenty of *ways to fight tyranny* at the door😉. When we first moved here from Southern California, I hated all that but soon grew to love the folks here who will give you the shirt off their back when you're in need. To be sure, not everyone is like that, because a lot of people came from big cities in the last 10 years and have not relinquished their shitty ways, partly because their hefty bank accounts make them think they are better than us, than the farmers and laborers who bring food to their fancy dining tables, and partly because they're brainwashed by politics, L and R, and other fake "experts" and "authorities."They're really living in some kind of altered reality, one of scientific materialism.
I have traveled across much of the country, and found that real freedom lovers are in every little village, college town, and major metropolis, just as they are here in California when I come back home. So, thank you for your thoughts, but for now, we will stay here and continue to build our tribe, which is already pretty big for a small town.
I had not heard of Carl Klang before. Looks like he passed in 2019 and left a nice catalog of his songs.
I'm revisiting this post after reading a recent one of Lion's...
And we've crossed paths, and I like your "way," as Peter Frampton once said...
And your comment above really resonates for me... I lived in SF for about 20 years and the city mentality really is very different from the country folks... because they rely on each other. Real community. I think that's where we're heading now. It'll be bumpy for some, but a real homecoming, too... Someone compared this stage of our time here on Earth as being squeezed through the birth canal into a New Life... It's a bitch (woof!) getting through the birthing part, but then--- New LIFE! I hope I live long enough to see it. xo
Thanks for your sentiments, Word Herder! We lived in Los Angeles for over 15 years, so I well know how the hive-mind machine-mind infiltrates metro areas and makes them into places of frenetic, unfriendly frequencies. Somehow, I always found enough really good-hearted people to make living there not just bearable, but life-enhancing. However, I truly cherish these smaller, more rural areas.
I really want to think that this insane world of inversion and perversion and the psychopaths who manufactured it will *go away* due to the intentional actions of our small minority of genuinely freedom loving folks who can handle the rough times to come. Either way, I'm following my moral compass and maintaining flexibility! I, too, would L-O-V-E to see the Matrix crumble and Paradise revealed once again! "Woof!" to that!
The biggest con job (the Fed, that is) in US history, until WWI, and then WWII, and then all the rest of it, right up until THIS ONE, which I just call "Covid."
We are not just in a war for our own lives, but for HUMANITY and the future of our species, a lot of other species, and maybe even the planet.
Google James Dalton Bell and read about his idea. I think that since it would have worked, is the reason "they" went after him.
Will do... it's FRIDAY, and even tho I work 20 hrs/week rat now, I still luuuuv the weekend!!
The PROPER definition of "money" is: DURABLE, DIVISIBLE and a STORE OF VALUE. Paper money is NOT durable, it is NOT divisible and unless it is backed at par with REAL MONEY it is not as store of value. Why do banksters that are behind the creation of FAKE "money" have to have anything paid back to them if they can, with the cooperation of some thieves in the federal Treasury create all they want? There are a number of posts in my Stack that deal with this subject. Anyone who really wants an education on the subject should start with Blood Running in the Streets:
Courageous Lion, I think you should know that I was unable to like this post for at least 4 hours. All the other stacks I read worked fine. Read-Like-Comment. When "liking" yours it went to the, "Substack is experiencing technical difficulties.", page. Just thought you'd like to know. Now, I will have to reread your stack, so I'll remember what I was going to say. 😉
Substack seems to have issues on occasion. I'll post a comment and find I can't even edit my own comment and it will have an option to ban user! So I guess I could ban myself! LOL!
I haven't had the edit option since yesterday. I don't know if this is going to be permanent or not. I hope not, I can't type worth a darn. 😏
The price and value of silver and gold has not gone up. It's the value and purchasing power of our dollar that's going down. Always wise to convert that worthless fiat monopoly money into "God's currency" that retains it's value! Great article.
Well met, Sir!
One month after this topic was published, I offer you to read this additional article:
David Stockman on "The Status of the everything bubble created by the Fed"
Found on ZeroHedge:
NO ! ... GOLD is NOT money ! Nixon showed that to the world every well...where have you been since 1972 ? .... LEGAL TENDER is all, and uncounterfeitable fiat is the way to go ! The USA wins such contests each year as the best fiat in the world ! MONEY should be based on ALL items of worth (including gold) of a nation including land, resources, LABOR (and various skill sets including innovation) as in TAXES "generateable" (which is totally abused by the fed as it has been since 1913, etc.) and other assets as makes the nation successful as with ...everything that people flock to America for including a "freedom index" due to our great documents that few have or have lost ! Discussion invited as always.
"everything that people flock to America for including a "freedom index" due to our great documents that few have or have lost" Our great IGNORED documents. Everything they flock here edjunkashun. Free housing, Free food, free medical, free, free, free at OUR expense due to INFLATION caused by all the FREE stuff. Good ol Auntie Samantha TIT for the masses!
Sad even EVIL junk of course... and yet MOST in our 'government' are in total misprision for NOT calling attention to and dealing properly with such outrages against our very existence as a free people, one of the FEW with a Constitution AND Bill of Rights which few had, and most had taken away, which we must guard at MOST cost ... besides the 'Ohio effect' by the rich of the world who think they own us via mostly bribery, debt-based COUNTERFEIT 'money' and supporting de-regulation to our infrastructure totally such that disasters like Ohio will now happen much more often AS PLANNED and in this case ruining all farmland and drinking/food preparation water in the north east (FDA and EPA rules) ! All of which means the 'government' is in total misprision of felony or perhaps even TREASON as it greatly threatens the "Constitutional general welfare" of the nation as nobody at any level of "government", especially the judiciary is pressing charges against such violators and destroyers of our economy and way of life in general !
This is sarcastic satire right? You can't be serious. P.S.
Are you just ignorant of the fed or are you part of it ? DEBT-BASED "money" must be outlawed...hopefully worldwide as since especially 1972, ours has been based on LABOR as in TAXES, as on the national debt where we can only pay the interest at over $ 700 B/yr....when there should be NO interest at all besides NO sale of securities for foreign types, etc.....if they want to "invest" in America, then they should be limited to business opportunities as law allows, not bring parasites on our mostly wrongful debt as with obscene profiteering by the MIC ...also suffering from a HUGE array of abuses by the rich of the world who think they own us via that unConstitutional debt-based 'money' and worse abrogations of our great documents besides colluding to counterfeit, etc. (my lists of abuses if you want).
I suggest you read A Caveat Against Injustice by Judge Roger Sherman.
The "money" used by the colonies at the time was not debt based. It was backed by at par with specie, both gold and silver. The problem lies in TRUST, that you have to have that those who are in control of the "debtless" paper money remain HONEST. The propensity of man is to slide towards DISHONESTY when the chance arises. Not all men, but enough so that if you trust someone else with YOUR money you will get screwed. That is WHY, if the monetary clauses, if understood properly in the US Constitution, were being used we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today. I wrote a stack yesterday you might find a bit informative. I think you are on the right track but "debt free" paper money is not the answer. REAL money is and has been for thousands of years. Please take the time out of your most likely busy schedule to read the following post:
P.S. if you can tell me the THING that the national debt is actually based in besides "labor" which is a mental construct, I'll send you 100 pounds of it free of charge. For you see if the national debt is based on NO THING it can be dissolved as easily as it came into existence. If it was created out of NO THING it can disappear into NO THING.
I completely agree with you about ALL this. Cheers, you've laid it out very well.
Remember you're insulting a LION, bud. ;)
He's insulting himself, not me.