Excellent post!

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I agree! Excellent post!

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JJ’s a great example of why it’s important to study history. It’s such a shame we live in a dumbed down pseudoscience pseudo intellectual world. Yes, all part of the “Plan” to destroy America, live the Big Blob Theory and submit to abuse under One World Leadership.

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see the logic in the more recent destruction of confederate memorials? ever wonder about the term “confederate” and how relates to the former “articles of confederation”? what were the big changes from the articles of “confederation” to the constitution? logical progression. also logical that the anti-federalist insisted on included the bill of rights.

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The bait has teeth! :)

That's a good story. We have many good stories. The Confederate Flag is a reminder of some but more importantly it is a symbol that independent thought and action, history, is not subject to the regime fashions of the yankee horde. Let them eat griddle cake, and present them with the bill.

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I don’t think so, but we should get rid of the gay pride flag

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I live in Virginia and have proud southern roots. We frequently travel throughout the south east. Occasionally, you’ll see giant rebel flags flying from tall flag poles. And it warms my heart. Not because it stands for slavery. Because it doesn’t. It stands for a rebel spirit. I tried to explain this to my teenage children and they don’t quite understand yet. Perhaps I should have them read this article because it explains it so boldly. That flag and the people who stand behind it might just be the ones who get us out of this pit of shit that we find ourselves in. So let it wave!

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Yes, have them read the post. Especially if they are going to the government school system which will “teach” them falsehoods so that wrong will seem like right in their eyes. And you’re right, it may be those of us who know the truth about that flag who will take the country back from the cultural Marxists that have been changing it for the worse for over 150 years. Another one for them to absorb. One of many of mine that aren’t being taught in the government schools or anywhere else for that matter! https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

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Courageous Lion brings the heat.

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Something like 95% of the rebels were not slave owners. Lincoln didn't care about slavery., as his fugitive slave act proved. Tens of thousands of Irish were recruited right from Ellis Island and 3 days later were suicide charging into certain death. The whole war was 1 general sends his troops to certain death, then another. Both sides. Seems it was a population reduction. Same with WW1. WW2 was to cull the German population. Leaders never tell citizens the real reason for wars. And The Rebel Flag just looks cool as hell. And Dixie is way better than The Battle Hym of the Republic. Sorry for rambling, but everything in history is a fascinating rat hole. Roar on Lion

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I thought you were medium smart! Stupid question, as you cannot deny our past unless you are part of the democracy group that thinking makes it so. Phuque Joe Biden!!! The Constitution for the Confederate States is still in effect.

The United States of America happens when a quorum of the several states meets in a Congress Assembled. A re-Constitution or Original jurisdiction occurs when there is no de facto in appearance. It is all de jure. The best way out is straight ahead. Knowing what came preceedent as juxtaposed to post or amended, is quite handy. Precedent also.

Now, is a good time to think about the Electoral College. It elects our Chief Executive. That would be the President of the Congress Assembled of the Confederation and perpetual Union that combines the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776. So, we know the critical 14 that must move forward to achieve 20 for a quorum. And it does it with unelected people, unfettered from the several states. That number is 33, a quorum that also includes South Carolina re-Constitutes a de jure government.

The United States of America is dated 1777; the USMC is dated 1775. Oregon the state is dated 1859 and is number 33 with full faith and credit among the several states and territories. Oregon has re-constituted; completed in November 2022. Now, we know 15 states. Any additional 5. The United States of the Constitution 1859, was usurped by the Lieber Code. It is no longer a 10 mile square. That is U.S. Army, Blue Coats, Federal, un-Constitutional as in no standing Army. It should be militia. The Electoral College makes the Next Commander and Chief of the United States the de jure provisional government. Provenance, Pedigree, Protocol, de jure, do you have your bona fides in order? We will have a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and Nature’s God included. This year, 2024.

We have a de jure, up and running Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction operating in our Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record, whose jury verdict in common law has no appeal in fact. In cases of over $20.00 there is no judge involved. We have a Jury pool of several hundred men and women and have Presentments and True Bills from eight (8) Grand Juries. We have verdicts from seven (7) Trial Juries of Article III Amendment VII courts. We implemented ex parte Milligan and nullified martial law / Lieber code / FEMA. We offer this with full faith and credit. This is a de jure remedy signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service, published at www.orsja.org

Assemblies and Jural Assemblies and Grand Juries abound and have been cycling around for a long time. Currently the option that is functioning is Article I Section 1 the social compact of our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly aka the provisional government on Oregon. The paperwork to re Constitute a provisional government on a state, commonwealth or territory takes 30 days, 15 hours work, 100 bucks for postage, 40 bucks for a seal, done by 5 people with their bona fides in order. You will need a Jury pool of men and women large enough to respond and appear when called. Tonja called our 1st Grand Jury when we had a jury pool of 45. Now we are several hundred. www.orsja.org.

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I agree with some of this. But Clarence Thomas is a jerk, I don't care what color he is.

I grew up in Texas, I lived in places where there was racism, sure, but mostly we kids all got along fine. I know the Civil War wasn't just about slavery. But slavery was HELL for slaves, and that is a fact. I don't think most white folks today have a clue about how it was for black folks in slavery, even in the BEST of circumstances. And I'm white. And I've had enough black friends tell me what for that I know that memory isn't GONE just because we don't do that anymore. I can't believe the hypocrisy of the "Freedom Fighters" like Jefferson, et al, who OWNED SLAVES, and were rich assholes who cheated or stole the Native People out of their lands (not always, but mostly, and then of course eventually, genocided them). Our "founding fathers" were English, and very wealthy English, and were very much like the "landed gentry" of England, who tyrannized everybody around them, including their own people. Shit, it's still going on TODAY. I've never met a rich man I liked.

It's true that most Southerners didn't have slaves back in the day, it was the RICH ones, for the most part. And black and white lived as good neighbors a lot of the time. But there WAS prejudice and there WAS some pretty ugly shit that went on, and there WAS a lot of legal fuckery, and secret legal fuckery that went on by a certain element of the Southern political machine. It wasn't, to be somewhat punning, a "black and white" photo... There was good AND bad, and MLK, Jr. and Malcom X were not lying. That said, how do you heal something like this? With LOVE. Respect. Honesty. and Fairness. It's the only way, to just be HONEST.

I think that's what you're trying to do Lion. I know you're a Good Guy. Just tread lightly when we're talking about what the Negro race had to endure for so long. They are part of Humanity and a beautiful part, as are ALL the different kinds of THE ONE RACE: Human.

So saith the dog. Peace!

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PS I have no problem with Southerners. I feel I AM one, having grown up almost entirely in Texas.. And I know the Confederacy had much more to do with just slavery. And secession is the RIGHT of any state or group thereof (good to be reminded of this RIGHT NOW!). Because I am for FREEDOM. I'm actually not interested in being "governed." FREEDOM, for everybody, equally. Just in case I sounded like I wasn't feeling any sympathy for the Confederacy. But Lion, DO read Wendell Berry's book that I mentioned before-- I KNOW you'd like it. I just think that there is a LOT of lying, misleading, and deliberately, too. Because DIVIDE AND CONQUER is a main go-to tool for the Bad Guys, whenever, wherever, forever.

WE the PEOPLE have never had a more important time to be UNITED. Amirite? Amirite.

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You are blind, he’s the greatest legal mind living.

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One of the greatest.

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No. Heritage…not Hate. I have two great-great grandfathers that fought for the CSA and I have never and will never support any effort to re-write Civil War history or erase it. Deo vindice.

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Yep, me, too, on the great-grandfather. I have no desire to re-write history, either. I guess you're not understanding what I'm saying, if you're talking to me. That's why I added something else, in case of that.

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I am growing very tired of ALL wars - and unless something needs protection from invasion, everyone should mind their own business. I'm tired of the 'racist this' and 'racist that' and speaking for myself, believe all people are created equal - all fellow human beings. My father was a hateful bigot and womanizer, my mother Jewish, growing up in a neighborhood filled with Polish folks during the '40's it was all pretty awful - a racist inside the house located in a racist neighborhood. Personally, whenever I see the Rebel Flag - it makes me feel as though the Civil War will never end and because of it, neither will racism. I wait for the day that no one feels 'better than' anyone else and we can eliminate ALL signs differentiating from that - globally. Peace out ---

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Read a book.

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You err in thinking that "all people are created equal" UNLESS you are referring to their position under the law. And the law should be simple to understand. No victim, no crime. Do no harm should be common understanding. As for equal in other ways besides under the law?

That's wishful thinking. There are many ways that people are unequal. So many a book could be written listing them. So if you see the "Rebel Flag" in a way it makes you think the Civil War will never end, that's on you. I see the flag as a flag of INDEPENDENCE from a system that has morphed into a totally totalitarian one. Where the offices of the federal government are created by bastardizing the interstate commerce clause. Where agencies can turn civil infractions of not paying a tax into something worthy of a death penalty. Where they can take claim of a tax owed of $200 and charge a $250,000 fine AND OR put you in a cage for 10 years for not paying it. In direct violation of the 2nd amendment and the 8th. It would have been nice if the south had won, but they didn't so to this day EVERYONE gets to suffer from the loss including you because you believe nonsense when it comes to the flag. Try reading "The South Was Right" and see if your view will change.

And as for fellow human beings...let me see how you well you fare if I were to drop you off in Miami Florida at 2:00 AM on 7th Avenue and 79th street. My personal experience and from what I've seen on the internet and youtube is that black people are the most racist as a whole of all the races. Just watch Whoopie Goldberg go off sometimes on the view. What a racist bitch.

And if people BECOME racist, there are reasons. I for one do not think that giving housing, money, education, medical to ILLEGAL ALIENS is right and any of them that think they are owed it somehow is bullshit. And what do they give us back? RAPE, MURDER, ROBBERY, BURLGARY, CAR THEFT...to name a few. And they cheat the system by many means.

So what was the reason your father was racist? I bet he had a good reason. Enough of the kind of experiences I had as a young man would at least taint your love for some of your "fellow human beings".

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Wow! You knocked my socks off - almost. I believe all people ARE created equal but what happens to them affects them in ways that contribute to who they become - both by nature AND nurture and each person travels their own path. Opportunities may be unequal, pay as well, add luck, timing, choices, genetics - all contribute to who we become - what we get/what we have. I don't agree that black people are the most racist as a whole of all the races - I think the Middle Eastern folks maintain that honor. The biggest contributors to our behaviors as a society are those things that are missing such as lack of father figures in families where poverty and a lack of education are generational. You can't be what you never learned to be. Athletes go broke having been the highest paid professionals around - why? Because they came from poor families - what does that have to do with it? While growing up, the only exposure and/or fiscal responsibility they had about money, was the lack of it and how that felt. How could they possibly come out of that unscathed? As for 'equal under the law' - we are; we're just not treated that way in the judicial system. Your viewpoint is from the end result - mine, from the beginning. I'm not excusing people from some of their behaviors but if we created laws and support and education instead of handouts, excuses, cover-ups, feel-good/do nothing actions and/or punishments, we just might be able to create a place with more tolerance, forgiveness, and understanding. Yeah I know, pipe dreams...

As for my father, I have no idea why he was such a hateful person, we never spoke even though he 'raised' me from aged 7 (mother died). He would espouse just awful things - particularly about blacks and Irishmen then I'd go outside and get the hatred and suspicions from the Polish 'neighbors.' I made up my mind early on that they were all crazy.

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Thanks for your response Janet. It is laced with a good deal of life learned experience and you are right about the environment that people are brought up in. I was in the part of south Florida where it wasn’t safe for a white person to travel after hours in certain areas or work in a convenience store in those areas without taking your life into your hands. I went to a High School that was half black and the other half was Saxon and Cuban. So a1/4 of the students were white and were continually having to deal with some idiotic demands from the blacks and Cubans. I remember a human relations meeting where we came to the conclusion that black folks could rob, rape, murder or whatever as LONG AS THEY DIDN’T get CAUGHT. The sin to them was getting caught. They saw the law as “white mans law” to be ignored. That is one of the reason they make up a disproportionate number of inmates because the were so stupid that they got caught. It’s like them getting on Youtube with Glock switch making a Glock Full auto and wondering why they end up in a cage. Duh?

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Please keep up the great force-you-to-think articles. Luv 'em!

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You talkin to me? No right back, LOL.

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