I'm STILL trying to figure out this Substack "stuff". I thought I was fixing a few errors and somehow this was posted as if it was a new post. Oh well, for those of you who may not have seen it because you didn't look down the list far enough it will be new to you. The rest of you who did, well...sorry about that! It was a mistake!

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Don't apologize for learning, this post was 👍👍. Education is a never ending process with everyone on a different stage of the curve concurrently. I made it a habit to question everything from age 7, thanks to my parents. I know just the right person to forward this to.

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New. Old. It was a very good post.

I didn't have to read the "Communist Manifesto" until college. I'm pretty sure I didn't read it then. 😏 (Biology, Chemistry, and Analytical Geometry homework took all my time.) Communism sounds good on paper. IRL, it sucks for us folks at the bottom. Kinda like where we are right now. 😕

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In the same "vein" The Real Purpose for Government "Public" Benefits, Benefits designed and engineered by "the elite", to keep "the people" in "their place", at the bottom, where they can be "siphoned" for their Light by "the elite" as "the people" are being satiated, just enough, to prevent "The People" from rising up and taking back their Light.

May "the elite" be so "tempted" with the appearance of all manner of gain for "themselves" with the reduction in the need for the benefit system "they" have set up and may some of "the elite" gain the true knowledge of their own Real Self Interest, that "they", will then work to support "Real Government" "Public" Benefits, the fruits of which will enable the severing of the "siphon" used by "the elite". That Freedom Reign and Rain The Abundant Life Upon The People. Amen.

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If we were all just left alone as long as we did no harm to our fellow man. I feel that if I had been left alone I would have had a lot bigger and better toys than I do now. Thomas Jefferson mentioned the "pursuit of happiness." He understood that is what life is all about. The pursuit. So many never find it. Because happiness is a state of mind not some "thing".

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"they" "siphoned" some of your "bigger and better toys" away. That is what they do "they" "siphon" toys and more.

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With some sacrifice involved (my wife was a registered nurse) we managed to raise four sons. We home schooled all four of them and never had any of them get ANY vaccines. We figured the sacrifice was about $1,000,000 in salary lost at the average of $50K per year for 20 years. A friend is currently making $10,000 a month as a "travelling nurse" and she only works three days a week. So my estimate is probably on the low side. Now she's too old to work and yet I'm still managing without punching a time clock.

We live in a 60's house that I've remolded. I call it our pig with lipstick. I buy used cars and keep them until they fall off their rims or can't be repaired for any reasonable cost. And the cars I buy are ones that cost a LOT when they were new. A 2006 BMW 530XI wagon I purchased in 2012 for $20K with 89,000 on the odometer now has 211,000 on the odometer. I've kept it as a third car. The first owner paid $65,000 for it! I think I've got the better deal. It still looks brand new and except for some quirks like telling me lights are bad that aren't it runs fine. It's called sacrifice.

I was at a rifle range one day and I had a couple of high end rifles with me. Some guy who was there said I must be "rich" because of my BMW and the Barrett 50 caliber as well as the NEMO 300 Winchester I had with me. I asked him how much his big dually pickup cost him and he said $75,000. I told him I can buy LOTS of rifles for the difference between my $20,000 used BMW and his $75,000 new pickup. I told him he was the "rich" one. I held back my thought which was, and I'm the smart one.

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Thanks !! George Carlin was spot on!!! And we are not in the club. The older I get the more I realize how our education system sucked at providing any real critical logical deductive thinking. My great grandad was better educated

Than I was.

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There’s a lot of sovereignty in my SS, I appreciate a fellow voice that challenges the laity!


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