Thanks I have been thinking things of preparation are more valuable than money in the

Bank. I get the Federal reserve created in 1913 Thanks Woodrow Wilson my high school name

Too. Create money out of thin air. Money not backed by anything a fiat currency hmmmm

Ok ✅ sad tho that’s why the elites do not

Listen nor care go grinding along with their

Plans of total control ….funny they basically have

That now. Greedy bastards. So what’s the solution how do we take money out of the

Politics? 90,000 lobbyist. People more interested in money than God or Country.

Judging by how many in on the “kovid” scam

Any solutions? While I am swatting flies and

Considering I things to buy?

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Hi James...One thing we need to do is to get behind a local candidate for Sheriff who will follow the Constitution. He can start citizen "possees" which are the Militia at the county level. We need to dig out the gold and silver we may have and start bartering with it. See my post on "Blood Running in the Streets". I'm new on here so my following is very small at this time and we need to get the word out. No one seems to touch on this subject. Lew Rockwell wouldn't touch "Blood Running in the Streets" He said it was "too long". Geezzzzz...Setting up a local barter community may also help decentralize this whole shit storm. Buy a long gun for everyone in your family, and a pistol too. Learn how to use them and obtain 1,000 rounds for each caliber you may decide on.

Thank you for taking the time to comment. ~Mark

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Need some long guns more ammo

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Read The Creature From Jekyll Island(A Second look at the Federal Reserve) by G. Edward Griffin. Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? It recounts a secret meeting that took place in 1910 on Jekyll Island an exclusive boys-club gathering of American financiers and politicians. The meeting spawned the draft legislation for the creation of the central bank. The secrets of the money magicians (Surprise, surprise at who they were) are unveiled. You get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money.

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Also a phenomenal read is The Roots of the Federal Reserve by Laura Sanger PhD

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That book sits on my coffee table.

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We got a Constitutional sheriff in place now

Running I am going to ask this gentleman how I can help asap

I now fully appreciate just what powers

A sheriff has

And plan on keeping this guy in

The other guy running is labeled an R

But is really a D a wolf in sheeps clothing

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That's what we have in my county. An "R" who actually became an "R" because he saw being a "D" wasn't going to get him where he wanted to go. But he has issues. He thinks the Constitution isn't something to follow. He told a trucker that I know pointing to his badge, "See this? This gives me the "right" to do whatever I want". A regular little Napolean. The guy who was running against him was a Constitutional understanding guy. But the jerk won.

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Jerks usually do win. They say what they believe people want to hear, then, once elected, they do as they please.

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Too true

Koolaid in every fountain

Pizza from the skies

Mole hills are mountains

Tell ya little big lies

Just tell me what you want to hear

I’ll promise that too dear

More sex

More church’s

More fun

Just sign here here here place your bets

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well one of my mini missions when i get a moment from working is contact my our sheriff and ask how can I help...my fear is yuppies blue bloods moving in to the west of our huge county see lots of this R who is a D signs.....we are in the East part plenty of new people moving in. Crossing fingers we are not subjected to lil fuckkers napoleans what is IT with these people who assume power

why do lil napolean win or bc they need power to feel like a "Man" ....i have lived long enough to see the whole game played OUT. Good luck with napolean :-(

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Excellent idea. I love it. 😻

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End the Fed

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Thank you Federal Reserve! What would we have done WITHOUT you!


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Great read! I laughed at your previous comment earlier in which you included this stack. My man regularly shakes his head...while laughing...and usually mumbles something about never knowing what's going to leave my mouth. 🤷‍♀️🤗 I've also said for FOUR LONG DAMN YEARS...when is this episode fo Twilight Zone going to end...followed by WTF...alot! As you know ALOT has changed since 2022. Some gains...some more of WTF's! I've posted this many times and I'll post it here...when President Trump announced that we may have to shut down I turned to my husband and said no effing way will Americans stand for that...let ALONE Texans! Welp folks as you know already the joke was and still is on me! Not only did they go for it they fell for it hook, line, and sinker and still have the rusty old hook in their mouths! I always say you can't fix stupid...but you can vaccinate it. Best we got I suppose. And I'm joking...it honestly killed and continues to kill me daily what's happened and so many still aren't awake. When UT was one of the first universities to take down a statue...just like when my oldest son came home from high school telling me what was in Disney movies...I found myself looking around like 'we ain't gunna do nuthin bout this'?! Nope hardly anyone blinked an eye! Now was I just so intelligent I realized they were removing/erasing history...no (dang it hurts to admit that) but I knew it didn't feel right! Then we went down hill from there and the Texas flag was attacked...and on to way more statues. Oh my lanta! Apparently if we don't like history it's okay to erase it instead of learning from it! 🤦‍♀️ I'm hoping when people look back at these comments they realize 1. We have made some good strides. 2. We can't ever give up. As tiresome as this has become. Now stayed tune after these brief messages from the show's sponsor Big Harma medications, that their side effects are worse than the disease you have, for the next episode of The Twilight Zone! Created and directed by the CDC, FDA, CIA, FBI, GOV, WEF, WHO and all the other rich psychopaths. Who (unfortunately) amazingly enough hasn't died from rona or their clot shots! 🤔

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This won't solve everything, but will go a long way.

When you go get your ballot, you first select a four-digit number like a serial number off a computer screen. Only you know what it is. When you hit "go" out comes your ballot with your unique ID number printed on it, plus ID numbering for the precinct. When you cast your vote, you get a xerox copy on counterfeit-proof paper. Now you can go to any computer, google your precinct, and scroll to the data region that has your unique voter number. Only you know which vote you are looking at. Now you know whether the system actually counted your vote correctly. You can also totalize votes for your precinct or city or county or state if you use the right software, and see if TV reports are accurate.

Some say this would allow blackmail and bribery. But a huge proportion of voting happens absentee, and that is already hugely subject to blackmail and bribery. So as long as there is absentee voting there can be no legitimate objection to the proposal of the preceding paragraph.

We already are doing almost exactly this same thing. Every time you pay a dollar for a lottery vote for 5 numbers, you are getting a copy of how you voted instantly, anonymously, and for cheap. So we know the technology is practical and economical. What the lottery does on a daily basis, the voting system can economically do merely once in two years, and only crooks with vote rigging to hide can object. If it works for cheapie lottery tickets, it works for my much more valuable vote.

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You are correct. We NEED secure voting that cannot be tampered with any way shape or form. BUT that won't change the fact that they can and will still ignore us because of the loss of those two lynch pins. As long as they have a monopoly over "money" creation and a monopoly on organized violence we are in a dire situation.

I'll relate a story...showing how it would possibly work if we had militia. A bridge went out in Nevada near a town. The town folks had to travel 20+ miles out of their way due to the bridge issue. The bridge was on BLM land and they kept putting it off over and over. Finally the townspeople decided to use the county road machinery to fix the bridge themselves to which the Feds replied.."you can't do that!" The local sheriff accompanied the local town folk to the site to fix the bridge. The BLM "officials" told them to leave and that they would bring in a SWAT team if they refuse to which the Sheriff replied..."Well I'll bring my SWAT team and we will see who is best." To which BLM replied by LEAVING and not coming back. The bridge got fixed. Now imagine the Sheriff had a POSSE which is the county level of the state militia. Imagine if EVERY CONSTITUTIONAL SHERIFF had a posse. They would coordinate with each other to form a STATE militia for their state if need be.

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It's nice things turned out well, but a lot of that depended on luck and luck comes in two flavors. Next time the good people might not get lucky. The perversion of our system away from honest money can be fixed without endless armed confrontations or threats of them.

If we can get honest voting, we can ultimately get rid of the Federal Reserve con game and go back to honest money. Then we have a more durable fix and don't have to spazz out about every continuing infringement. But to fix corrupt money or anything else, we need a system of counting votes that is real and verifiable and not imposed as a mere believe-me-or-else hollow declaration like that to which we have currently degenerated.

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Nothing depends on "luck". It depends on determined people who simply will not put up with bullying from a source that considers itself to be "authority". Honest voting is a pipe dream. There has been dishonest voting since voting became the way we elect these psychopaths' into positions of importance. Your answer is what I would expect from a woman since typically women are life givers and believe in non violence to achieve their goals where men are more prone to say... I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE! https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/i-just-want-to-be-left-alone I hate bullies and want to see our country back in the hands of the average working person which isn't going to happen by voting or by putting up with any more of "their" crap.

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Voting is like peeing your pants to stay warm. The average person just cares about who will win an election - of someone that has never been for you all along. Mark Twain said it more succinctly, "If voting made any difference it would be illegal." J.O. you and your parents and grandparents probably voted your entire lives - and now look at the mess/ghetto it got us into. C. L. is correct - women seek protection to the extent of their own detriment to themselves and society. And I have had all the finger-pointing - name calling - "woman hater" '(misogynistic MF) I don't understand why it is so tough to see it. We put boys in school hoping to turn them into Men - to be taught by teachers who are mostly women and wonder why they're all fems when they exit school. https://dougyoungman.substack.com/p/women-vote-for-the-death-of-cities

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And here I thought we put children in schools to turn them into COMMUNISTS! Well, that surely is one of the reasons. But your take on the sissification of males is so true. When I sit down and think of how many of my teachers were female in my elementary school years, those years we are the most impressionable.. FIVE out of SIX were females. And NONE of them took a liking to a boy who would talk back. I remember one of my punishment's for talking back to my 5th grade teacher was to write 1000 times, I will not talk back to Mrs Mundy, I will keep my mouth shut. Yeah 1000 times. At about 48 lines per note book sheet that translated out to TWENTY ONE sheets of paper. Want to know what I wrote in all bold capital letters as my last one which didn't go over very well? I WILL TALK BACK TO MRS MUNDY IF I FEEL THE NEED TO DO SO! Then they wanted me to write it FIVE THOUSAND times to which I wrote NONE. LOL! The authoritarians could KMA in fifth grade and they can KMA NOW. And I was only a CUB then. Imagine me now... http://bornagainclassics.com/images/lion-courage-strength-small-b.jpg

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Ha - irreverent little shit - there are more than they'd like us to believe. I was always struck wondering in 1st and 2nd grade - hmmm? - if the Library is up on the third floor and has everything we need to know about everything, then why do we only go there once a week during school hours for only an hour? The commoditization of children.

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Evil carries within inself the seeds of its own demise: As you sow you shall certainly reap. Just ask Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis who found out this Truth too late.

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It always has. Just ask King George’s enforcers who came to Concord Green to disarm the colonist militia members…

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Evil carries within inself the seeds of its own demise: As you sow you shall certainly reap. Just ask Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis who found out this Truth too late.

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Evil carries within inself the seeds of its own demise: As you sow you shall certainly reap. Just ask Marie Antoinette and her husband King Louis who found out this Truth too late.

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i agree with all of this. the problem is people in general are content with there coming home grab a beer or a glass of wine sit on the couch turn the tv on watch some football or what ever order a pizza, they are content. the only thing that will really wake them up it if they loose it all and then they have nothing, BIG wake up call. another big problem is most of them watch the main stream media and they are all part of this. i try to educate people of these things and watch alternative news, some listen but most don't, i get very frustrated. personally i really think Yeshua's 2nd coming is right on the horizon so we do not have very long to go before the bomb it dropped... keep the faith ya all and GODSPEED

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As long as evil is sufferable…DoI

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i agree with all of this. the problem is people in general are content with there coming home grab a beer or a glass of wine sit on the couch turn the tv on watch some football or what ever order a pizza, they are content. the only thing that will really wake them up it if they loose it all and then they have nothing, BIG wake up call. another big problem is most of them watch the main stream media and they are all part of this. i try to educate people of these things and watch alternative news, some listen but most don't, i get very frustrated. personally i really think Yeshua's 2nd coming is right on the horizon so we do not have very long to go before the bomb it dropped... keep the faith ya all and GODSPEED

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Wonderful explanation of how we got here. I hope you are right about the coming storm. I fear people are too passive and deadened to rise up.

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You are definitely down the rabbit hole, and, yes, the Communist Manifesto is very important to study- especially the ten "planks" at the end of it. They are the Game Plan and the Operating Dynamic of the Cabal, a how-to-socialize-a-country in ten easy steps.

But one also has to realize that these planks are designed to work on an industrialized economy with a centralized infrastructure. They would utterly fail in an agrarian, Christianized society, where Patriarchs are respected and admired both for their wisdom and good example, and where people directly see the fruits of their labors.

But the US Constitution is itself a Judeo-Masonic document which leaves a lot to be desired. The 2nd Amendment is a case in point. Rather than connecting the "Right to Bear Arms" with the "necessity of a well-regulated militia" (which is nowise precisely defined) the 2nd Amendment should be written as follows: "A man having a natural right to defend his life, property, possessions, and dependents, his right to bear arms shall not be infringed nor regulated in any manner".

Another example I like to cite is the phrase in the Preambe: "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" which should be rewritten as simply "life, liberty, and property". That a man has inviolable right to the means of his sustenance and support of his household goes without saying, and should be enshrined in law.

A subsidiary state where the vast majority of authority occurs immediately at the local level- be it a monastery or a village- would be immune to the constricting influences of Communism.

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Hello CL. You responded to my comment (actually 2) on the Gateway Pundit news site that started with "Our initial fight is not with individuals...". Well, actually, you spammed the thread. Normally I would have reported your posts and blocked you. However, I followed the link here and read your article and think it was great. To the point and concise. Anyway, thanks for the link and I subscribed.

In a reply to my post, to a commenter named netnews1, you posted "WRONG!!". I do fully understand the havoc our gubberment has imposed on us, and was attempting to let the poster down easy. As I said in the top post, we could soon be facing a 2nd Revolution, and this person was worried about their social security check!? I had to find a delicate way to tell him the bad news. Not sure your post helped.

comment link; http://disq.us/p/2xriuz0

That said, I feel as passionate as you obviously do, about our nations state of affairs. When dealing with the snowflakes on TGP, and there are a LOT of them, I've had to be more diplomatic while trying to wake some of these folks up. Usually to no avail. I try to offer well thought-out possible scenarios AND solutions to some of these problems. I also encourage feedback. However, there are so many with their heads stuck in the sand up to their elbows, it's difficult to break through. On top of that, comment sections on news sites, only lend to the short attention spans of the readers.

On the topic of your article;

This is very well written and explains a lot of what has happened to this once great nation. Your analysis is spot on and thought provoking. While it's great to see how all the puzzle pieces fit together, you say 'something has to be done', but don't offer any possible solutions to these issues. Will there be a follow up to this that may shed light on what us peons can do to help right the ship?

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Greetings Al. I do think I may have linked three of my posts while in the comment section. That article is one I plan on printing out and going to each of my neighbors with. I am convinced we as a country are on a precipice and that if we don't step back the long fall is going to wipe us out. The articles I linked to where "There Is A Reason They Don't Listen To Us Anymore" having to do with the loss of the militias and the loss of monetary control, "Blood Running in The Streets" which is the one on the economy and money. And those Ignored and Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words which deal with the need for the Militias as envisioned by the Founders back in force and effect. I feel that is the most important post of all 150+ that are accessible on my Substack page. I even let TGP in the suggestion box to use it. I'm not sure when you say "On the topic of your article" which of the three you are referring to. I am SOOO glad you made the effort due to curiosity or due to the spirit that is moving so many to click the link. Well....I Just followed the thread back and found it was "There is A Reason They Don't Listen to Us Anymore" LOL!

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Al, you have got to check out Those Forgotten and Ignored 13 Words https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words

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Just so you know, I didn't remove your comments with the links. Probably done by the TGP mods. Many of my posts with links have been censored. Btw- I go by USNpatriot on Disqus.

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"In a reply to my post, to a commenter named netnews1, you posted "WRONG!!". " The whole comment seems to have disappeared. I was trying to explain why the statement you had made was wrong due to the loss of control of our monetary system. As a whole I see a lot of hope in the comments. I live near Harrison Arkansas. When BLM came to town with the threat of burning it down, well since Harrison is the most "racist town in America" according to some asshats who claim it to be so, we came out in strength carrying our personal defense weapons to keep the peace. Nothing was burned down. I didn't even have to point my AR 15 that was chambered in 50 Beowulf at anyone. It was a conversation starter. We have passed the point of being nice to people who are so blind that they are falling down on their faces.

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I've posted to the wrong comment, but congratulations! Just saw your article on the front page of TGP. Btw- I found the edit button :)

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WOW!! I'm floored. I wonder how many of the commenter actually READ it? I see a lot of negativity there, but that's because the concept of a REAL militia and not four guys up in Montana or one guy in Michigan calling themselves a militia is NEW to them.

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TGP has attracted a lot of moron trolls lately, such as BigAl. You should have seen how they came after me when I said the NY Trucker Boycott would add up a Nothing Burger. You would have thought I shot the Pope... Urrr, there's probably a better analogy, but you get the idea.

TGP Comment Link; http://disq.us/p/2xr84zo

The trolls were out big-time. So I had some fun with them.

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The easiest way to con a sucker is to get him thinking he is getting something for nothing. If he thinks it also involves ripping off somebody else, he will jump for it twice as fast. What a lot of the commies are about (in or out of schools) is the message that "you will get your social justice entitlements" if you follow their propaganda line, and "it will come to you out of someone else's pocket." So of course after the first few killings and first few enrichments they become complete homicidal maniacs Until all the goddies are used up and they have to function in he strange new realm of being producers, for which Das Kapital prepares them not since producing involves ideas and practical thinking and some kind of work ethic. Once they realize they have dug themselves a big deep pit and jumped in, then it's time to blame somebody else. And jail or kill anyone who notices all the discrepancies and hypocrisies of their folly.

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You wouldn't suppose that is the main reason behind the inordinate amount of charges and jail time that the J6 folks are suffering do you?

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Merely confirming and tipping their hand they are all about dictatorship.

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This isn't a total cure-all, but will go a long way.

When you go get your ballot, you first select a four-digit number like a serial number off a computer screen. Only you know what it is. When you hit "go" out comes your ballot with your unique ID number printed on it, plus ID numbering for the precinct. When you cast your vote, you get a xerox copy on counterfeit-proof paper. Now you can go to any computer, google your precinct, and scroll to the data region that has your unique voter number. Only you know which vote you are looking at. Now you know whether the system actually counted your vote correctly. You can also totalize votes for your precinct or city or county or state if you use the right software, and see if TV reports are accurate.

Some say this would allow blackmail and bribery. But a huge proportion of voting happens absentee, and that is already hugely subject to blackmail and bribery. So as long as there is absentee voting there can be no legitimate objection to the proposal of the preceding paragraph.

We already are doing almost exactly this same thing. Every time you pay a dollar for a lottery vote for 5 numbers, you are getting a copy of how you voted instantly, anonymously, and for cheap. So we know the technology is practical and economical. What the lottery does on a daily basis, the voting system can economically do merely once in two years, and only crooks with vote rigging to hide can object. If it works for cheapie lottery tickets, it works for my much more valuable vote.

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Essential information, filling a lot of gaps!

The totalitarian technocratism is infinitely worse than "communism." Power is concentrated into the hands of those, who control the global money supply. Gaddafi wanted to issue a gold-based African currency and got summarily terminated.

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Exactly why he was killed. The people of his country had a lot going for them with him from what I could tell. He was apparently a "benevolent" dictator helping with homes, schools and paid from the natural resources that the country government controlled and sold on the world market. A similar thing happened to Bernard Von Nothaus because of the "Liberty Dollar". Bernard von NotHaus was the creator of the Liberty Dollar and co-founder of the Royal Hawaiian Mint Company, in Hawaii. He was also the founder of the Cannabis Spiritual Center, an educational institution that supports the use of marijuana in spiritual settings. Von NotHaus was convicted of counterfeiting in 2011, and was even accused of domestic terrorism. The terrorists get to charge us with terrorism. It's a sick joke.

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Living standards under Gaddafi were higher than in most of Europe...

He just didn't know what he was up against. "We came, we saw, and he died," was Killary's response...

A couple of years ago, I read about a gold-containing bank note in UT. Not sure if that still exists, but it was definitely not a counterfeit...

The hijackers usurp all the power, which was finalized with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913...

It's sick, but it's not a joke: it's the greatest heist in the history of the world and it's still going on, unhindered...

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Apparently : https://www.goldback.com/ And the Liberty "Dollar" was in no way shape or form a counterfeit. Anyone who used them knew that.

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