Apr 27Liked by Courageous Lion

Sadly, it almost doesn't matter that all this election fraud has been exposed. The damage is done. The cheaters have been in power for over 3 long years, and the carnage they have unleashed on the country will take generations to undo, if it can be undone at all. They likely knew they would be caught, but they didn't care. All that mattered was maintaining power. And, given the length of time since the last stolen election, you can be certain they have even more than perfected the art of stealing elections, and will do it again. Most important, NO ONE will be held accountable for the rampant fraud, not ever, and they know that, too.

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Apr 27Liked by Courageous Lion

Election fraud…perpetrated by godless scum. Godspeed to you and yours.

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Thanks for posting this!

1) We get a receipt for everything we buy. But we walk out of the voting booth (at least in my state) without a receipt of our vote, but (at least in my state where I’ve worked as a poll worker) we can pick up a sticker saying “I voted.”

2) “However, and this is really important to keep in mind, we don't have enough data to statistically, determine that that's an a really solid, accurate result because you're now digging really deep into the polling data and the sample size is getting smaller and smaller. But let's say that's true.” That is the problem; it’s speculation not fact.

3) The 2020 election was part of the “constitutional crisis” although not for the reasons the Left claims. Although Justices Alito and Thomas dissented, the US Supreme Court gave no standing to hear arguments (threw it out) in Texas v. PA https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/texas-v-pennsylvania/ and yet in PA, et. al local officials actually CHANGED the state election laws without their state legislature voting on this. That is a violation of Article II, Section 4 in the Constitution which makes it clear that all rules and laws must be voted by each state legislature. But, during “crazy” covid, that all fell by the waste side b/c of fear for that viral flu. Article II, Section 4 was supposed to separate us from being a banana republic and to prevent local officials from making rule/law. It makes sense that we would want the legislative body to make these decisions –we want a lot of different voices/opinions to voice any concerns – and not local officials. Our Founding Fathers tried to protect us!!!

We the People are the Heirs of the American Experiment and We are Squandering Our American Inheritance!

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It Is Generational, my 2 oldest daughters were born in the 50's they comprehend that deception of JFK, RFK, MLK. Both of of my daughters seem to accept the lesser of two evils. I do not, nor do I accept any infringement upon my unalienable rights. I have a BAR attorney Granddaughter that will only speak with me about her daughters.

So, are you in a Jural Assembly? It seems to be that those with the titles of nobility are deeper into the de facto and more willing to accept the punishment of the Medical board or pseudo ethics board of the Big Pharma MD loop of the Josef Mengele school of Medicine. We thought it was coming from the BAR / military / LEO.

The Sheriff with a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with Laws of Nature and of Nature's God included, a de jure County Executive. The office of Sheriff must be occupied by a body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul man or woman with their bona fides in order in the de jure original jurisdiction of jura summi imperii.

Yes! We, meaning all of us, should be opposed to the de facto ( page 416 Black's 6th de jure is defined also ) as it is illegal or illegitimate. It self corrects when the Sheriff takes a proper oath to the proper Constitutions with God included. When that office is occupied by a de jure man or woman then law instead of color of law will move across the land and soil. www.orsja.org

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Oh hell, everybody knows it was fraud, that's why the opposition candidate is in court on 91 trumped up charges. The damage is permanent and a response would be to put a whole lot of people in jail. This is not going to be allowed to happen resulting in more fraud. Eventually the people will speak, then we will have true justice (or not).

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I joined my local Republican women's group in a small town in Northern Michigan. My friend is the President and she went to our state capital for the selection of delegates. It was her experience that proved to me they high jacked every nuance of our elections. It wasn't just mail in ballots, it was every single part of our elections. We're in the beginning stages of communism, it's that obvious to me. But God doesn't want that, so I feel confident we'll straighten it out!

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You really do need to look into the backgrounds of both Fucker Carlson and Trump.

Neither of them are our friends. Both there to sell you high grade hopium and get you totally hooked.

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I have a hard time with the idea that we HAVEN'T had VF since, well, I donut know. A long fricken time!!!

But to say it's ILLEGAL to "suggest" anything at all, is UnConstitutional. I know, that's almost like a cliche these days, but dammit, I want my rights, and I want everyone else to have theirs, too. If we can't have the Constitution anymore, then NATURAL LAW. And that means, I have the right to say what's on my mind, unless it's encouraging murder or something.... Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn.

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The Democrats stole the election and proceeded to ruin the country. I feel sick for all of us.

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— N O W — H E A R

T H I S ••• ‼️‼️‼️


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All cops know who the bad cops are!!. If you speak up or stand up you get no back up. Therefore they all close ranks with the thin blue line around the bad cops. There are no good cops only those that wished they were good...

misprision of felony

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Hooray, now paper ballots made out by the voter in the identifiable flesh at a poll and hand counted by opposing counters at the polling place... find your Jural Assembly soonest. www.orsja.org

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