Yes, number one has to be to admit there is a problem. There is, isn’t there? Or is it all my imagination?
Immediately end all sanctions (except on weapons) against all countries.
Legalize all drugs and pardon all non-violent drug offenders. For that matter pardon all incarcerated individuals who did not have a victim involved in their “crime”.
Abolish the IRS, DEA, and ATF and every other of the 439 federal government agencies that have formed a shadow government since inception. Since they have been getting paid for a job that the should have never had in the first place, tell them goodbye with a smile.
Announce to all foreign countries and organizations that we will reduce U.S. aid by 25 percent this year, and by the same dollar amount in the following years, so that our foreign aid budget is zero after four years. Make a similar announcement regarding U.S. troops stationed abroad. Disband the military in favor of a militia system similar to Switzerland which is what the founding fathers had in mind with the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment.
Stop printing or creating out of thin air on a computer additional paper fiat “money”. (Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.) Make it perfectly legal for anyone to use gold in contracts and transactions. Follow the Constitution when it comes to the use of gold and silver coin to be a tender in payment of debts. Abolish all legal tender laws. Allow anyone to open a private bank, subject of course to standard penalties for reneging on contractual obligations. Gradually phase out FDIC (to avoid a possible panic while we are still dependent on the precarious fractional reserve system). Get rid of the Unconstitutional Federal Reserve that isn’t “Federal” and has no “reserves”. Oh, hell, just phase it out. We’ll figure it outeven if a panic ensues. People need to grow up and be adults and deal with their mistakes.
Enact a means test for all domestic recipients of federal “money”, and cut off anyone who doesn’t "need it." This includes all corporate welfare. In the end result ALL of it will be cut off totally.
Auction off all federal property that serves no "legitimate" purpose. This includes Western land, vacant office space, and gold and oil reserves. Anything not listed in the Constitution.
Allow free competition with all government "services," without necessarily ending government provision. (This will make sure no one "slips through the cracks" of private provision.) The free market has ALWAYS proven to be superior to those who work for a system that creates the problems that need to be fixed by the same system, thus creating ever more problems.
Allow people to opt out of Social Security, forfeiting any accrued "benefits." For those remaining (presumably a group of older citizens), pay off what they have been promised from general tax revenues. This will allow the Social Security apparatus (and particularly its onerous tax) to be dismantled. Simply stay out of the welfare “business”.
When discussing the virtues of real anarchism, I am often subjected to the following argument: Sure, if there had never been government interventions, we would not need them today. But we must always take the social system as it currently is, and decide what’s the best course of action in this world, not some libertarian Utopia.
My critic goes on to specifics: Yes, free trade is good in theory, but not with the current banking and credit system. Yes, we should not have intervened in Ukraine, but given that we have, it would be reckless to pull out now. Yes, Social Security is a bad system, but given that so many people are now dependent upon it, it must be continued. Etc. Charity needs to be run by charities. False charity forced at the point of a gun isn’t charity.
I am quite sympathetic to such arguments, and it is important to appear "reasonable" to the skeptic. Just as I take great pains to rebut the popular misconception that anarchy requires the average person to be an angel (never mind that government requires the average politician to be an angel), I will also point out that the path to anarchy need not be immediate. The list to the steps to be taken are in the first part of this post. The concept that we need government because man is evil and wicked in all of his ways makes no sense because what you are saying is that we need evil and wicked men to rule us!
I hope this post gives a little bit more to the reason, logic and common sense we need to start dismantling the broken system that has developed in our midst. So broken that reality states we are not a Constitutional Republic we have devolved into a Communistic Oligarchy. And the only way out is to realize where we’re really AT!
When the funding for Ukraine dries up, watch how quickly Zelensky signs on the dotted line, a war brought to us by Obama & Co.
What do we need a central government for, anyway? Thomas Jefferson said national government for foreign affairs (national defense) and all domestic matters left to the states – so that concept would clean up a lot waste, corruption and $$ in the Executive office.
AWAKEN THE MASSES, most don’t even live with the knowledge of TRUTH…..RIGHTEOUSNESS, only when OUR COUNTRY TURNS BACK TOWARDS GOD JESUS CHRIST will become the BEACON, the LIGHT in a very DARK WORLD!😎❤️🍊🇺🇸