Aren't Anarchists just poor Libertarians? ;-) Larken Rose is way ahead of his time - but His time is a-coming. "The Tiny Dot" i s a short video Larken made years ago - I still send it to people that I am trying to clue-in on volutaryism/anarchism. His book, "The Most Dangerous Superstion" is a fantastic read - a real eye-opener that helps anyone shake themselves from the habits we have learned and been indoctrinated with - on Authority (obedience to the illusion of it.). I met Larken once on a book-sale trip to Oregon... 15-years ago. He is an extremely bright dude - and is high on my list of virtuous rebels. Double-plus-good!
Excellent article that is very thought provoking, but to various degrees rejected by other readers. To me, anarchy actually means rules without rulers. It would seem a big leap for a society that is accustomed to draconian rules and rulers, but it's not impossible. The first step is for individuals to implement self governing behavior, and most people here probably think they are capable. But I wonder if that's really the case. I have seen little evidence of that in the last three years. If you donned a mask or took the jab, I would question your ability to self govern.
"If you donned a mask or took the jab, I would question your ability to self govern." Maybe they were victims to a CON that took place. I bet those people weren't out robbing, raping and stealing which would be a better judge of whether they can self govern or not since no law can stop someone from committing those acts.
I don't think everyone who engaged are incapable of self governing, but it does show a proclivity to follow rules and rulers thoughtlessly. Self government involves critical thinking skills and the ability to avoid being conned, at least most of the time. Those who now know they were conned and are willing to admit it, may be more willing to consider the idea of self governing and embrace it. But those who are still masking and getting boosters are beyond the scope, and prefer rules and rulers over making their own choices. I'm afraid I see too many who fall into the latter group.
It is unfortunate there are so many of those you write of who lack critical thinking and the self-awareness to recognize the've been programmed - the false/blind-trust sense for a need of state protection/security - indemic of both academic and political classes alike. The vacant ones do take-on an earnest fight at the will of their captors/owners. - unknowingly going-on to spread fear for more authoritarian state protection/security - grooming others in the self-same deceitful blind-acceptance - their "belief" having no meaning or connection to the truth about any of it. When their doors do get knocked down and their boys get killed and daughters get raped they'll wonder what happened... the 911 call they made was only a financial money-maiking mechanism/scheme to create more customers - a boost to the cashier at the slave-trading auction, in order to conscript/levy more wards of the state. Yes - it's all happening because we didn't hang them all last time. "The most dangerous man to any government, is a man who can think things out... w/o regard to the prvailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion the the government he lives under is dishonest/insane/intolerable." [H.L. Mencken, Born 1880]
I think most folks would take to it like fish to water.
Do you like the government GOVERNING you? Who really LIKES that? What the Peeps need, in my canine opinion, is a vision of what anarchy actually LOOKS LIKE.
Obviously you know people that are capable of self governing , as do I. But I also know far more people that are willing to follow the "experts" , and then there's the "Karens", politicians, and would be politicians who think they know best. The latter has no desire to even think about anarchy, well along see it in action.
Remember that we have been TRAINED, for thousands of years.
Nobody is saying that an entirely new system of living on Earth is going to be EASY.
But I do think freedom is our natural state, and I also think there will be PLENTY of folks (like you and I) who will step up to lend a hand to our neighbors who struggle.
The point is, this is our chance to begin (BEGIN) a whole new paradigm of the Human Story. I can't think it will fail. I just don't see FAILURE-- I see a joyful, though surely at the beginning, halting & faltering, but JOYFUL and moving into a beautiful thing. That will surely take YEARS to fully develop, maybe even centuries... But it's better than THIS globby shite!! ;)
The Israelites in the Bible for all intents lived under anarchy when they had "Judges". Also, if we are being "watched" by those who colonized this planet, they want to see us self govern so that when they reveal themselves to us, we will be able to welcome them. As it stands right now they have to be looking at us and figuring we are still babies wanting mommy and daddy government to protect them. And if they are REALLY Watching they must think we are INSANE because mommy and daddy government do not protect us. They ENSLAVE us. They MURDER us. They CAGE us. They HARM us. They IGNORE us. They STEAL from us. and we just go right along with it like it is the natural way of things. It is NOT. It is the SERPENT way of things.
I for one donut trust the Bible to be actually what was originally written... I feel reasonably sure that the Romans twisted it up when they swallowed up Christianity... a perversion of what I think Jesus was telling us, to a great degree.
And what exactly do you mean, "those who colonized this planet"? Do you believe in Lizard People from another dimension? If ANYTHING, they'd be DOG people, wooden they? ;)
I guess you may find out whether your citizen militia, or at least a key demographic, can pressure the government for change. Or this may serve as a catalyst for something larger. I admit it is time for drastic action as Brandon and his puppeteers have wrought such mayhem.
Have you seen this? I think citizen militias will form rather quickly. The major issue will be outfitting the participants and training them in a short time.
Yes, not that particular video, but lots like it. Google the Darian Gap and be amazed at the multi-national (read that as "The United Nations") effort to abet the invasion of the U.S.
Yes, I recognize we are at war with elements within our own government and an invasion is being crafted to destroy our sovereignty. I agree that many actors in the administration, the bureaucracy and the deep state should hang.
Amazing as I never knew politics had this similar issue that religion had when it came to the monks. They too wanted nothing to do with society and rejected organized religious doctrine holding to similar beliefs in regard to religious institutions as this post does on anarchy toward governments in general.
Monks were viewed as taking the Bible too literally. Monks too saw the corruption and dangers that religious leaders created when instead of teaching believers how to depend on the Bible, they were teaching followers to depend on their religious leaders.
In fact, Larken Rose uses principles that could be applied to several other things besides religion. Many counties have communities that have no local government and exist exactly as this post states, yet there are other communities that would become ruins without their local governments if they attempted the same thing.
Therefore, I'm not for everyone being like everyone else, and despite being for allowing differences, too many are hell bent on making everyone be like everyone else to include even when it comes to everyone leaving everyone else alone.
Your response brought a movie I watched to mind. "Ride With the Devil" and a part of the dialogue that went on. Read thought it and notice the statement made that mirrors you final thought...
Ride With The Devil 1999
Mr. Evans: Have you ever been to Lawrence, Kansas, young man?
Chiles: No, I reckon not, Mr. Evans.
I don't believe I'd be too welcome in Lawrence.
Mr. Evans: I didn't think so. Before this war began,
my business took me there often.
As I saw those Northerners build that town,
I witnessed the seeds of our destruction being sown.
The foundin' of that town was truly the beginnin' of the Yankee invasion.
I'm not speakin' of numbers,
nor even abolitionist trouble-makin'.
It was the schoolhouse.
Before they built their church, even, they built that schoolhouse.
And they let in every tailor's son...
and every farmer's daughter in that country.
Chiles: Spellin' won't help you hold a plow any firmer.
Or a gun either.
Mr. Evens: No, it won't, Mr. Chiles. But my point is merely...
that they rounded every pup up into that schoolhouse...
because they fancied that everyone should think...
and talk the same free-thinkin' way they do...
with no regard to station, custom,
And that is why they will win.
Because they believe everyone should live and think just like them.
And we shall lose because we don't care one way or another...
how they live.
We just worry about ourselves.
Chiles: Are you sayin', sir, that we fight for nothin'?
Your post reminded me of an old saying, "Long ago some didn't mind a school being built for a certain class of people because they didn't believe it would make any difference. Only when they learned that the certain class of people were being properly educated and improving themselves did they have a problem with the school."
Now it appears as if the opposite is happening in that people see the educated as being more indoctrinated than improving themselves. Sure, the higher educated might be wealthier, some might even be healthier, but are they better as human beings? They believe so, but others disagree.
They are not open minded. Many have no wisdom. They do things based on profit or ignorance. The doctor says here take this and they take it without even questioning it. The teacher says here believe this and they believe it without even questioning it. Even the religious with their leaders are told what a verse means, and they accept it without even questioning it.
If they win, it will only be seven years of pure ugly. Granted, I could be wrong, but that error can go both ways in that they could make their globalist delusion last longer or they could fail to achieve their George Orwell 1984 new world order all because as you posted people are fighting for everything they have and they want to keep it.
The whole purpose behind government school was control. This is from a George Carlin rant:
But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason it will never, ever, EVER be fixed.
It’s never going to get any better, don’t look for it, be happy with what you’ve got.
Because the owners, the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the BIG owners! The Wealthy… the REAL owners! The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.
They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want:
They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. that's against their interests.
that's right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that!
You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this fucking place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club.
By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table has tilted folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care! Good honest hard-working people; white collar, blue collar it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard-working people continue, these are people of modest means, continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don’t give a fuck about you….they don’t give a fuck about you… they don’t give a FUCK about you.
They don’t care about you at all… at all… AT ALL. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. that's what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday, because the owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American Dream,because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ George Carlin
Property and freedom go hand in hand. If you work to obtain property the time you spend can never be returned to you. So if someone were to take it from you, you would have that many hours of your life effectively stolen. That's why, if people lose all due to some sort of thievery, they lose it, and those that commit the theft put themselves in jeopardy by doing so.
By the age of three he was taught Greek. By the age of eight, he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis, and the whole of Herodotus, and was acquainted with Lucian and six dialogues of Plato. He had also read a great deal of history in English and had been taught arithmetic, physics and astronomy.
At the age of eight, he studied Latin, the works of Euclid, and algebra, and was appointed a schoolmaster over his younger siblings teaching them. His main reading was history, but he enjoyed Latin and Greek authors and by the age of ten could read Plato and Demosthenes with ease.
He was home schooled. He then took all his education, learning, and experiences in life and claimed that without his wife's wisdom, guidance, and help he would have never had the wisdom to realize understanding is better than knowledge and wisdom is better than understanding.
His name if you didn't know was John Stuart Mill and his entire life came down to four Bible verses which are 1 Cor. 15: 1-4. Yet, to understand why only those four probably takes knowing everything else.
Why do they need to back it up? If someone else needs proof, then so be it as that is on the other person, not the individual that knows something. As you well know, simply because there are things we know to be true that aren't true at all, and things we know to be false that aren't false at all, doesn't mean everything we know is wrong.
Mohamad Farah Aidid, or the taliban, or Isis et al... show how power vacuums are filled by strong-armed factions that are not easily dislodged. I understand from this diatribe, against those who have legitimately earned such vitriol by exploiting our open society, that the author is a good person who believes in the goodness of men (and women) but doesn't quite fathom the depths of depravity under which a goodly portion of the world operates. Truly, our founders tried to walk the thin line between a necessary government strong enough to resist despicable people and baser instincts, safeguards against such people grasping the reins of that power, and an absolutely free society. A return to those principles is the most sure path. The author is spot on in one sense: self defense is the ultimate guarantee of liberty should governmental/systematic safeguards fail; but that is an ugly, brutal and lengthy struggle once begun.
"“A return to First Principles in a Republic is sometimes caused by simple virtues of a single man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example. Before all else, be armed!” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
Under anarchy we would be quite free to form citizen militias. Without the backing of outside influence that those groups you mention at first, how would they gain that kind of power? You and I both know that Isis and the Taliban are MILITIA type forces that were armed by outside sources. The Taliban was armed to the TEETH with weapons and equipment that was left behind. BILLIONS worth. So why you would make statements like this eludes me. "I understand from this diatribe, against those who have legitimately earned such vitriol by exploiting our open society," DIATRIBE? Did you actually spend the time to read the whole post? And WHAT open society are you referring to? We don't live in an "open society". It's a society run by the CLUB that you and I aren't a member of.
And think about this... if our society WASN'T filled with people who are basically good, how hard would it be for a few of us to get together, ambush the local police and go about our merry ways of robbing, raping and stealing? Society as a whole IS based on the goodness of men and women or you would be seeing a LOT more violence than we see now. And as for your final quote...what a joke that is. You really believe the wicked would be ashamed to lead a life so contrary?? Well DO YOU? Oh, gosh're a rapist and I'm not. Take a good look at my life of refraining from raping and you'll be ashamed that you're a rapist and stop. GIVE ME A BREAK.
And the government we are under right now is the result of the effort of the founding fathers. They FUCKED UP. There should have been a clause in the Constitution that said anyone who can be found guilty of a violation of their oath of office shall be tried and shot at sundown if found guilty. As it stands...the Constitution is a piece of TOILET paper to the shit for brains psychopathic control freak parasites that run the shit show.
Was not the original article an invective against an abusive government? If so, it is a diatribe. That's not criticism; it's a characterization.
Next: Yes, ISIS and the Taliban were equipped and manipulated into acting towards the ends of more sophisticated (three letter) organizations. My guess is any "citizen militia" would be subject to such pressures and machinations. Even in an anarchic society, such a militia would require strident, delegated leadership lest any act be merely a chaotic mass of armed individuals mucking about and lashing out with no sense of direction or coordination rendering it inefficient and weak..
Those kinds of leadership positions attract ambitious power hungry and often psychotic sociopaths. Without the safeguards, like those enshrined on your TOILET PAPER Constitution you would quickly be back to the present conundrum or worse.
Certainly abuses of what the founders envisioned have occurred, and it rapidly spiraled away from its original intent, yet to throw it away (the Constitution) is exactly what the bad guys wish. It has been the only thing, up til now, that has slowed their roll.
"A Republic, ma'am IF you can keep it." Was instruction that tyrants will tyrant and it is a NEVER ENDING struggle against evil.
As for the last quote: mob rule is a thing. Examples of virtue are a necessary element for civil society. Currently mass media shows example of vile behavior being well rewarded. Many cry out about the bad influences of rap, immoral celebs, violent video games and two-tiered justice which seduces youth (and adults of questionable ethics and malleable intellect) into emulation. Without just individuals doing the right thing even when no when is looking, and especially when everyone one IS looking, your citizen militia would devolve into jungle rule, pillage and rape. There has to be a Pericles around which a moral core can look to for example.
Frankly, that you ripped into me, rather than enjoin in a more civil toned discussion, is an example of how passions can make even the most ethical, even keeled, soft spoken and mild mannered go off into extremes.
I'm not ready to throw the acme of mankind's political expression in the dumpster quite yet. Yes, there fully needs to be a purge. Political apathy, and inaction by the folks who would be your "citizen militia" has brought us to this juncture as much as has the actions of the usurpers of the citizenry's sovereignty. Therefore I'm not very confident that, absent a good moral blueprint like the Constitution, an armed rabble of 100 IQ militiamen would fare any better.
Frankly, that you ripped into me, rather than enjoin in a more civil toned discussion, is an example of how passions can make even the most ethical, even keeled, soft spoken and mild mannered go off into extremes.
I'm not ready to throw the acme of mankind's political expression in the dumpster quite yet. Yes, there fully needs to be a purge. Political apathy, and inaction by the folks who would be your "citizen militia" has brought us to this juncture as much as has the actions of the usurpers of the citizenry's sovereignty. Therefore I'm not very confident that, absent a good moral blueprint like the Constitution, an armed rabble of 100 IQ militiamen would fare any better.
@jukk0u...sorry if you took my response as "ripping into you". Going back and re reading it makes me wonder how you came to that conclusion. Anyhow, IF we were to get back to the Constitution, which by the way I was referring to THEM turning it into toilet paper, not myself. I find that it is simple and if FOLLOWED would be a good idea. HOWEVER, it still gives some men the POWER To steal from you through taxation and other means. Think about it...right now, how you live your life. You are an ANARCHIST most likely 100% except for the dealings you have with those in government. Stealing your labor for property taxes. Stealing your labor for sales taxes. Stealing your labor for income taxes. Telling you what you can or cannot drink or eat. Telling you what kind of weapon you can own, how many rounds the magazine can hold, how fast it can shoot, how long the barrel has to be...blah blah blah.
Can I suggest The Law? Please read my post called "The Law or The Communist Manifesto, which won?"
I really don't NEED any "leaders". Do you? Or have you been able to get through life as an anarchist without even realizing it by not robbing, raping and stealing? Are you trained in arms? If there was no "government" would you stand in the gap where you live to defend the helpless around you? Do you carry right now concealed or in the open? Do you? Are you your first responder? Admit're an anarchist but really don't know it.
One other thing a bitter, abusive denunciation is hardly what I would have called Larken's rant against government. Maybe bitter, maybe a denunciation, but hardly abusive. Not sure what would would suffice, but diatribe isn't it.
"Certainly abuses of what the founders envisioned have occurred, and it rapidly spiraled away from its original intent, yet to throw it away (the Constitution) is exactly what the bad guys wish. It has been the only thing, up til now, that has slowed their roll." You have got to be kidding. If you cannot see that it has been totally IGNORED for at least since the civil war in almost every area "they" can get away with you have to be blind. Did you ever read Constitution? What Constitution? Just curious. Please do so. I'm sure we are on the same page in most cases.
I have a dog-eared "Pocket Constitution" published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies (copyright 2020) which I must admit, is referenced with only a small measure of regularity, and since I'm not a scholar, lawyer, judge or congressman who (should) employ it daily or in the usual course of business, it's not something which has 'stuck' in my memory and that I can cite automatically.
I agree that is has been altered and ignored to the detriment of the original intent, therefore the poignancy of my quote of Machiaveli (ironically?) and an insistance of a "return to first principles."
Give me time and I shall read up on the link you just provided.
Point is, we've not SEEN the Constitution in its natural habitat... We were manipulated from the Git Go. No king of England is going to actually ALLOW a real anarchy to happen... It was too much work, and they (the Crown, ie, the Black Nobility, ie, the ROMANS) never really left anyway. The reality of what's going on compared to what we've been LED TO BELIEVE is like night and day...
An armed society is a polite society. At least in an anarchic system there is no government to take your guns away and leave you defenseless as a sitting duck. In today’s government-heavy world we are forced to outsource defense to the police who the courts have ruled have NO OBLIGATION to defend you even though you are obligated to pay for them at the point of an IRS SWAT team.
Social destabilization always leads to Authoritariansm... John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." The marxist infiltrators use demoralization/destabilization as their strategy to undermine and dismantle the US and the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" -system of governance. The "duty" is to always repel the deity of darkness at every turn whenever we see it. When all can recognise that corruption is just part of the psy-op (Fanny Willis gives MK Ultra a bad name btw - by now we all know MK Ultra isn't a dishwashing detergent) - then we only need manifest the service of Truth - deliverence follows for the blinded minds of the unbelieving.
Horse pucky. This is a pipe-dream by Larkin. All goes well with 'rules without rulers'... until humanities very nature rears it's ugly head... and you get anarchy.
Right? It reminds me of the Christian who will say "we need government because the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? And my response always is so what you're telling me is that we need wicked men to rule us because we are so wicked. Anyone that believes that mankind is more wicked than good needs to take a close look around him. The majority of wickedness comes from those who run government and are the enforcers of their wicked edicts.
Aren't Anarchists just poor Libertarians? ;-) Larken Rose is way ahead of his time - but His time is a-coming. "The Tiny Dot" i s a short video Larken made years ago - I still send it to people that I am trying to clue-in on volutaryism/anarchism. His book, "The Most Dangerous Superstion" is a fantastic read - a real eye-opener that helps anyone shake themselves from the habits we have learned and been indoctrinated with - on Authority (obedience to the illusion of it.). I met Larken once on a book-sale trip to Oregon... 15-years ago. He is an extremely bright dude - and is high on my list of virtuous rebels. Double-plus-good!
" "
This one is actually on Larken's channel. The Tiny Dot SOOOOO TRUE! I'm sooooo skkeeerrrreeddd! My pink undies are all soiled!
Even better!
Excellent article that is very thought provoking, but to various degrees rejected by other readers. To me, anarchy actually means rules without rulers. It would seem a big leap for a society that is accustomed to draconian rules and rulers, but it's not impossible. The first step is for individuals to implement self governing behavior, and most people here probably think they are capable. But I wonder if that's really the case. I have seen little evidence of that in the last three years. If you donned a mask or took the jab, I would question your ability to self govern.
"If you donned a mask or took the jab, I would question your ability to self govern." Maybe they were victims to a CON that took place. I bet those people weren't out robbing, raping and stealing which would be a better judge of whether they can self govern or not since no law can stop someone from committing those acts.
I don't think everyone who engaged are incapable of self governing, but it does show a proclivity to follow rules and rulers thoughtlessly. Self government involves critical thinking skills and the ability to avoid being conned, at least most of the time. Those who now know they were conned and are willing to admit it, may be more willing to consider the idea of self governing and embrace it. But those who are still masking and getting boosters are beyond the scope, and prefer rules and rulers over making their own choices. I'm afraid I see too many who fall into the latter group.
It is unfortunate there are so many of those you write of who lack critical thinking and the self-awareness to recognize the've been programmed - the false/blind-trust sense for a need of state protection/security - indemic of both academic and political classes alike. The vacant ones do take-on an earnest fight at the will of their captors/owners. - unknowingly going-on to spread fear for more authoritarian state protection/security - grooming others in the self-same deceitful blind-acceptance - their "belief" having no meaning or connection to the truth about any of it. When their doors do get knocked down and their boys get killed and daughters get raped they'll wonder what happened... the 911 call they made was only a financial money-maiking mechanism/scheme to create more customers - a boost to the cashier at the slave-trading auction, in order to conscript/levy more wards of the state. Yes - it's all happening because we didn't hang them all last time. "The most dangerous man to any government, is a man who can think things out... w/o regard to the prvailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion the the government he lives under is dishonest/insane/intolerable." [H.L. Mencken, Born 1880]
I think most folks would take to it like fish to water.
Do you like the government GOVERNING you? Who really LIKES that? What the Peeps need, in my canine opinion, is a vision of what anarchy actually LOOKS LIKE.
Someone should make a film like THAT...
He did. It's called The Jones Plantation.
Oh, COOL. Thanks, Lion, I shall watch it nowoooooo! ;)
Obviously you know people that are capable of self governing , as do I. But I also know far more people that are willing to follow the "experts" , and then there's the "Karens", politicians, and would be politicians who think they know best. The latter has no desire to even think about anarchy, well along see it in action.
Remember that we have been TRAINED, for thousands of years.
Nobody is saying that an entirely new system of living on Earth is going to be EASY.
But I do think freedom is our natural state, and I also think there will be PLENTY of folks (like you and I) who will step up to lend a hand to our neighbors who struggle.
The point is, this is our chance to begin (BEGIN) a whole new paradigm of the Human Story. I can't think it will fail. I just don't see FAILURE-- I see a joyful, though surely at the beginning, halting & faltering, but JOYFUL and moving into a beautiful thing. That will surely take YEARS to fully develop, maybe even centuries... But it's better than THIS globby shite!! ;)
The Israelites in the Bible for all intents lived under anarchy when they had "Judges". Also, if we are being "watched" by those who colonized this planet, they want to see us self govern so that when they reveal themselves to us, we will be able to welcome them. As it stands right now they have to be looking at us and figuring we are still babies wanting mommy and daddy government to protect them. And if they are REALLY Watching they must think we are INSANE because mommy and daddy government do not protect us. They ENSLAVE us. They MURDER us. They CAGE us. They HARM us. They IGNORE us. They STEAL from us. and we just go right along with it like it is the natural way of things. It is NOT. It is the SERPENT way of things.
I for one donut trust the Bible to be actually what was originally written... I feel reasonably sure that the Romans twisted it up when they swallowed up Christianity... a perversion of what I think Jesus was telling us, to a great degree.
And what exactly do you mean, "those who colonized this planet"? Do you believe in Lizard People from another dimension? If ANYTHING, they'd be DOG people, wooden they? ;)
I guess you may find out whether your citizen militia, or at least a key demographic, can pressure the government for change. Or this may serve as a catalyst for something larger. I admit it is time for drastic action as Brandon and his puppeteers have wrought such mayhem.
New York boycott by truckers. Let them eat cake, I suppose. (See also:the value of prepping) Folks could go hungry for a minute.
Have you seen this? I think citizen militias will form rather quickly. The major issue will be outfitting the participants and training them in a short time.
Yes, not that particular video, but lots like it. Google the Darian Gap and be amazed at the multi-national (read that as "The United Nations") effort to abet the invasion of the U.S.
Yes, I recognize we are at war with elements within our own government and an invasion is being crafted to destroy our sovereignty. I agree that many actors in the administration, the bureaucracy and the deep state should hang.
The balloon had gone up.
Many WILL hang.
Amazing as I never knew politics had this similar issue that religion had when it came to the monks. They too wanted nothing to do with society and rejected organized religious doctrine holding to similar beliefs in regard to religious institutions as this post does on anarchy toward governments in general.
Monks were viewed as taking the Bible too literally. Monks too saw the corruption and dangers that religious leaders created when instead of teaching believers how to depend on the Bible, they were teaching followers to depend on their religious leaders.
In fact, Larken Rose uses principles that could be applied to several other things besides religion. Many counties have communities that have no local government and exist exactly as this post states, yet there are other communities that would become ruins without their local governments if they attempted the same thing.
Therefore, I'm not for everyone being like everyone else, and despite being for allowing differences, too many are hell bent on making everyone be like everyone else to include even when it comes to everyone leaving everyone else alone.
Your response brought a movie I watched to mind. "Ride With the Devil" and a part of the dialogue that went on. Read thought it and notice the statement made that mirrors you final thought...
Ride With The Devil 1999
Mr. Evans: Have you ever been to Lawrence, Kansas, young man?
Chiles: No, I reckon not, Mr. Evans.
I don't believe I'd be too welcome in Lawrence.
Mr. Evans: I didn't think so. Before this war began,
my business took me there often.
As I saw those Northerners build that town,
I witnessed the seeds of our destruction being sown.
The foundin' of that town was truly the beginnin' of the Yankee invasion.
I'm not speakin' of numbers,
nor even abolitionist trouble-makin'.
It was the schoolhouse.
Before they built their church, even, they built that schoolhouse.
And they let in every tailor's son...
and every farmer's daughter in that country.
Chiles: Spellin' won't help you hold a plow any firmer.
Or a gun either.
Mr. Evens: No, it won't, Mr. Chiles. But my point is merely...
that they rounded every pup up into that schoolhouse...
because they fancied that everyone should think...
and talk the same free-thinkin' way they do...
with no regard to station, custom,
And that is why they will win.
Because they believe everyone should live and think just like them.
And we shall lose because we don't care one way or another...
how they live.
We just worry about ourselves.
Chiles: Are you sayin', sir, that we fight for nothin'?
Mr. Evans: Far from it, Mr. Chiles.
You fight for everything that we ever had.
As did my son.
Your post reminded me of an old saying, "Long ago some didn't mind a school being built for a certain class of people because they didn't believe it would make any difference. Only when they learned that the certain class of people were being properly educated and improving themselves did they have a problem with the school."
Now it appears as if the opposite is happening in that people see the educated as being more indoctrinated than improving themselves. Sure, the higher educated might be wealthier, some might even be healthier, but are they better as human beings? They believe so, but others disagree.
They are not open minded. Many have no wisdom. They do things based on profit or ignorance. The doctor says here take this and they take it without even questioning it. The teacher says here believe this and they believe it without even questioning it. Even the religious with their leaders are told what a verse means, and they accept it without even questioning it.
If they win, it will only be seven years of pure ugly. Granted, I could be wrong, but that error can go both ways in that they could make their globalist delusion last longer or they could fail to achieve their George Orwell 1984 new world order all because as you posted people are fighting for everything they have and they want to keep it.
The whole purpose behind government school was control. This is from a George Carlin rant:
But there’s a reason. There’s a reason. There’s a reason for this, there’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason it will never, ever, EVER be fixed.
It’s never going to get any better, don’t look for it, be happy with what you’ve got.
Because the owners, the owners of this country don't want that. I'm talking about the real owners now, the BIG owners! The Wealthy… the REAL owners! The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians. They are irrelevant. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice! You have OWNERS! They OWN YOU. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They got you by the balls.
They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying, to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else, but I'll tell you what they don’t want:
They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. that's against their interests.
that's right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table and think about how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that!
You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers, people who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork. And just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shitty jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this fucking place! It's a big club, and you ain’t in it! You, and I, are not in the big club.
By the way, it's the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table has tilted folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care! Good honest hard-working people; white collar, blue collar it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard-working people continue, these are people of modest means, continue to elect these rich cock suckers who don’t give a fuck about you….they don’t give a fuck about you… they don’t give a FUCK about you.
They don’t care about you at all… at all… AT ALL. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. that's what the owners count on. The fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that's being jammed up their assholes everyday, because the owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American Dream,because you have to be asleep to believe it. ~ George Carlin
Property and freedom go hand in hand. If you work to obtain property the time you spend can never be returned to you. So if someone were to take it from you, you would have that many hours of your life effectively stolen. That's why, if people lose all due to some sort of thievery, they lose it, and those that commit the theft put themselves in jeopardy by doing so.
By the age of three he was taught Greek. By the age of eight, he had read Aesop's Fables, Xenophon's Anabasis, and the whole of Herodotus, and was acquainted with Lucian and six dialogues of Plato. He had also read a great deal of history in English and had been taught arithmetic, physics and astronomy.
At the age of eight, he studied Latin, the works of Euclid, and algebra, and was appointed a schoolmaster over his younger siblings teaching them. His main reading was history, but he enjoyed Latin and Greek authors and by the age of ten could read Plato and Demosthenes with ease.
He was home schooled. He then took all his education, learning, and experiences in life and claimed that without his wife's wisdom, guidance, and help he would have never had the wisdom to realize understanding is better than knowledge and wisdom is better than understanding.
His name if you didn't know was John Stuart Mill and his entire life came down to four Bible verses which are 1 Cor. 15: 1-4. Yet, to understand why only those four probably takes knowing everything else.
Knowing is a strong word. One that most cannot back up.
Why do they need to back it up? If someone else needs proof, then so be it as that is on the other person, not the individual that knows something. As you well know, simply because there are things we know to be true that aren't true at all, and things we know to be false that aren't false at all, doesn't mean everything we know is wrong.
Mohamad Farah Aidid, or the taliban, or Isis et al... show how power vacuums are filled by strong-armed factions that are not easily dislodged. I understand from this diatribe, against those who have legitimately earned such vitriol by exploiting our open society, that the author is a good person who believes in the goodness of men (and women) but doesn't quite fathom the depths of depravity under which a goodly portion of the world operates. Truly, our founders tried to walk the thin line between a necessary government strong enough to resist despicable people and baser instincts, safeguards against such people grasping the reins of that power, and an absolutely free society. A return to those principles is the most sure path. The author is spot on in one sense: self defense is the ultimate guarantee of liberty should governmental/systematic safeguards fail; but that is an ugly, brutal and lengthy struggle once begun.
"“A return to First Principles in a Republic is sometimes caused by simple virtues of a single man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example. Before all else, be armed!” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli
Under anarchy we would be quite free to form citizen militias. Without the backing of outside influence that those groups you mention at first, how would they gain that kind of power? You and I both know that Isis and the Taliban are MILITIA type forces that were armed by outside sources. The Taliban was armed to the TEETH with weapons and equipment that was left behind. BILLIONS worth. So why you would make statements like this eludes me. "I understand from this diatribe, against those who have legitimately earned such vitriol by exploiting our open society," DIATRIBE? Did you actually spend the time to read the whole post? And WHAT open society are you referring to? We don't live in an "open society". It's a society run by the CLUB that you and I aren't a member of.
And think about this... if our society WASN'T filled with people who are basically good, how hard would it be for a few of us to get together, ambush the local police and go about our merry ways of robbing, raping and stealing? Society as a whole IS based on the goodness of men and women or you would be seeing a LOT more violence than we see now. And as for your final quote...what a joke that is. You really believe the wicked would be ashamed to lead a life so contrary?? Well DO YOU? Oh, gosh're a rapist and I'm not. Take a good look at my life of refraining from raping and you'll be ashamed that you're a rapist and stop. GIVE ME A BREAK.
And the government we are under right now is the result of the effort of the founding fathers. They FUCKED UP. There should have been a clause in the Constitution that said anyone who can be found guilty of a violation of their oath of office shall be tried and shot at sundown if found guilty. As it stands...the Constitution is a piece of TOILET paper to the shit for brains psychopathic control freak parasites that run the shit show.
Was not the original article an invective against an abusive government? If so, it is a diatribe. That's not criticism; it's a characterization.
Next: Yes, ISIS and the Taliban were equipped and manipulated into acting towards the ends of more sophisticated (three letter) organizations. My guess is any "citizen militia" would be subject to such pressures and machinations. Even in an anarchic society, such a militia would require strident, delegated leadership lest any act be merely a chaotic mass of armed individuals mucking about and lashing out with no sense of direction or coordination rendering it inefficient and weak..
Those kinds of leadership positions attract ambitious power hungry and often psychotic sociopaths. Without the safeguards, like those enshrined on your TOILET PAPER Constitution you would quickly be back to the present conundrum or worse.
Certainly abuses of what the founders envisioned have occurred, and it rapidly spiraled away from its original intent, yet to throw it away (the Constitution) is exactly what the bad guys wish. It has been the only thing, up til now, that has slowed their roll.
"A Republic, ma'am IF you can keep it." Was instruction that tyrants will tyrant and it is a NEVER ENDING struggle against evil.
As for the last quote: mob rule is a thing. Examples of virtue are a necessary element for civil society. Currently mass media shows example of vile behavior being well rewarded. Many cry out about the bad influences of rap, immoral celebs, violent video games and two-tiered justice which seduces youth (and adults of questionable ethics and malleable intellect) into emulation. Without just individuals doing the right thing even when no when is looking, and especially when everyone one IS looking, your citizen militia would devolve into jungle rule, pillage and rape. There has to be a Pericles around which a moral core can look to for example.
Frankly, that you ripped into me, rather than enjoin in a more civil toned discussion, is an example of how passions can make even the most ethical, even keeled, soft spoken and mild mannered go off into extremes.
I'm not ready to throw the acme of mankind's political expression in the dumpster quite yet. Yes, there fully needs to be a purge. Political apathy, and inaction by the folks who would be your "citizen militia" has brought us to this juncture as much as has the actions of the usurpers of the citizenry's sovereignty. Therefore I'm not very confident that, absent a good moral blueprint like the Constitution, an armed rabble of 100 IQ militiamen would fare any better.
Frankly, that you ripped into me, rather than enjoin in a more civil toned discussion, is an example of how passions can make even the most ethical, even keeled, soft spoken and mild mannered go off into extremes.
I'm not ready to throw the acme of mankind's political expression in the dumpster quite yet. Yes, there fully needs to be a purge. Political apathy, and inaction by the folks who would be your "citizen militia" has brought us to this juncture as much as has the actions of the usurpers of the citizenry's sovereignty. Therefore I'm not very confident that, absent a good moral blueprint like the Constitution, an armed rabble of 100 IQ militiamen would fare any better.
@jukk0u...sorry if you took my response as "ripping into you". Going back and re reading it makes me wonder how you came to that conclusion. Anyhow, IF we were to get back to the Constitution, which by the way I was referring to THEM turning it into toilet paper, not myself. I find that it is simple and if FOLLOWED would be a good idea. HOWEVER, it still gives some men the POWER To steal from you through taxation and other means. Think about it...right now, how you live your life. You are an ANARCHIST most likely 100% except for the dealings you have with those in government. Stealing your labor for property taxes. Stealing your labor for sales taxes. Stealing your labor for income taxes. Telling you what you can or cannot drink or eat. Telling you what kind of weapon you can own, how many rounds the magazine can hold, how fast it can shoot, how long the barrel has to be...blah blah blah.
Can I suggest The Law? Please read my post called "The Law or The Communist Manifesto, which won?"
I really don't NEED any "leaders". Do you? Or have you been able to get through life as an anarchist without even realizing it by not robbing, raping and stealing? Are you trained in arms? If there was no "government" would you stand in the gap where you live to defend the helpless around you? Do you carry right now concealed or in the open? Do you? Are you your first responder? Admit're an anarchist but really don't know it.
One other thing a bitter, abusive denunciation is hardly what I would have called Larken's rant against government. Maybe bitter, maybe a denunciation, but hardly abusive. Not sure what would would suffice, but diatribe isn't it.
Woof! Well said.
"Certainly abuses of what the founders envisioned have occurred, and it rapidly spiraled away from its original intent, yet to throw it away (the Constitution) is exactly what the bad guys wish. It has been the only thing, up til now, that has slowed their roll." You have got to be kidding. If you cannot see that it has been totally IGNORED for at least since the civil war in almost every area "they" can get away with you have to be blind. Did you ever read Constitution? What Constitution? Just curious. Please do so. I'm sure we are on the same page in most cases.
I have a dog-eared "Pocket Constitution" published by the National Center for Constitutional Studies (copyright 2020) which I must admit, is referenced with only a small measure of regularity, and since I'm not a scholar, lawyer, judge or congressman who (should) employ it daily or in the usual course of business, it's not something which has 'stuck' in my memory and that I can cite automatically.
I agree that is has been altered and ignored to the detriment of the original intent, therefore the poignancy of my quote of Machiaveli (ironically?) and an insistance of a "return to first principles."
Give me time and I shall read up on the link you just provided.
Point is, we've not SEEN the Constitution in its natural habitat... We were manipulated from the Git Go. No king of England is going to actually ALLOW a real anarchy to happen... It was too much work, and they (the Crown, ie, the Black Nobility, ie, the ROMANS) never really left anyway. The reality of what's going on compared to what we've been LED TO BELIEVE is like night and day...
An armed society is a polite society. At least in an anarchic system there is no government to take your guns away and leave you defenseless as a sitting duck. In today’s government-heavy world we are forced to outsource defense to the police who the courts have ruled have NO OBLIGATION to defend you even though you are obligated to pay for them at the point of an IRS SWAT team.
Social destabilization always leads to Authoritariansm... John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." The marxist infiltrators use demoralization/destabilization as their strategy to undermine and dismantle the US and the "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" -system of governance. The "duty" is to always repel the deity of darkness at every turn whenever we see it. When all can recognise that corruption is just part of the psy-op (Fanny Willis gives MK Ultra a bad name btw - by now we all know MK Ultra isn't a dishwashing detergent) - then we only need manifest the service of Truth - deliverence follows for the blinded minds of the unbelieving.
Perhaps depravity doesn't get such a foothold when people live well, and not under the RULE of the kind of people we're talking about...
Have we seen this, ever, in action? YES. But only in little groups of native types, having been hidden from us... And then crushed.
Old boss, meet the new boss... The dots (dogs?) have it... ;)
Excellent article.
Very informative.
Horse pucky. This is a pipe-dream by Larkin. All goes well with 'rules without rulers'... until humanities very nature rears it's ugly head... and you get anarchy.
I thought I caught them all. It was from a voice to text transcript. And I believe that the majority of humanity doesn't have an ugly head to rear.
I commented on it. Thank you for the information you posted. I'm looking into that a lot closer.
Added some info on that test page that might help.
I saw this years ago, and it's great. I do like Larkin Rose, yip, yip.
I just posted the Dots on my page, too. Let's GO.
Right? It reminds me of the Christian who will say "we need government because the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? And my response always is so what you're telling me is that we need wicked men to rule us because we are so wicked. Anyone that believes that mankind is more wicked than good needs to take a close look around him. The majority of wickedness comes from those who run government and are the enforcers of their wicked edicts.