YES. ALL OF THAT AND GEORGE CARLIN, TOO!!! “The war of northern aggression” is how I refer to it, as well 😘.

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I'm going to vote because I was taught to never give up, but that certainly doesn't change the fact your post was a million percent correct. Unfortunately. It also leads me to I've been saying we can't just sit around singing kumbaya 'hoping' it'll all work out. To change anything we need to remember the fascistbook meme...there will come a day when good men (and gramma's) will have to do bad things. BTW taking up for our God given freedom is NOT doing bad things! Christians have let evil spill over everything because we went from fire and brimstone to sunshine and daisy's if we just be nice and not judge. Calling out sin is not judging! It's what we are commanded to do. PS LOVED number 2 and said that get go! The Bible doesn't talk about bitcoin or crytocurrency!!! It ONLY talks about silver and gold! Gotta love people worried about dark winter, summer, spring, fall, (how many times have we been warned about that now?! 🤔) but willing to put their money in a absolute internet reliant source?! 🤦🏽‍♀️ Geez Louis! However, looking back during the scamdemic watching people triple mask, gloves they touch everything with then reuse, washing food packages, putting dogs in shelters or down for fear of rona, believing it couldn't get you 6ft away, or after you sit down at a restaurant, I have absolutely ZERO faith enough would be willing to do anything major to get us out of this mess...but I can dream! No one can take that from me! I used to know a guy that constantly said, "Don't let anyone steal your joy!" Loved that! It's God given and not theirs to take! Thank you Courageous Lion for your common sense. I can definitely appreciate common sense these days!!! ❤️

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I haven’t given up. I just am being realistic. Voting is a JOKE. A bad one these days.

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For things to work, everyone must open his mouth and speaks his minds without worrying about offending the woke culture or losing his job or friends.

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Yes, you need to be one of the people who say “Most people are just mediocre minded cowardly conformists because it's comfortable and simple. I'm not one of those people.”

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I share Courageous Lion's opinion about voting, but your opinion about keep fighting the good fight. "He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved"

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Keep fighting the good fight...I like that! I just hope next scamdemic we get more vocal. One spark starts a fire. Don't spend money at places that enforce stupid rules! If it doesn't make sense it's because IT DOESN'T and they didn't and won't force me to go along! Stand on street corners with signs and papers with links to COMMON SENSE information! Don't argue simply state I feel we are always being lied to. You deserve information from a-z to form your own opinion. It's your right. We have been staring down the barrel of communism and I'd personally like to dodge that bullet! When it comes to the left they have definitely discovered sqeakiest wheel gets the grease! Our wheels need to squeak louder!

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Been staring down the barrel of communism? I think it went off and blew our brains out years ago. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

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🤣🤣🤣 Come on man...don't bust my bubble! But unfortunately in MANY ways you're correct again. It's been disheartening to say the least. The Bible doesn't say the root of all evil is the LOVE of money for kicks and giggles. Apparently they haven't learned the money can't buy you happiness part, because they are miserable, evil, disgusting wastes of oxygen!

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Last scamdemic, I refused to wear a face diapers, and was kicked out of restaurants and several stores. They even called the effing police to kick me out. During my objections to obey, Noone came to my support.

The foking police explained, a private store HAS THE RIGHT TO BAN ME FROM THEIR STORE? I said can a store post a sign no blacks are allowed? He felt like a POS.

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A store is a public place. Not private. If the doors are open to the PUBLIC they are not allowed to discriminate.

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That pisses me off no one else stood up! 😡 The cops need to be out catching pedophiles and murderers! Or how about the people doing 90 while staring at their damn phones!!!

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I'll vote only when I like one of my choices.

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I have to admit. If you feel good about the choices and it isn’t “the lesser of two evils”…I might do it just for that reason. And I did once. In 2008 for Ron Paul. I almost voted for Trump but after I did some research and found out all about some of his business dealings that bankrupted people who had signed up with him, I said…naaaahhhh. And then when he got in and was so double minded and ignorant of things like “due process” I thought, well I was right again.

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Agreed. I will never again vote for the lesser of two evils. Never.

I've voted 3rd party in the last two presidential elections, and won't likely vote R or D until either of these parties take a drastic turn towards constitutional principles and nominate good candidates for office.

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On the esoteric, energy harvesting level another reason to not vote is simply not wanting to give the parasite your implicit concent. Perhaps you mentioned this. Federal election appears to be a concent harvesting ritual.

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EXACTLY! “THEY” pick who we get to choose and then we are supposed to believe we had a choice. Once in a while they screw up. That’s what I think happened with Trump. They figured what is the chance that a guy who basically is a nobody to anybody out in the public going to win this election. Trump is a nationalist which is why they hate him so much. The people like nationalists because they have a tendency to stand for their country. If they want a one world government it becomes more and more of a challenge for them if the people everywhere start voting for nationalists and tell the one world crowd to take a hike off a cliff. Putin is a nationalist. Javier Milei is a nationalist. Viktor Orbán is a nationalist. There are a few more and they are thorns in the side of the likes of Clown Snob.

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I live in a solid blue state and I’m still voting red. Why? Why not? Giving up is not an option and not voting ensures defeat. Is it rigged? What isn’t rigged when a huge central government of unelected deep state “managerial classes” run the show?

What if we could end the out of control, corrupt federal government and Amend the Constitution to really bring back the intent of the Articles of the Confereration (via Article V Convention of the States?) and go back to real Federalism and get rid of the Executive and Judicial branches?

When James Otis was yelling “Taxation without Representation” pre-Declaration of Independence, how likely was it a small colony could rebel and defeat the world’s largest king and army? We did it once, we can do it again!

The “Anti-Federalists” did try to warn us through The-Anti-Federalist-Papers. Perhaps we should review those documents again and look to the Anti-Federalists for wisdom out of this mess? They gave us the Bill of Rights! (Federalist Hamilton said the Bill of Rights was not necessary!!)

Yes, James Madison did write the Bill of Rights, but he only wrote the Bill of Rights after MA, NY and VA would not ratify the Constitution without a Bill of Rights. What if MA, NY and VA gave up?

With threats of another forever war, at what point do We the People say Enough?


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CL, I guess I will vote because I haven't given up on the system, yet.

Silly, yes I know, because it sure has given up on us.


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The system was really designed from the beginning to work to a good degree. HOWEVER the psychopaths took over and made a big sick joke out of it. The last election where Trump “lost” was the kicker for me. Too many metrics said the guy who couldn’t fill an outhouse at one of his gatherings surely didn’t win.

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Maybe I won’t vote now. We’ll see.

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As you should know, the Preamble to the 1776 Declaration of Independence illuminates that all “governments receive their just powers from the consent of the governed”. Thus the controversy of voting or not, has its roots in our founding document and by voting you are giving consent to be governed by those you voted for.

That said, do you remember that time in 2016 when Attorney General Loretta Lynch decided she would take a private meeting with Bill Clinton on her plane as it was parked on the tarmac in Phoenix – while Bill’s wife, Hillary Clinton (when she was Obama’s Secretary of State), was under federal investigation for using a secret and unlawful private email server at her New York home, to receive thousands of top secret and classified government emails?

With the obvious corruption, insolence and temerity of the Clinton/Lynch Phoenix tarmac meeting as evidence; it is my humble opinion that our Constitutional Republic permanently fell during the 2016 presidential election cycle on July 5 when FBI Director James Comey ignored the rule of law and “exonerated” Hillary Clinton for the illegal server and the thousands of her classified emails. At that point in American history, the “rule of law” in the USA began its demise and because the constitutional provisions for remedy to the ensuing felonious acts and omissions (think FISA Court - “Crossfire Hurricane”) of James Comey, (et al) were never pursued; our Constitutional Republic is fallen and is irreparable…... and the 2022 FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago along with the four unconstitutional indictments of Donald J. Trump and the “Bragg show trial in New York”, is my proof We the People now live in a banana republic.

Please be cognizant: The Comey/Hillary Clinton exoneration was three weeks prior to a July 2016 Oval Office meeting orchestrated by President Barack Hussein Obama and Valerie Jarrett and attended by Vice President Joe Biden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, national security adviser Susan Rice and CIA Director John Brennan.

According to CIA Director John Brennan’s handwritten notes, Brennan informed attendees of “alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016, of “a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.” In other words, a scandal about collusion with Russia. According to a CIA memo, the intent of this plan was “distracting the public from her use of a private email server.”

Later it was shown that the plan was enacted via the Steele dossier, which Robby Mook, Clinton’s former campaign director, acknowledged under oath in 2022 to have procured. So explosive were Brennan’s notes that U.S. senators needed a federal court order, issued four years after Obama’s Oval Office meeting, to wrest a copy of it from the Department of Justice. Released along with Brennan’s notes was a copy of a CIA memo sent to FBI Director James Comey and Peter Strzok, (the deputy assistant director of the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division and manager of FBI’s “Crossfire Hurricane”), delineating the Barack Hussein Obama’s Oval Office meeting’s discussion.

Therefore as We the People encounter the 2024 election cycle, it is wise to conduct yourselves as living is a “Post-Constitutional Republic”. I compare it to living in Roman occupied Jerusalem at the time of Jesus Christ.

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“The truth is, one who seeks to achieve freedom by petitioning those in power to give it to him has already failed, regardless of the response. To beg for the blessing of “authority” is to accept that the choice is the master’s alone to make, which means that the person is already, by definition, a slave.”

Larken Rose

Personally, in good conscience, I can never give away the right to make my decisions. No one represents me except myself.

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I understand. For me, in a red state with a smaller population, my vote certainly makes all the difference. Although the US sovereignty is gone and the one world government is here. The media casualty sheeples just don’t know it yet, if they ever will at all. So yes, Congress is nothing but a Hollywood show performed to taxpaying fools that celebrate Independence Day, Pride month and worship at the alter of George Floyd.

I’m voting for Trump, because even though 2020 was clearly rife with fraud….., sheer numbers should be something that even the global media can’t hide nor spin.

But you go ahead and feel sorry for yourself as you think that you’re smarter than the rest. Cry me a fckg river. Go to Canada. Ahole

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"I’m voting for Trump, because even though 2020 was clearly rife with fraud….., sheer numbers should be something that even the global media can’t hide nor spin."

ROTFLMFGO!!! As if the first time they didn't do this. It is obvious to anyone with two brain cells that it was a major con job from the beginning. The metrics everywhere show it was a big fraud. And the fact you are "CONvinced" that your vote certainly makes all the difference just shows that you are living in an alternate reality. One that has unicorns and a girl named Alice who will take you down a rabbit hole.

I love your last sentence which really shows what kind of total moron you are! Keep it up! Be happy! And believe the lies you've been told because your Stockholm syndrome shines bright in your comment.

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You have provided yourself a solid path to failure, with a perfect excuse as to why none of it is your fault.

Courageous indeed.

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You don’t know me dip shit. And I have a sneaking suspicion that if we ever met in person you would be a lot more cordial. But hey, you’re tough guy on that keyboard aren’t you? The fact you think your vote makes a flying rats ass bit of difference shows how deluded you are. "You have provided yourself a solid path to failure"....To bad we can't post memes here because I have a big red one that says ROTFLMFGO! When I'm out driving one of my two BMW's or target shooting my Barret 82A1 at the rifle range or having a dinner with my four grown sons, I'll have to be thinking about my life of failure. I'm laughing right now.

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I’m really old. I’ve long stopped giving a shit. I’m always cordial. I would calmly speak my thoughts with you without any desire to insult or offend you in any way.

Admittedly, the end of my comment was sarcastic and nasty. I sincerely apologize for that, I was hoping to get your attention.

I will assume that your writing here is sincere, and not just some leftist punk bs purposely influencing young minds not to vote.

You’re young, and much smarter than I was. Like you, I see no hope as we slide into the one world government. I don’t to be complicit with any of it though.

I believe I can delete my comments here if you like, if not maybe you can do so.

I wish you much success however you define your own happiness, as in what used to be the USA…., your individual pursuit of happiness was the cornerstone of freedom.

One of my favorite Carlin quotes:

“Political correctness, is like…, fascism with manners”.

If you’re actually a communist lefty, go f yourself. I hope you’re not.

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Jim, I don’t know how old you are but I’m not a youngster. I’m 70. I’ve got a lot of reading and research under my belt. If you actually go to my Stack and read some of my hundreds of posts, you’ll find out who I really am. When it comes to communism? Try reading this: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

You will find that I’m well educated in many areas because I study many areas. I will not remove your comments because I believe in freedom of speech. You can keep them there and that way this one will have a connection to them. I wrote this one back in 2004 for Media Bypass. So that was twenty years ago. This one about Communism that is…

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Understood. Thank you. You’ve certainly got my interest. You’re correct, I don’t know who you are and I’ve likely misunderstood some of your writing.

You seem sincere and honestly wish you well. 🎯👏🏼

I think we can possibly agree with these things?

I fckg hate bullshit. I hate censorship. I hate anything that infringes on individual freedom in any way. Being old, I’ve got a list miles long as I scream “Get off my fckg lawn asshole!!!!”



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Did you take the vax? Did you approve the printing of 2 trillions by Trump to bribe the medical establishment to make and enforce the DNA changing vax?

Did he ever apologize to us for locking us up?

That POS must apologize and ask for forgiveness.

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Are you directing your last paragraph to Courageous Lion??

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Seemed pretty obvious to me!

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How absurd...Then Jim missed the entire point of your piece.

Thought I might give the benefit of the doubt -- that Jim directed it to the generic "you" who might hold a similar view, which, BTW, has nothing whatsoever to do with "feeling sorry" for ourselves. How silly is that?

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When it comes to voting many with Stockholm syndrome and cognitive dissonance simply cannot get by that. Both are mental disorders. He is held captive by a belief that his captors are going to be nice to him if he just votes for the right psychopathic control freak PARASITE. He needs to watch the “Tiny Dot” by Larken Rose. As for holding two opposing thoughts in his mind at the same time, you can see that in his response. In this statement he shows he is holding two opposing views as being true.

I understand. For me, in a red state with a smaller population, my vote certainly makes all the difference. (So does he understand or not?) Although the US sovereignty is gone and the one world government is here. The media casualty sheeples just don’t know it yet, if they ever will at all. So yes, Congress is nothing but a Hollywood show performed to taxpaying fools that celebrate Independence Day, Pride month and worship at the alter of George Floyd.

“I’m voting for Trump, because even though 2020 was clearly rife with fraud….., sheer numbers should be something that even the global media can’t hide nor spin.”

It really is easy for me to see the two opposing views being held as the truth by this poor man. And unfortunately he isn’t the only one. There are MANY. One other commenter made a statement that shows cognitive dissonance. SO FAR.

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"The Tiny Dot" by Rose is terrific. I had stopped voting altogether after the MA Republican Party (such as it is) engaged in in-your-face fraud and manipulation related to the primary. Bit of a long story. It involved Ron Paul. After that day? What the RINOs did to Paul? That was it for me.

Again, benefit of the doubt, only to have prima facie evidence of the scumbaggery that is politics and its population of scumbags. I thought, "You're being a fool, Kathleen...They're making a fool of you..." And so they were.

I only voted again -- for the first time -- in the local elections here in NW FL back in '22. We're keeping a close eye on our County Commissioners and other local officials like our Sheriff. But D.C.? As I've said -- even as a Ron Paul supporter -- D.C. is headquarters for the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate. This syndicate "employs" traitors who insist they're "Americans" or "public servants." They're anything but...

Extreme, I know, but that's what I think and that's how I feel.

Thank you for your work here, CL.

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"D.C. is headquarters for the world's largest and deadliest organized crime syndicate. This syndicate "employs" traitors who insist they're "Americans" or "public servants." They're anything but..." This says it all. Now if only people would realize it. It's so in our face and yet their cognitive dissonance and Stockholm syndrome is going full speed ahead. Thank you for reading and passing on what you do. My wife is a Kathleen! Kathleen is an Irish name meaning "pure".

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🤣 To me to.

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Funny, because our public officials who are sworn to uphold the constitution utilize their all caps names to usurp that exact oath. So who and what are they actually serving?

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Yep- we are living in times like Juvenal wrote about in his satires:


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I agree it's a joke .

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Brilliant take Lion! You skillfully articulated the reason I do not vote.

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