jury of peers. peers understand when a crime has been committed. today juries are "selected" for compliance to the narrative

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They are selected based on their ignorance of the reason for their existence as jurors. If we can get people to understand they don't have to answer the way the lawyers are wanting them to, they can still end up on the jury. I might even give answers that I think they want to hear to make it on. I've been on once. I was selected as foreman after I said if anyone here can recite the 4th amendment maybe they should be foreman. To which the people there said, well we bet you can and voted for me to be foreman.

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I was NOT selected, the one time I've been called, because I was a paralegal student. Boom.

But it DOES make sense, to be fair, NOT to put zealots and people who are highly biased, on a jury. Because sometimes vile people ARE GUILTY and should go to prison. Just sayin', it's not always about the govt/courts being fuckers. There ARE good judges. But the system, and the system on the whole, is corrupt.

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I have enough faith in my fellow man to believe that they are not going to let some vile person who needs to be imprisoned loose. I see the jury being used to stop the government from putting people in prison for victimless acts. When we were using the COMMON LAW for the basis of our "crimes" there HAD to be a victim. Today, you can be charged with some innocuous act such as having "too short of a barrel" and face a $250,000 fine (violation of the 8th amendment) and 10 years in a cage. (also a violation of the 8th amendment). THAT is what we need to be on juries to stop.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

Indeed. Not to mention being on Grand Juries for things like death jab mandates and other various and sundry tyrannies that should not be allowed, such as denying access to our own bank accounts, etc. Common Law, Natural Law, almost twins, or clones... IF not censored!

Anyway, I LOVED your post "Why the Militia?" Truly my cuppa tea. I think I must have gotten some Robert the Bruce genes or something!! ;)

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

Hey, Lion, I just shared this today on my page. WELL DONE, GRYFFINDOR!

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The craziest thing is we the people fighting legally unjust laws er. All. are using our finances to fight against our finances (taxes paid)

This is crazy fighting against ourselves and our own money in seeking justice

While the criminal corrupticians laugh at our stupidity as we go bankrupt.

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I actually address the problem you are writing about here: https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen

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I'm just waiting for the current payroll model to be abandoned as employers realize they can't compete against black market labor. I quit my payroll job when mandated in 2021 and I won't get another. I worked privately as a caregiver last year. There is no way I'm going to pay our enemies to murder us. Guess how much insurance I'm going to buy this year? None. There is already a thriving alternate economy in CA, or as I call it, the real economy...the 20 million non-citizens in CA all bartering and laboring under the table. That's the real economy.

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What we need to do is start local barter communities. With the current technology it shouldn't be that difficult. The other idea that someone has come up with is local folks forming local "defense leagues" another name for militia groups that use an app on their phones that will notify all members if one has an issue so that they can converge on wherever the issue is taking place. And with the app it would give GPS coordinates. Imagine if that took off and they all agreed to refuse to pay "property taxes" and were willing to actually stand against any "authority" that came to evict them from their homes. When you say "non citizens" are you referring to the people coming in from across the border or those who consider themselves citizens of California vs THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Note the all caps.

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That phone app neighborhood watch thing is intriguing. I'm talking about Mexicans and people from latin America when I say non-citizens. The majority of these people consider themselves Mexican, and they are loyal to Mexico. People who came across the border and stayed having kids and grandkids. They kept right on speaking Spanish and listening to Mexican music, and doing widespread barter and decentralized food production. It's amazing the quantity and variety of foods produced in a normal Mexican household in CA. Doing labor of all types for cash under the table. There is no way the current corporate structure with all these added expenses to employment (cash taken right out of your paycheck, unemployment insurance, workman's comp) can compete with this libertarian model.

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I have no problem in my mind with anyone from anywhere coming to this land mass that has had the lines drawn around it by some men some time in history. What I have a problem with is those people coming here and doing what you are saying as well as collecting food stamps, housing assistance, medical support, free schooling and whatever other public dole they can get on and in the meanwhile undercut the local guy who might want do cut your grass, build an addition on to your home or some other type of labor they are capable of. I've seen Mexicans in my neck of the woods undercut the local auto body businesses by 75% and do a great job. Now if they are NOT on some sort of public dole, good for them. My forbearers didn't come here looking for a handout.

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They do push other people out of the local workforce. It's hard to find a labor job if you aren't Mexican. I worked on an all Mexican crew with a Mexican boss for three years (in a wine warehouse). Not easy. My next door neighbor pocketed 50K a year tax free. He was a central American man working as an auto technician out of his house garage. His wife was legal and she owned the house. He drank a whole case of Budweiser every day and he died at 55. I think he may have been doing work for the Mexican mafia disabling the alarm on stollen cars. The MM is a widespread network with many scams. Including buying stuff on credit and then selling it at the flea market, and no one pays the credit card using a name and SS# that 50k illegal Mexicans use. In the labor market no one works direct, they are all temps (a way to organize labor and avoid the red tape...temp services find a way to employ non-citizens). The Mexican mafia is pervasive in CA. All vendors and store owners pay into it. It's a protection racket and does all kinds of stuff, and has tentacles in the prisons and they run credit card scams out of the prisons and jails. I knew one guy who made a substantial income while serving 25 years and kept his wife and kids in his house from the inside. They were taken care of by the MM all that time.

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Wow! Just great.

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This is your best writing. Your view is correct, of course. It's absurd that Common Sense needs to shouted from the rooftops, but it does. We are either coming up to AmRev2, or we're into the Revelation timeline, and the fulfillment of that prophecy. I see it your way and I would prefer that the end of days was put off until someone else's lifetime, but I don't think that's what's going on here. That prophecy describes a world with two empires, one Ecclesiastical (the west-under the thumb of the Pope), and one Secular (China). There are two witnesses who get arrested, tried in mock trials, and executed while our enemies gloat and denigrate us. Trump and Assange? Also, there is a beast with 10 heads. Is that a reference to the installed heads of state in Europe and the five eyes? I say yes, and I know there are many different readings and plenty of shills causing misunderstanding. After that it doesn't get better for us here on earth, until the end when the creation is consumed, and our faith is rewarded. Many of us will have earned our robes as martyrs but those who persevere to the end will be saved. Check out my stack for more on Revelation and Baroque attitudes toward the pope and his priests.

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Apr 4, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Author

The problem I run into with the multitude of interpretations of the Bible is it leaves me totally dumbfounded. I've been involved with a number of "Christian" denominations over the years and the way to a degree that some are actually in such opposition to each others teachings that it becomes extremely divisive. Seems the Pentecostals want to spiritualize everything and the Baptists want to claim it is all literal. Then there is the Christian Identity groups and their in fighting over what day the sabbath really is. Or if there is pork collagen in a vitamin capsule. My issue was the attitude that the preachers all had towards me for asking questions. The leave your reason, logic and common sense, at the front door and "believe what I have to tell you on faith". About 15 years ago I closed that chapter of my life after reading a rather interesting writing by one of the founding fathers. Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason" in it's entirety with my well worn bible open while doing so. Twice. End result? To be continued...

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I can tell you are steeped in Thomas Paine. My favorite writer is William Blake (who also wrote during the revolutionary age and was published by the same small publishing house-Joseph Johnson). His christianity is seminal to my understanding and reading Blake leads back to a tradition of dissent against the Anglicans.

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So what was with the Anglicans?

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The first stock companies allowed the upper class in England to expand. Anglicanism is a church where it's ok to be wealthy and exploitative as long as you have good manners and are respectable. Dissidents against Anglicanism had observed Christian poverty for centuries and they hated the idea that a person's goodness (or salvation) could be related to his wealth. Poverty was proof of Christian goodness, and wealth was perverse in the culture that existed before the Anglican church. Usury was a sin. The anti-Anglican dissidents had Gallic manners (vulgarity and hilarity), not the polite, stogy, unethical, inbred, elitist Frankish manners that the Anglicans have always had. So there is a cultural divide between the moneyed Anglican sellouts and the dissidents who see them for what they are. Today the sectarian dissidents are no longer surviving in the same form. All of organized Christianity is now under the thumb of the Pope and his Priests. John Bunyan is a famous example of a dissident against the crown and the Anglican church.

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