Ditto what Luc said... Never was either federal OR Constitutional. Actually, there's a LOT of things that are not Constitutional...

Just watched a documentary report by Frontline from a few years ago about the Bundys and their being crushed for protesting against the Federal Gov telling them they couldn't use PUBLIC LANDS to graze their cattle...

Fuck Central Govt., so saith the Dog.

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A LOT of things is an understatement.

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LOL. Yip, it is! Woof!

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Yep, knew that years ago. Needs to go. Did you ever read the book Dishonest Money by Joseph Plummer. A fellow substacker. Easy read

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I'll check that out @Luc. Do you have a link?

Did you ever read my post called "Blood Running In the Streets"? Or Credit is Debt is Slavery? Or Theocratic money vs democratic money? Or Money, The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Or Miracle on Mainstreet? Or Legal Tender Vs Lawful Money? https://www.courageouslion.us/p/legal-tender-vs-lawful-money

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Link https://www.joeplummer.com/dishonest-money-1

I thought I have read most if not all of your posts. It's sad but I don't think we will ever get rid of the Federal Reserve. It's just ridiculous that this isn't even government but we "allow" them to run our money system. Sad.

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Never say never. There was a time in history it didn't exist and there will be a time it will no longer exist.

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I just don't see it in my lifetime.

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Most likely you are correct. That crap system has now been in place and ruined how many lives the world over since 1913. That's 111 years this coming December.

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Actually some of those are my posts. The rest are books. I should have been more specific. The following are available online as Credit is Debt is Slavery? Bruce G. McCarthy https://archive.org/details/bruce-g.-mc-carthy-credit-is-debt-is-slavery Or Theocratic money vs democratic money? Bruce G. McCarthy https://archive.org/details/15074811-bruce-g-mc-carthy-theocratic-money-vs-democratic-money Or Money, The Greatest Hoax on Earth? Merrill Jenkins https://dn790002.ca.archive.org/0/items/MoneyTalksBettonJLetalCNA1970.rOpts/Economics%2C%20Money/MoneyTheGreatestHoaxOnEarth%20JenkinsME%201971.r-opts.pdf Or Miracle on Mainstreet? F. Tupper Saussy https://archive.org/details/the-miracle-on-main-street

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And lords of finance by ahamed

And fiat money in France

The price of time by chancellor

What has government done to our money by rothbard

Creature from Jekyll island-griffin

Government gangsters-Patel

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The Creature by G. Edward Griffin and Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eusice Mullens have been among my major wake up calls. The Miracle on Main Street and all of Bruce Mc Carthy's writings were the nail in the paper money coffin for me. The Creature sits on my coffee table to this day.

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End the Fed book by Ron Paul.

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Central Banks- The biggest and oldest "usury" system ever created. Hence, it's the card that gets played, over, and over, and over again.

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It has killed community lending keeping minorities from acquiring wealth.

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Feb 12, 2024
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Quite the con for sure.

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Feb 12, 2024
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I've known it was a con since the 1980's. The PROBLEM lies in trying to run a business, take care of your family, "pay" the electric bill, "pay" for groceries... on an on WITHOUT using the toilet paper they have issued via FIAT legislation for and exist.

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Feb 13, 2024
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At my age...the hell with all the mumbo jumbo jump through this hoop, try this effort, fill out this paper, if you only do this, we've figured it out CRAP...I'm staying in practice and figure I'll go out with a whole pile of hot brass around me. I simply can't deal with all the shit that is claimed to get us out from under the CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD they have buried us with.

I woke up last night and was thinking about the "Martial law" concept and how the US has been in some sort of war since the civil war. And how the peace flag isn't even known about by most folks. It would seem so foreign to them that they would balk at it.

I say fuck it. Aim small miss small. That's how the Founding Fathers dealt with the constructive fraud of King George.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Are you living from your estate? I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm asking how can it work. Is paying an electric bill engaging in commerce? I've looked at it and frankly I don't see how it will be something "they" are going to go right along with. Who are the people who are living from their Estate? And why can't a flesh and blood person engage in commerce? I guess my understanding of the word may be in error.

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Feb 12, 2024
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@Mike Everything I just mentioned cannot be taken care of with anything other than Federal Reserve notes in most situations. I mean it might be possible if I move to some small community somewhere that is eats and lives off the grid and are totally natural and are willing to take barter or gold and silver to take groceries off the list, but...how do I buy the necessary items I need to do a plumbing job for someone? How do they "pay" me for the labor I commit to the task? Come on...a "Revocable Living Trust" will be totally useless in those situations. Or does something magical happen I'm not aware of in the 5th dimension? The Twilight Zone?

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