Excellent post, I've seen it before, surely from Mark.
But I will make ONE correction... "Woman in the workplace since the 1920's..."
Women have been in the workplace FOREVER. The home is also a "workplace," as well. Perhaps women are not in charge of things so often, but we've been here, there, and everywhere, forever.
Karl Marx wasn't writing about the home. As a matter of fact the effort with communism was to destroy the family unit and one of the ways to do so was to have the woman working AWAY from the home so that she couldn't be teaching her children as he also wanted to make sure they went to government schools.
I was fortunate enough in this day and age to be able to cover our family expenses with my compensation for my labor and my wife was able to actually stay home and home school our four sons. Most people, especially those who desire the higher middle class life style cannot afford to have either of the heads of household, father or mother to stay home. We had to make some sacrifices, like living in a 1960's home that we remodeled. I call it my pig with lipstick and we don't buy new cars. I found that certain cars have terrible depreciation yet will last 300K miles and my first was a 6 year old BMW 530XI wagon that was $65K new, I purchased it with 89,000 on the clock for $20K and have had it for 10 years and it currently has 210,000 on it. And it still looks new and runs well. The financial sacrifice we made to let my wife work at home as a MOTHER, was around 1 million dollars for the 20 years she didn't work as an RN. So it is DOABLE if you have the were with all to do it. Most people prefer the new cars, big useless new homes and a more lavish lifestyle than we have endured.
Thank you for your comments. Please pass the links on the Hear My Roar page to those you know that are seeking the truth. And ask them to subscribe and make comments also. Take care.
We did that for a time top. Sent the kids to a Christian school. If I could do it over, I woukd homeschool. I've seen so many successes. I admit I was intimidated. After learning from friends later, I shouldn't have been.
I agree with someone nurturing and raising the children.
This may be a silly input, but I tend to ponder on this when the subject comes up.
I went back to school as the kids headed off to college. I had a lower income and was a Gardener. I studied Dietetics, so it was natural to use my space to bring in some quality food, for me and my family- and some of the community. I used mo chemicals at all, but was blessed with the most abundant garden ever. I put a lot in the freezer and canned, for winter months. It was a blessing. I wish the kids had been home, to learn these skills.
I had a tiny hobby-type farm. I lived it! Went to bed exhausted every single night, but my heart was full knowing I dod the best I could to bring about a healthy family & community every day.
When spring arrived, more beautiful eggs came in a rainbow of colors. My gosh! The best eggs I had ever had! I free-range when I was home, so they got their greens and grasses, bugs and seeds. Oh, and the joy they brought as I had my morning coffee at sunrise. Beautiful!
Since there were plenty of eggs for me and neighbors, I began to let "the girls" hatch some, I hatched some and I sold some eggs.
Now, those girls can get cranky if you mess w their littles, like any good mom. And they are definately suspicious once babies come. But watching them w the littles, find grass areas, sand areas and scratch like crazy. Those who had mom learned to do this more vigorously than those who relied only on instinct. Yes, they all grew to be hens that could forage, because they also did this as a flock. This passes from generation to generation.
What about kids who have come from generation after generation of loss? Of Dads not present. Of moms busting tail, often with two jobs, just to keep a roof over their heads. And since we have many communities in the same boat, kids- generations of kids, aren't learning from solid families. They aren't thriving. They don't know what they don't know.
Some will have friends with good families who provide that, or extended family that has done better. These kids have an advantage- not all will have that.
I have seen families that have pushed so hard but still don't know what it takes to succeed, nor what it looks like. Always struggling. They often have a shorter lifespan and don't pass anything (blessings or "legs to stand on") to the already faltering.
It's very sad and very interesting to me. I've always asked the "why" questions, much some's chagrin.
Surely, things were put in place for this very day, some time ago.
May God have mercy. May we remember that He, Jesus, is The Way, The Truth and The Life. We can only come to The Father. through Him. We must get down on our knees and repent sincerely. Call out for justice. "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those who deserve it.." 2 Maccabees chapters 2-8 battle.
Sometimes written conversations are a bit of work, and probably I'm not being clear enough. I read a book called "The Unknown American Revolution" by Gary B. Nash," among others, but it's clear that women were also shop keepers, tailors, candle-makers, and so forth, before and after the American Revolution, and I was thinking of these women...
It's pretty well understood these days how women have been basically vanished from history to a very large degree, with a very few exceptions. So there are a lot of gaps, blanks, and sweeping generalizations... in my opinion. As a woman, I notice this particular brushing aside of the lives and experiences of millions of women through the ages.
Yes. In 1935, Antonio Gramsci, the communist who invented the idea of a Long March through the institutions, also wrote that the first institution to take over should be education.
"The history of education shows that every class which has sought to take power has prepared itself for power by an autonomous education. The first step in emancipating oneself from political and social slavery is that of freeing the mind."
Antonio Gramsci (1935)
Of course, like all Leftists, Gramsci planned to do the opposite of what he promised, i.e. to enslave the minds of the free.
I had never heard that before, but it would make sense since we don't have "hard communism" here where they drag you off to Gulags if you say something they don't agree with. Well except January 6th protestors. But they don't count in the eyes of the "rulers".
We have gulags in Cuba. The physical torture and psychological abuse endured by J6ers (for wrong think) in our prisons confirms to my family (who have experienced Cuban gulags) that we have gulags in the US. We don't have freedom of speech or freedom to roam, as my Country Club Republican Governor notified me via his tyrannical EOs in 2020.
This post is excellent, I wish I would've seen it before I published my Obama "Communists Amongst Us" post. The lazy pothead was raised by Communists.
I haven't seen anyone question Kennedy about his Uncle's EO 11000 that you linked, very interesting.
In 1917 our Blessed Mother-Mary,appeared to 3 peasant children as Fatima. She appeared several times and plead to the children to pray the Rosary every day, for the conversion of Russia, even teaching them the prayer. Three secrets were revealed and were to be released at a later time, and they have been over time.
Several more "seers" have also appeared with the same or very similar message. We ought to, finally, heed that message. Has Russia been consecrated to the Sacred Heart?
Both the events you describe and the Fatima message (with the miracle of the sun, that many witnessed) were in 1917. Coincidence? Do you believe in Coincidences? We must pray our Holy Rosary, with intent, every day. Call out to God, repent, ask for mercy. He'll deliver if we are sincere.
Pretty sad when the chloroformed residents of a country being taken down by communism unbeknowst to themselves believe that someone that tells the Truth about what's going on is a comedian.......RIP George.
What was it about my comment that made you think that? Please clarify....I thought I was being pretty clear about the fact that I completely agreed with what he said here, but that many others apparently did not take him SERIOUSLY. Maybe insomuch as both and the wider culture culture presented him as a stand up comedian,.wheras he was so much more than that...he.gave a large dose of truth with his routines. I dont uncritically agree always with everything he said, but by and large, Carlin was doing his level best to wake his
Audiences up
No, Mark, It was a great idea to include this by him
OK, what confused me is that it made it read to me that people who listened to him thought what he said was just comedy. Which apparently is what you wanted it to be understood as from your reply. OK, now I get it. THEY didn't realize what he was telling them was truth, they thought it was just comedy.
Communism in its American variants has made great progress, against very little opposition. Where have the conservatives been? Sleeping? How is it that the forces of the left have so easily and quietly slipped into power?
Great piece, horrific context. The Spector of Communism must essentially be the same book? And it's just as specific regarding how the rest of the world is secretly planning this on the country to dismantle the USA. So far so good? There's gotta be a way to end this attack from within, you'd think the people would be doing something about it besides reducing it to the ridiculous "conspiracy" 🤷
By burying us slowly in communism over decades the average person accepts their chains without question. When you bring the facts in front of their faces they look at you like deer caught in the headlights of a car. A blank stare. Cognitive dissonance sets in and the denial is immediately spouted into the conversation. Stockholm syndrome had set in years ago as they ra ra'ed the flag and the military for their wonderful deeds. They see the military as their benefactors and saviors rather than the destructive force it is being used world wide to bring in global government that is totally based on those 10 planks. Any country that stands in the way of global dominance is attacked and destroyed for a reason the public is told which is a total lie. Iraq was attacked and destroyed because of false claims of babies being removed from their incubators and tossed on the floor. For the false claim of weapons of mass destruction. For the false claim of having been involved in 911. Afghanistan is attacked and an effort is made that fails to bring them under domination and the lie used there was Osama Bid Laden was supposedly supported by them. But they kicked the US militaries ass. Want to know why...because they had MILITIA which is NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE state. The reason that Russia is vilified isn't because of the leaders or government, but rather because the leaders and government aren't going along with the one world global psychopath control freak parasites that want to run every aspect of our lives. Not that Putin isn't one of their ilk, it's just he isn't one going along with the pack. The way we can end this attack from within is either to get those in the government to bring back the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment or if they refuse, do it on our own and be willing to use the PURPOSE for those 13 words. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words
The federal reserve bank? The legality of such entity must be questioned.
It is difficult to visualize a government to allow a handful of globalist to PRINT DOLLARS AND LEND THEM TO US WITH INTEREST?
For more than 100 years thousands of politicians came and gone and no one demanded nationalization of that entity or at least cancelling that arrangement and ask the Treasury to print our own currency and pay no interest on that fiat currencies.
Abraham Lincoln did not centralize power. I don't buy that lie. He swore an oath to defend the United States of America. His sworn duty was to defend the constitution. He did that by calling up the militia to defend against the CSA government the day after they bombed the Union fort at Fort Sumter. Jefferson Davis called defending the United States an act of war. Do you believe that calling up the militia to defend America was an act of war?
Let me try to sway your opinion to one that is closer to reality.
I consider myself well read on the subject of the War for Southern Independence...
The marriage contract had been broken by the north...the resulting effort for the south to leave the compact ended in unnecessary bloodshed...It was a nation of many nations before that conflict.
The battle of Fort Sumter is generally considered to be the event responsible for the start of the US Civil War.
The South Carolina Militia fired on Fort Sumter because the state decided to separate itself from the United States, and the UNCONSTITUTIONAL STANDING US army was stationed at the fort and they would not leave when asked and then demanded of by South Carolina leadership.
Following this battle, four other southern states joined the Confederacy, and Abraham Lincoln called for a large number of volunteers, which marked the start of the Civil War.
The "The South Was Right" by the Kennedy Brothers was a well researched read. Another good one is Professor Thomas DiLorenzo's excellent expose' of "The Real Lincoln".
He was a total tyrant. He suspended Habeas Corpus which only the supreme Court has the power to do. He jailed anyone who wrote articles that were against the war...He needed to be shot. He was the first real DICTATOR of the US.
Articles that influenced my way of thinking
By Thomas J. DiLorenzo:
"The Great Centralizer: Abraham Lincoln and the War Between the States" (Fall 1998)
Thanks for engaging me with your comment. I hope you make the effort to see what has been exposed in these articles and the books I mentioned. The Jeffersonian View of The Civil War was prompted by your post. I have had it in my collection of research on the subject since 2001.
The Russian revolution was started won mostly by the Russian Navy and other military, who rebelled against the Czar using them as cannon fodder in WWI. Lenin was not even in Russia when the revolution was won. He came later, and turned the result of the revolution into a totalitarian state.
Four score and seven years after the American Revolution, Lincoln turned all Americans into slaves.
I read this AFTER I had posted my statement about Lincoln. And yes, most people don't realize that the 14th Amendment, which wasn't properly ratified by the states since the North refused to let the South be involved legally, is what puts us into slave status. Before that "amendment" you were a citizen of the State you lived in. Now they claim you are a citizen if you are born in the "UNITED STATES". THEY can CLAIM whatever the F**K they want, and if we go along with it, that's another story.
"THEY can CLAIM whatever the F**K they want, and if we go along with it, that's another story."
Now they don't even bother to formally amend the constitution, unelected deep state writes a new one as they go along. But, yes, whether we go along is different.
"No one is more a slave than he who considers himself free but who is not free."
Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein.
I used Von Goethe translation as a signature on my Email. "None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." I don't know what your religious beliefs are but this song by the late Carl Klang is a good one with that statement right at the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kzlQIdeNFA
I knew that I had been recently reminded of that quote somewhere, no doubt it was your email. I can completely agree with and love the lyrics of the song linked to.
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free..." Luke 4:18
DUH...You don't KNOW shit. That's your problem. You never read one bit of the post because if you had, you would know what the 10th plank is. And sadly enough... a lot of people fit right into the mold from hell you were formed in. BLAH BLAH BLAH. your words come from a brain dead zombie. You're a FOOL. Be proud.
Well, then don't read it and stay the fuck off my page making comments that are showing your abject ignorance. You're a moron and that's that. You should use the moniker Dusty HopeLESS rather than Dusty Hope. But who knows? If there was hope for many of us, there may be hope for you! Whatever you do.. DO NOT READ THAT POST! I do not want to be held responsible for you finding out that you were WRONG. OK? Please do not read it. You're head will explode from that post as well as the vaccines you were ignorant enough to take. This is my last response to you because as it stands, you're HOPE LESS.
Excellent post, I've seen it before, surely from Mark.
But I will make ONE correction... "Woman in the workplace since the 1920's..."
Women have been in the workplace FOREVER. The home is also a "workplace," as well. Perhaps women are not in charge of things so often, but we've been here, there, and everywhere, forever.
Karl Marx wasn't writing about the home. As a matter of fact the effort with communism was to destroy the family unit and one of the ways to do so was to have the woman working AWAY from the home so that she couldn't be teaching her children as he also wanted to make sure they went to government schools.
I was fortunate enough in this day and age to be able to cover our family expenses with my compensation for my labor and my wife was able to actually stay home and home school our four sons. Most people, especially those who desire the higher middle class life style cannot afford to have either of the heads of household, father or mother to stay home. We had to make some sacrifices, like living in a 1960's home that we remodeled. I call it my pig with lipstick and we don't buy new cars. I found that certain cars have terrible depreciation yet will last 300K miles and my first was a 6 year old BMW 530XI wagon that was $65K new, I purchased it with 89,000 on the clock for $20K and have had it for 10 years and it currently has 210,000 on it. And it still looks new and runs well. The financial sacrifice we made to let my wife work at home as a MOTHER, was around 1 million dollars for the 20 years she didn't work as an RN. So it is DOABLE if you have the were with all to do it. Most people prefer the new cars, big useless new homes and a more lavish lifestyle than we have endured.
Thank you for your comments. Please pass the links on the Hear My Roar page to those you know that are seeking the truth. And ask them to subscribe and make comments also. Take care.
We did that for a time top. Sent the kids to a Christian school. If I could do it over, I woukd homeschool. I've seen so many successes. I admit I was intimidated. After learning from friends later, I shouldn't have been.
I agree with someone nurturing and raising the children.
This may be a silly input, but I tend to ponder on this when the subject comes up.
I went back to school as the kids headed off to college. I had a lower income and was a Gardener. I studied Dietetics, so it was natural to use my space to bring in some quality food, for me and my family- and some of the community. I used mo chemicals at all, but was blessed with the most abundant garden ever. I put a lot in the freezer and canned, for winter months. It was a blessing. I wish the kids had been home, to learn these skills.
I had a tiny hobby-type farm. I lived it! Went to bed exhausted every single night, but my heart was full knowing I dod the best I could to bring about a healthy family & community every day.
When spring arrived, more beautiful eggs came in a rainbow of colors. My gosh! The best eggs I had ever had! I free-range when I was home, so they got their greens and grasses, bugs and seeds. Oh, and the joy they brought as I had my morning coffee at sunrise. Beautiful!
Since there were plenty of eggs for me and neighbors, I began to let "the girls" hatch some, I hatched some and I sold some eggs.
Now, those girls can get cranky if you mess w their littles, like any good mom. And they are definately suspicious once babies come. But watching them w the littles, find grass areas, sand areas and scratch like crazy. Those who had mom learned to do this more vigorously than those who relied only on instinct. Yes, they all grew to be hens that could forage, because they also did this as a flock. This passes from generation to generation.
What about kids who have come from generation after generation of loss? Of Dads not present. Of moms busting tail, often with two jobs, just to keep a roof over their heads. And since we have many communities in the same boat, kids- generations of kids, aren't learning from solid families. They aren't thriving. They don't know what they don't know.
Some will have friends with good families who provide that, or extended family that has done better. These kids have an advantage- not all will have that.
I have seen families that have pushed so hard but still don't know what it takes to succeed, nor what it looks like. Always struggling. They often have a shorter lifespan and don't pass anything (blessings or "legs to stand on") to the already faltering.
It's very sad and very interesting to me. I've always asked the "why" questions, much some's chagrin.
Surely, things were put in place for this very day, some time ago.
May God have mercy. May we remember that He, Jesus, is The Way, The Truth and The Life. We can only come to The Father. through Him. We must get down on our knees and repent sincerely. Call out for justice. "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lord's decision for those who deserve it.." 2 Maccabees chapters 2-8 battle.
I apologize for the "fat finger" or babel bot writing. Hope you got the overall message!
Joyous life!
Sometimes written conversations are a bit of work, and probably I'm not being clear enough. I read a book called "The Unknown American Revolution" by Gary B. Nash," among others, but it's clear that women were also shop keepers, tailors, candle-makers, and so forth, before and after the American Revolution, and I was thinking of these women...
It's pretty well understood these days how women have been basically vanished from history to a very large degree, with a very few exceptions. So there are a lot of gaps, blanks, and sweeping generalizations... in my opinion. As a woman, I notice this particular brushing aside of the lives and experiences of millions of women through the ages.
You are a great gal and Patriot!
That's must be why we get along so well! ;)
You are a great guy and Patriot!
Oh brother!
Yes. In 1935, Antonio Gramsci, the communist who invented the idea of a Long March through the institutions, also wrote that the first institution to take over should be education.
"The history of education shows that every class which has sought to take power has prepared itself for power by an autonomous education. The first step in emancipating oneself from political and social slavery is that of freeing the mind."
Antonio Gramsci (1935)
Of course, like all Leftists, Gramsci planned to do the opposite of what he promised, i.e. to enslave the minds of the free.
As usual, you hit it out of the ball park with this article. Keep preaching!
It has been done by such stealth that almost no one realized what was taking place.
And remember what Jeff Nyquist said defector Stanislav Lunev told him, "America is the Communist Paradise."
I had never heard that before, but it would make sense since we don't have "hard communism" here where they drag you off to Gulags if you say something they don't agree with. Well except January 6th protestors. But they don't count in the eyes of the "rulers".
You think American people don't get dragged off to gulags? I beg to differ!
Prison, yes, Gulags, from what I read in the Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, we don't have gulags. YET. Were on the way to them though.
We have gulags in Cuba. The physical torture and psychological abuse endured by J6ers (for wrong think) in our prisons confirms to my family (who have experienced Cuban gulags) that we have gulags in the US. We don't have freedom of speech or freedom to roam, as my Country Club Republican Governor notified me via his tyrannical EOs in 2020.
This post is excellent, I wish I would've seen it before I published my Obama "Communists Amongst Us" post. The lazy pothead was raised by Communists.
I haven't seen anyone question Kennedy about his Uncle's EO 11000 that you linked, very interesting.
I was thinking specifically of doctors and others who come up against the Machine...
I'm on the same page, it's just semantics and not fully reading each other's minds... yet. ^_^
In 1917 our Blessed Mother-Mary,appeared to 3 peasant children as Fatima. She appeared several times and plead to the children to pray the Rosary every day, for the conversion of Russia, even teaching them the prayer. Three secrets were revealed and were to be released at a later time, and they have been over time.
Several more "seers" have also appeared with the same or very similar message. We ought to, finally, heed that message. Has Russia been consecrated to the Sacred Heart?
Both the events you describe and the Fatima message (with the miracle of the sun, that many witnessed) were in 1917. Coincidence? Do you believe in Coincidences? We must pray our Holy Rosary, with intent, every day. Call out to God, repent, ask for mercy. He'll deliver if we are sincere.
Pretty sad when the chloroformed residents of a country being taken down by communism unbeknowst to themselves believe that someone that tells the Truth about what's going on is a comedian.......RIP George.
I’m confused. Are you saying that what I posted of a presentation by George is NOT the truth? Or am I missing something.
What was it about my comment that made you think that? Please clarify....I thought I was being pretty clear about the fact that I completely agreed with what he said here, but that many others apparently did not take him SERIOUSLY. Maybe insomuch as both and the wider culture culture presented him as a stand up comedian,.wheras he was so much more than that...he.gave a large dose of truth with his routines. I dont uncritically agree always with everything he said, but by and large, Carlin was doing his level best to wake his
Audiences up
No, Mark, It was a great idea to include this by him
OK, what confused me is that it made it read to me that people who listened to him thought what he said was just comedy. Which apparently is what you wanted it to be understood as from your reply. OK, now I get it. THEY didn't realize what he was telling them was truth, they thought it was just comedy.
And on top of the Pyramid is the Federal Reserves and Banks run by JEWS…
Run by psychopathic control freak PARASITES.
Communism in its American variants has made great progress, against very little opposition. Where have the conservatives been? Sleeping? How is it that the forces of the left have so easily and quietly slipped into power?
Great piece, horrific context. The Spector of Communism must essentially be the same book? And it's just as specific regarding how the rest of the world is secretly planning this on the country to dismantle the USA. So far so good? There's gotta be a way to end this attack from within, you'd think the people would be doing something about it besides reducing it to the ridiculous "conspiracy" 🤷
By burying us slowly in communism over decades the average person accepts their chains without question. When you bring the facts in front of their faces they look at you like deer caught in the headlights of a car. A blank stare. Cognitive dissonance sets in and the denial is immediately spouted into the conversation. Stockholm syndrome had set in years ago as they ra ra'ed the flag and the military for their wonderful deeds. They see the military as their benefactors and saviors rather than the destructive force it is being used world wide to bring in global government that is totally based on those 10 planks. Any country that stands in the way of global dominance is attacked and destroyed for a reason the public is told which is a total lie. Iraq was attacked and destroyed because of false claims of babies being removed from their incubators and tossed on the floor. For the false claim of weapons of mass destruction. For the false claim of having been involved in 911. Afghanistan is attacked and an effort is made that fails to bring them under domination and the lie used there was Osama Bid Laden was supposedly supported by them. But they kicked the US militaries ass. Want to know why...because they had MILITIA which is NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE state. The reason that Russia is vilified isn't because of the leaders or government, but rather because the leaders and government aren't going along with the one world global psychopath control freak parasites that want to run every aspect of our lives. Not that Putin isn't one of their ilk, it's just he isn't one going along with the pack. The way we can end this attack from within is either to get those in the government to bring back the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment or if they refuse, do it on our own and be willing to use the PURPOSE for those 13 words. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words
Magnificent. ✊🙏🇺🇸🤩
The federal reserve bank? The legality of such entity must be questioned.
It is difficult to visualize a government to allow a handful of globalist to PRINT DOLLARS AND LEND THEM TO US WITH INTEREST?
For more than 100 years thousands of politicians came and gone and no one demanded nationalization of that entity or at least cancelling that arrangement and ask the Treasury to print our own currency and pay no interest on that fiat currencies.
Read WHY the founding fathers didn't want a central bank like the treasury printing our own currency and paying no interest here: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs
Abraham Lincoln did not centralize power. I don't buy that lie. He swore an oath to defend the United States of America. His sworn duty was to defend the constitution. He did that by calling up the militia to defend against the CSA government the day after they bombed the Union fort at Fort Sumter. Jefferson Davis called defending the United States an act of war. Do you believe that calling up the militia to defend America was an act of war?
Let me try to sway your opinion to one that is closer to reality.
I consider myself well read on the subject of the War for Southern Independence...
The marriage contract had been broken by the north...the resulting effort for the south to leave the compact ended in unnecessary bloodshed...It was a nation of many nations before that conflict.
The battle of Fort Sumter is generally considered to be the event responsible for the start of the US Civil War.
The South Carolina Militia fired on Fort Sumter because the state decided to separate itself from the United States, and the UNCONSTITUTIONAL STANDING US army was stationed at the fort and they would not leave when asked and then demanded of by South Carolina leadership.
Following this battle, four other southern states joined the Confederacy, and Abraham Lincoln called for a large number of volunteers, which marked the start of the Civil War.
The "The South Was Right" by the Kennedy Brothers was a well researched read. Another good one is Professor Thomas DiLorenzo's excellent expose' of "The Real Lincoln".
He was a total tyrant. He suspended Habeas Corpus which only the supreme Court has the power to do. He jailed anyone who wrote articles that were against the war...He needed to be shot. He was the first real DICTATOR of the US.
Articles that influenced my way of thinking
By Thomas J. DiLorenzo:
"The Great Centralizer: Abraham Lincoln and the War Between the States" (Fall 1998)
"Lincoln’s Economic Legacy" (February 9, 2001)
"Trade and the Rise of Freedom" (January 31, 2000)
"Henry Clay: National Socialist" (The Free Market, March 1998)
"Libertarians and the Confederate Battle Flag"
"Birth of an Empire" (The Free Market, July 1997)
Thanks for engaging me with your comment. I hope you make the effort to see what has been exposed in these articles and the books I mentioned. The Jeffersonian View of The Civil War was prompted by your post. I have had it in my collection of research on the subject since 2001.
IMHO Lincoln was the American Lenin.
The Russian revolution was started won mostly by the Russian Navy and other military, who rebelled against the Czar using them as cannon fodder in WWI. Lenin was not even in Russia when the revolution was won. He came later, and turned the result of the revolution into a totalitarian state.
Four score and seven years after the American Revolution, Lincoln turned all Americans into slaves.
I read this AFTER I had posted my statement about Lincoln. And yes, most people don't realize that the 14th Amendment, which wasn't properly ratified by the states since the North refused to let the South be involved legally, is what puts us into slave status. Before that "amendment" you were a citizen of the State you lived in. Now they claim you are a citizen if you are born in the "UNITED STATES". THEY can CLAIM whatever the F**K they want, and if we go along with it, that's another story.
"THEY can CLAIM whatever the F**K they want, and if we go along with it, that's another story."
Now they don't even bother to formally amend the constitution, unelected deep state writes a new one as they go along. But, yes, whether we go along is different.
"No one is more a slave than he who considers himself free but who is not free."
Niemand ist mehr Sklave, als der sich für frei hält, ohne es zu sein.
Goethe, Elective Affinities (1809)
I used Von Goethe translation as a signature on my Email. "None are more hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free." I don't know what your religious beliefs are but this song by the late Carl Klang is a good one with that statement right at the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kzlQIdeNFA
I knew that I had been recently reminded of that quote somewhere, no doubt it was your email. I can completely agree with and love the lyrics of the song linked to.
"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free..." Luke 4:18
Have you written any books?
Apparently you're quite the good COMMUNIST! Your response reeks of it. The 10th Plank can do that to people like you. BE PROUD!!!
DUH...You don't KNOW shit. That's your problem. You never read one bit of the post because if you had, you would know what the 10th plank is. And sadly enough... a lot of people fit right into the mold from hell you were formed in. BLAH BLAH BLAH. your words come from a brain dead zombie. You're a FOOL. Be proud.
Well, then don't read it and stay the fuck off my page making comments that are showing your abject ignorance. You're a moron and that's that. You should use the moniker Dusty HopeLESS rather than Dusty Hope. But who knows? If there was hope for many of us, there may be hope for you! Whatever you do.. DO NOT READ THAT POST! I do not want to be held responsible for you finding out that you were WRONG. OK? Please do not read it. You're head will explode from that post as well as the vaccines you were ignorant enough to take. This is my last response to you because as it stands, you're HOPE LESS.