Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

Well done! The Carlin quote is priceless!!!

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

I’m 71 and a Vietnam veteran. I thought I was fighting for our freedoms, but I wasn’t. You are so correct, and so was George Carlin.

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And you were literally forced to be there! Meanwhile….

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

Actually…my birthday was 12/26/1952. My draft lottery number was…361. Yeah, go figure. Enlisted as an “only son” and volunteered for Vietnam (First Calvary Division).

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The propaganda had made it's way into your very thought process. And they say wisdom comes with age. So now you see that you had made an error. I was on the border of the draft era. What was the highest draft lottery number you could get? Do you remember?

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Jul 30Liked by Courageous Lion

The highest (safest) number was 365 (number of days in year).

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

It’s amazing to see the brainwashing and also feel like an ass for being one! Everything we know is a lie!

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The lies are so thick that truth is indistinguishable at this point.

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

“Soldier and civilian, they died in their tens of thousands because death had been concocted for them, morality hitched like a halter round the warhorse so that we could talk about ‘target-rich environments’ and ‘collateral damage’—that most infantile of attempts to shake off the crime of killing—and report the victory parades, the tearing down of statues and the importance of peace.

Governments like it that way. They want their people to see war as a drama of opposites, good and evil, ‘them’ and ‘us,’ victory or defeat. But war is primarily not about victory or defeat but about death and the infliction of death. It represents a total failure of the human spirit.”

Robert Fisk, The Great War for Civilisation

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

Great title picture. If Libia, Iraq twice, Viet Nam, and Korea were unjustifiable. Maaaybeee WW2 is the same. We go to war to maintain Empire. Its debatable if we should. IF Saddam Hussain or Momar Ghaddifi had started a Middle Eastern Currency, the Gold Dinar and traded oil with that? Our economy would crash. But we proveked them to make that step. Same with WW2. Viet Nam and Korea...I dont see a reason for those. or for WW1.

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

Agreed all on points; those who signed up “bid” their job. If you were in the draft pool and “did not duck” then this world I do you homage, sincerely. That being said any and all who died or suffered for the lies of “keeping America free” my prayers go out for you. Those who still believe and push the kool aid, I would suggest you start reading robustly the truth. The US has and continues to commit wars against humanity, without remorse. By the way, abortion is also a crime against humanity!

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

Carlin was right.

Just because we are allowed to have guns, doesn't mean we are exempt from 2500 unconstitutional gun laws.

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2500? More like 20,000!

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“The fact that the government would even consider repealing the Second Amendment is the very reason for which it was written.”


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When someone is allowed anything, that means someone else is in control of them. First sign of crypto slavery right there. Liberty is total or not at all.

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The riddle of the volunteer military service, and all of the optional wars, goes back many years.

It started with the The War for Independence, which was legit, but ever since, the reason gets diluted, but "they" keep selling it based upon the past. We actually didn't need to be in almost any of the wars we have fought.

Luckily, they over-played their hand, again and again, to the point whereby everyone is waking up to this fact, and that's why they'll need more 9/11's to sucker people further.

Obviously, that's both good news, and horrible news, because they WILL employ as many false flags as they must, to get the wars that they want.

We're due for one any day now too.

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False flags..you mean like the Gulf Of Tonken incident? The sinking of the Maine? The sinking of the Lucitannia? 911 being blamed on Osama Bin Laden? Talk about a false flag...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/911-a-conspiracy-theory

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A decent partial list", but yes, just like all of those.

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The woke military recruitment is down, so they are recruiting foreigners with quick paper promises and revoking the Vaxx mandate in time to replenish the ranks. The switcheroux is in play. Do you think Mohamid would hesitate to put you in a concentration camp, justified by the dangling his families papers?

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Even the war of independence was worthless because after we kicked the British out, they are still controlling us.

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Someone maybe be behind the scenes controlling the strings of the puppet show we observe day to day, but figuring out EXACTLY who it is, is a bit cumbersome. Because I've heard it's the "Black Nobility" being the Vatican, The Learned Elders of Zion, being the Jews, the Empire of the City being the British, and the "Illuminati" the Club of Rome, The Bilderbergers, the World Economic Forum ad infinitum. I look at it like this: I JUST WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!!! https://www.courageouslion.us/p/i-just-want-to-be-left-alone

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The British Empire just went underground. They put all their people into politics and ruled from the shadows. The British Empire was submerged but remained in power. They call it the Swamp for a reason.

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

Carlin was the man!

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

Brutal honesty, there, bud. Thank you for your perspective and the courage to share it.

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

It is honestly to reflect that our military has a name "Department of Defense ". They should only defend us against borders invasion. So, if have never been invaded, then our tax money was wasted on the military for the past 200 years.

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And right now while we are actually BEING INVADED, they sit back and allow it to happen and talk about letting them have citizenship if they will be Starship Troopers.

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The founding fathers HAD the answer for a military. It's embodied in the first 13 words of the 2nd Amendment! https://www.courageouslion.us/p/those-forgotten-and-ignored-13-words

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It was not wasted but invested in their military-industrial complex that you pay for but does not benefit you. Otherwise a scam.

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Aug 4Liked by Courageous Lion

This is awesome!

Sums everything up perfectly. I’m originally from Canada and learned to see truth from my parents and older brother (who was killed by a Canadian agency believe it or not) and my mother killed by medical treatments just like anyone here undergoing ‘treatment’ for cancer etc. Canada is so f’d. And so is the US, and most of the west for that matter. I’ve lived here for 25 years. But it was really in the last 4 that I could see more clearly and truly find a sharing of truthful information as I was censored off of the ‘main’ platforms. I’m so grateful for that in a way. I believe Carlin was done away with as he was too truthful. Maybe he would not accept the Illuminati /free mason deal they were trying to get him into. Anyway, awesome post.

I’m hoping to survive the collapse of everything (that has to collapse to get out of this debt slavery system), and working toward decentralized small community mindset and living for a new future.

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So where in the disUnited States did you seek refuge? Just checking to see if we happen to be neighbors. Thanks for the comment. PURRR…

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Aug 5Liked by Courageous Lion

I live in a small town in southern NM at 6000 ft. I get seasons, monsoons, lightning, strong sun (before 2pm), some chem trails (of course) and general peace. My grandfather bought property more south of here when I was 2. I’m hoping to build a house on a plot there. It’s kind of desert near Mexico border and fairly cheap but that’s why I decided to move in late 2022, and moved where I found a rental in early 2023. It’s where nobody wants to live. I still need to travel each month to big cities to earn income but I like the refuge here.

I have set up most of the emergency supplies here but hopefully timing is not bad for major ‘events’ false flags happening when I’m traveling. According to Terral03 it’s best to get to the center (Missouri /Oklahoma/parts of NM area if an actual cosmic event takes place). I think we are all doing the best we can

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Jul 29Liked by Courageous Lion

The next false flag will be the war against extra terrestrials “ Werner Von Braun “ . Highly advanced beings that can manifest reality want our shitty slave colonies. They are not going to interfere in our violent monkey shenanigans, they might just stop us incinerating all the other life forms in our blind materialistic society. The last lie told to us all is the second law of thermodynamics. Quantum vacuum energy and electro gravidics make money pointless and power over others with it irrelevant. Wake up and stop being obfuscated by things that keep you enslaved. Collective dissent now .

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Project Blue Beam is in play.

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So, if I want to purchase a home in a less materialistic society, how do I do that without some sort of exchange that the other party will accept for the property?

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The price of materials and manufacturing transportation and erecting will be negligible and money in an non inflationary form of trade will make living next to anyone else irrelevant. Water can be pulled from the air and food can be grown anywhere and nothing like building and cutting stone for little effort ( see Giza plateau )

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You're reading like the "Venus Project". The fact we are INDIVIUALS is the reason it will not work. I might like a bigger house or dwelling than you. So how does that come about without labor. I see money as a barter item which has to have value. So many chickens for you to install a toilet. A nice tailor made suit was $50 in 1934. They were using gold or had a note backed by it. Today I can buy a nice tailor made suit for the same $50 in GOLD. Exchanged in Fed notes it is around $2400 today. So the cost isn't negligible. It took about as much TIME for a person to earn the $50 in 1934 as it does for someone to earn $2400 in fed notes today.

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Love the wolf screaming into the void! Thank you

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Author

Except...I'm no wolf! One day the truth was revealed to me in my very family crest! I am a LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH. The REAL tribe, not the fake ones running around calling themselves "Jews". The actual story of the "dispersion" is where it is going to all lead to in the end. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-mystery-of-the-seven-thunders

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That's the Truth! Tell it!

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They are all over the world. I know of one person deployed to Haiti urgently, and then back and deployed again to Japan. Why are we in Japan?

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Just in case Japan decides to attach Pearl Harbor which went so well for them the first time. They are involved in sadomasochism and have a love for pain. Why else?

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