Some times I wake up early and lie in my bed thinking. Currently my thinking has been about something called “property tax” due to the time of year it is in Arkansas.
You see, in Arkansas they have a legalized extortion system going whereas they make a list of certain items you “own”, specifically your automobiles, and then someone decides what they are currently worth and then they assign a value that they “tax”. So if your father GIVES you a car, that was worth 5,000 when he gifted it, and even though he paid sales tax on it, your gift is assigned a value that they decide. Say he got a really good deal and the “market value” of the car is 8,000, well you get to pay that year on the 8K value of whatever it is.
Then there is the “property” tax that is attached to your home every year that never goes down. It always goes up because after all your house is becoming more valuable which in reality is not the case. It is the value of Federal Reserve notes going DOWN in value that makes folks think their house is going up in value. We need to quit thinking backwards. Otherwise why would sales tax have gone up from 4% to 8,5% over the years? Surely “they” can still operate on 4% wouldn’t you think?
Now let’s take a look at the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto
1. Abolition of private property and the application of all rent to public purpose.
Here is “our” equivalent. The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1868), and various zoning, school & property taxes. Also the Bureau of Land Management. If you pay off your home “free and clear” and do not pay the RENT to the local taxing authorities you’ll find out who owns your home when men with guns come to force you out and get someone else in that will pay the RENT. Oh, sorry, they call it rent. We call it “property taxes”. What’s the difference if the outcome is the same? And if you look at your “property tax” bill you will note that the majority of it pays for the 10 the plank. Read on…
It’s so obvious with just a tiny bit of reason, logic and common sense! Take a look at the “property” tax bill you get and you will see that the very first thing listed on it that it pays for is the 10th plank!!! Which is:
10. Free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc. etc.
People are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome Based "Education" .
What I really want to know is why the hell do we put up with this shit? The founding fathers started kicking ass over a 3% tax on tea and here we are all these years later paying to have our children lobotomized by a government run school system that doesn’t teach how to use reason, logic and common sense to come up with any critical thought our solutions! And to top it off if you homeschool or send your children to a private school you STILL have to pay property taxes so that your dumb ass neighbors can send their dumb ass children to a dumb ass “school” to teach them to be dumb asses. SERIOUSLY!!!
What if all the property tax employees all quit? What if the appraiser quit? Why is it that when one comes to my house to ask me questions about how much ceramic tile is installed or this or that he looks like he is going to shit his pants if I go boo? Because he KNOWS he is nothing but an extortion agent for the county. He KNOWS that he is aiding and abetting his own slavery. All the nice ladies down at the property tax office know it TOO.
And there is another issue. That’s the one in the US Constitution where it states in Article 1 Section 10 …no state SHALL MAKE ANY THING but Gold and Silver COIN a tender in payment of debts. When was the last time you paid anything to the “state” in gold or silver coin? Well, that’s just another provision of the US Constitution that is being shit on. Someone should come up with “novelty” toilet paper with the whole Constitution printed on it that we can use to wipe our ass. After all, the GOVERNMENT at every level already does. Why should we be any different?
And you know, they have it figured out that you won’t rebel because after all, they stick to this communist slogan to the T and it fits….
They way it works is like this. I have a house that is worth about 150,000 including the out lying buildings. So my “tax” ie RENT on the house this year, is about 1,050 bucks. (Note that I’m not using a “dollar sign $ throughout this post because we haven’t had “dollars” in circulation since about 1964) And my “personal” property tax is about 200 on my cars. The car tax is one that discourages me from buying a new car or one that has more value because then I’d have to pay more a year to drive it to the “state” parasites. So I can, according to my ability every year come up with about 1,200 in rent on my so called “property”. Oh, and by the way…if YOU work for the “state” in ANY capacity, you are a PARASITE. Basically a legalized THIEF.
The guy who lives in a house valued at 500,000 can pretty much afford to pay according to his ability. And they guy who lives in a 1,000,000 house can afford according to his ability on and on. Its sort of like being a sheep that is sheered every year for his fleece. As long as you don’t cut his balls off, he won’t most likely kick you in the head. The problem is that many of the men of this country have all been EMASCULATED by the public schools they attended. So we bitch and complain and I’m one of them, as I write this, but what do we actually DO? Well I’m not going to start shooting property appraisers and little old ladies working down at the tax office, that’s for damn sure. But what if we were willing to stand up against those who would come and forcefully steal our property from us with a well regulated MILTIA? Well that’s one answer for sure, but the Militia that was well regulated according the Founding Fathers is long gone since 1916. Do you think that might have been one of the reasons they did away with it? Because we would be able to be ORGANIZED as the NECESSARY security of a FREE state? That’s another story. Please note my links that are throughout this post. I want to help reverse the indoctrination.
SO what are the remedies? One would be to have three types of schooling. Public, paid for by the people that use it. Private, obviously paid for by the people who use it and home school. Which is what we did for four boys at the cost of over ONE MILLION DOLLARS over a 20 year period in lost salary from my registered nurse wife. Maybe even more from what I’ve been hearing they are getting paid these days.
The PUBLIC school would be paid for by taking the costs and sending a bill to those who USE the system. Why the hell should the people that pay for private schooling or that homeschool have to pay for YOUR children’s “education”…errr INDOCTRINATION?
What we need is a TAX REVOLT in every state, in every county in every city in this country. Let’s tell the stinking parasites that we are sick and tired of having our life energy drained by them so that THEY can live in fancier houses and drive nice new Mercedes while we have to live in old houses and drive 10 year old cars. What do you think? I’m going to start some brush fires in my neck of the planet and hope like hell it burns the whole stinking COMMUNIST SYSTEM to the ground.
Because I don’t know about you, but I’m getting sick and tired of all the slavery that we are laboring under.
One thing you have to realize. ANYTHING that we are being FORCED to pay Taxes for can be privatized or done away with. If people want a service they would be willing to pay for it. If they don’t then that ”service” is unnecessary and should be stopped. We should be living under a society that operates by VOLUNTARY agreements. PERIOD. No one should be able to force you to do anything. I don’t have the right as a gang member to come to your business and tell you to pay me fill in the blank a month and if you don’t I will close your business down so NO ONE ELSE SHOULD BE ABLE TO EITHER! Theft is theft, murder is murder and crime is crime and you can’t sugar coat it with a badge or uniform and make it “OK”.
What do you think?
First, people need to stop voting for every issue on the ballot. It increases your property tax. Second, when you get a letter saying they are going to increase the value of your property, fight it. FIle an appeal with your Board of Revisions. (I did and I won!). Lastly, start leaning on your politicians to stop charging property tax on people older than seventy years of age. 63% of my taxes go to the school. I have already paid my fair share for my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Enough is enough.
What do I think? I think you're absolutely, 100% correct, CL.
The "property tax" thing has infuriated me for as long as I can remember. Yet as with virtually every other provable fact of their existence, try telling a "homeowner" that they rent vs. own? The reaction I've received over the years has been virtually identical -- pablum.
No indignation at the immorality of it. No outrage. Just pablum about how it pays for things like "educating" "our" children. "Our" children? We (unfortunately) had none, so the "education" of how many children not my own have I had my wealth stolen for? And to a person, most are perfectly fine with this.
I could go on, but I'd probably write something I'd regret.