Great work!

Constitution didn't curtail the people, only set limits on governments.

Private people have the right to do whatever the fuck they want, until they impede on the rights of others. That is the only line that requires justice. Government, through the constitution was meant to be the mediator between those parties and to defend the rights of the people.

That never really happened though. The constitution was ignored from the outset. Tyrants will be tyrants. Slaves will be slaves.

A mature society needs no laws. Only a rotten society requires a mommy/daddy state to manage them.

Ultimately, nothing will change until the people rise up and take back what is theirs by God and Nature. Ideas and conjecture will not bring about the change... ideas concretized and set in action will.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Author

There only needs to be one law. Do no harm. All of the laws against murder, robbery, rape, burglary etc fall under that understanding. That is what the Common Law is. The law that is "written on our hearts". The law that you cannot be in front of a judge and say, I didn't know that was wrong Judge because his response of ignorance of the law is no excuse is a correct one. Now if you are in tax court and make the same statement and he/she responds with that kind of idiotic answer, you have to ask, WHO knows all the 26,000 rules and regulations laid out in the tax code? DO YOU JUDGE? That is where we have failed. By letting them tell us what we are doing is wrong when it is they who are transgressing the non aggression principle.

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"the constitution was meant to be the mediator between those parties and to defend the rights of the people"

Very true. And the Supreme Court was intended solely to adjudicate cases between the states, the states and the federal government, and the U.S. government and foreign governments.

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Apr 6Liked by Courageous Lion

Unfortunately many people in government, academia and the media don't see it that way. They think the proper function of the law is to create their ideal society. They think capitalism is theft and socialist income redistribution is justice. And the vast majority of them have no regard for a creator - not that I am telling you anything new.

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"When plunder has become a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it."

~ Frederic Bastiat in "The Law"

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Inventing their own laws, they call good evil and evil good, they call darkness light, and light darkness. Isaiah 5:20

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Apr 3Liked by Courageous Lion

This is the best series currently on Substack. Great work Lion!

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That is so kind of you to write that! I just wish mankind would understand the simple precepts behind the simplicity of it all. Just think how many less people would be caged. How much more of your labor you could use to pursue happiness. How many less bodies would be in graves the world over if this was understood by more. And if people could just realize that the men and women that they typically vote to "rule" or "lead" are really the last people that you want to rule or lead you!

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Apr 3Liked by Courageous Lion

I first purchased my copy of The Law and read it in the 1990s. I now have a PDF version of it that I share with folks. But the funny thing is, I don't think they read it because if they did read it they would be outraged.

Since the veil was lifted from my eyes in 1988 after being gifted a copy of Gary Alllen's None Dare Call It Conspiracy" I have not been able to 'go back' to the way things were...just wanting to be left alone so-to-speak, head in the sand, move along nothing to see here style of living.

Most people can't be bothered with peeling back the onion. It's too disruptive to their comfy lives, expensive vacations, voting for the 'the man' and all that rot. Can't be bothered.

Once we 'see' the way things truly are, it's impossible to return to the worm hole. Thanks for feeding us.

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Wow...talk about parallels experiences! I was given a copy of None Dare Call it A Conspiracy back in high school in 1972. I have the copy in my lap right now. Copyright was 1971. I am doing a scan of the back cover and converting it into text right this minute...



I wish that every citizen of every country in the free world and every slave behind the Iron Curtain might read this book.

Ezra Taft Benson-Former Secretary of Agriculture

NDCC is an admirable job of amassing information to prove that communism is socialism and socialism (a plot to enslave the world) is not a movement of the downtrodden but a scheme supported and directed by the wealthiest of people.

If enough Americans read and act upon NDCC, they really can save the Republic from the conspirators-whose plans for the destruction of our country are galloping fast toward completion. Dan Smoot Former Assistant to J. Edgar Hoover

Now that NDCC is available, I no longer need to answer "no" to the question which is often put to me, namely: "Mr. Dodd, is there a book which I can read so I can know what you know?" No higher praise is possible for this book.

Norman Dodd Chief Investigator Reece Committee to Investigate Foundations

This book concerns the way in which our nation and other nations are actually governed. As Benjamin Disraeli said, this is not the way in which most people think nations are governed. The whole subject of the Insiders who so largely control our political and economic lives is a fascinating mystery.

For the reader who is intelligent but uninitiated in the literature of superpolitics, I can think of no better introduction to the field than NDCC.

Dr. Medford Evans Former Chief of Security for the Atom Bomb Project

Since people of the Jewish faith have been the number one historical victims of the Communist Conspiracy, we wish every member of our faith would carefully read this book so they will become aware of the forces which often attempt to manipulate them. Dr. Barney Finkel President, The Jewish Right

Whatever one dares to call the apparatus described and documented in this book, he will ignore it at his peril. 1972 may well be our last chance to defuse this destructive device. This book tells you how you can expose and demolish it.

Dean Clarence E. Manion Former Dean Notre Dame Law School

Then there was "Freedom is Not Free" by D.L. Kimbell, "Restoring The American Dream" By Robert J. Ringer...

Needless to say, the guy calling himself "Courageous Lion" has a bit of reading that has been accumulated inside of his head. Oh, that's me!

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Back in 1984 when I was a plumber I had a Ford panel van I used. Typically since I was working without a license but had been trained by my father in law who was a master plumber, I would not have markings on the van. I decided to help educate Christians at locations where they gathered and where I could bring books to sell. One Dare Call It Conspiracy was one of those books. I still have a copy that has $2 on the cover with a stick on tag. The other stickers says this with my "mission". Christians United for the Responsible Enlightenment of Society. The acronym is C.U.R.E.S. My van had a picture of a Guttenberg Press on both sides with the big letters C.U.R.E.S. and the spelled out line below it.

I was awakened in High School back in 1970-1972. One of the books that helped was the Communist Manifesto. At the age of 17 I was seeing too many parallels in our society with the 10 planks.

My father told me about property taxes on his home and I saw that as the 1st plank. He told me how he had to pay a graduated income tax. I saw that as the 2nd plank. I was currently under a forced "education" system in the public schools and I saw that as the 10th plank. After learning about the Constitution a bit and what money was supposed to be according to it, I saw the Federal Reserve as the 5th plank. Then as I became more interested, I started digging into the other 6 planks and found that EVERY ONE OF THEM had parallels in our so called Constitutional Republic. HOW COULD THAT BE?

As the years went by and I accumulated more evidence in 2004 I posted an article to a magazine known as "Media Bypass" called Communism, American Style. . Apparently it has been scattered around the web. One day I was wondering if anyone had come to the same conclusions as myself and did a search for the Communist manifesto and found a page it had been posted on with attribution to me from the Media Bypass article. I just went to look for it and can't find it anymore. Here is the updated version on my Stack...https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

So here I sit 52 years later wondering when the fuck are people going to wake up? Can you just IMAGINE in 52 years how many people I've shared my knowledge with and for all intents people considered me nuts! Now, finally, before I breathe my last breath I may see something come out of the years of knowledge that has been floating around the universe starting to come to that point where mankind may be able to see light at the end of the tunnel. The light being the light seen as a new born child enters the world out of the birth canal.

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Fantastic work. Here is another perspective on "The Law." https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/the-law-and-socialism-20-12-17

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Bastiat's "The Law" is sitting on my night stand right now.


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Apr 1Liked by Courageous Lion

The problem, as I see it, is that the "illegal" laws (those that abuse the rights to liberty and property) have been enacted through the process (Constitution) which we, or those proceeding us, agreed to. These "illegal" laws have been enacted by those persons who we have chosen to represent us. This says two things: either we have chosen poorly or those who we voted for have misrepresented themselves. Especially in the former, we have only ourselves to blame. The latter, obviously, is also to blame for being liars or greedy, or both. The question now is how do rid ourselves of these people and the laws they have passed? The Founding Fathers have answered this. Their members have said that when a government becomes sufficiently repressive it is our right, and even our duty, to overthrow that government, violently if necessary, and replace it with a just government. The next move is ours.

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Actually I'd have to argue that that many have been enacted by IGNORING the Constitution or twisting and distorting the original intent. Do you suppose the founding fathers would have ever had the nightmare that 432 Federal Agencies would be formed utilizing the Commerce clause? That laws against the length of a barrel on a shotgun or rifle would be enacted using the commerce clause? That a tax could be levied to try and dissuade you from purchasing a device that in and of itself is nothing but a tool and in some cases exactly the same as another tool but with a shorter barrel? Think on the following:

“A regrettably large share of our legal experiences operate not in the shadow of the Constitution and its constraints, but rather in the shadow of explicitly unconstitutional rules, actions, and orders. In the time it takes for improper Executive Orders to be reined in, for illicit administrative decisions to be corrected, and for misinterpretations of constitutional power to be overturned, so much of society’s activity is framed by what we might call the not-Constitution — all those acts of government that are deemed illegal only after they have caused enduring harm. A most troubling aspect of government power is its insistence on pushing past constitutional constraints and operating in a blurry legal wilderness of its own creation while forcing Americans to prove that those power grabs lack legitimacy.” ~ J.B. Shurk

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Apr 3Liked by Courageous Lion

Absolutely correct. For all intensive purposes, the Constitution has been discarded. The likelihood of getting a law tossed as unconstitutional is mostly a wish as the judiciary is now part of the Deep State and its ruling cabal. Brings us back to the Founding Fathers' advice/solution to a tyrannical government. Did you see 2nd Smartest Guy's substack today about taxes?

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I just did. Did you ever see this one: https://www.courageouslion.us/p/there-is-a-reason-they-dont-listen

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It doesn't matter how they see if. If enough of US see using the law for it's intended purpose, we can start putting people into office that do see it the right way. Or just let's have a revolution, hang their asses and start over.

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Definitely waiting on Part 2.

C.L., most impressive.

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Stealing Your Vote = Stealing Your Fundamental Freedoms = Enslavement.

How to Check Your Vote www.Sleazeexpo.wordpress.com






1-2 An indictment is the ordinary common law remedy for all treasons,

misprisions of treasons and offences of a public nature:

2 Hawk. c. 25, ss.1, 4. It is also the means by which certain

offences created by or under statute are brought before the Crown

Court for trial

(2) Breach of common law duty

1-3 An indictment lies at common law for a breach of duty which is not

a mere private injury but an outrage on the moral duties of society,

e.g. neglect to provide sufficient food, medical aid or other

necessaries, for a person unable to provide for himself, and for

whom the defendant is obliged by duty or contract to provide, where

such neglect injures the health of that person, whether the person

injured is of extreme age (R. v. Instan [1893] 1 Q.B. 450), or of

tender years (R. v. Senior [1899] 1 Q.B. 283 at 289), or is the

defendant or servant (R. v. Smith (1865) L. & C. 607), or an

apprentice (R. v. Smith (1837) 8 C. & P. 153), or is a person of

unsound mind (R. v. Pelham [1846] 8 Q.B. 959). See also post, 19-22

et seq. (manslaughter). The common law is strengthened by statutory

provisions, e.g. Offences against the Person Act 1861, s.26 (servants

and apprentices); CYPA 1933, s.1 (persons under 16); MHA 1983, s.127

(persons of unsound mind).It being a democratic principle, however,

that it is for Parliament and not the executive or judges to

determine whether conduct not previously regarded as criminal should

be treated as such, statute is now to be regarded as the sole source

of new offences: R. v. Jones; Ayliffe v. DPP; Swain v. Same [2007]

1 A.C. 136, HL; and R. (Gentle) v. Prime Minister [2008] 1 A.C. 1356,

HL (at [40]) (and see post, 1-5).

Unless a statute specifically so provides, or the case is one

in which the common law, in the criminal context, imposes a duty or

responsibility on one person to act in a particular way towards

another, then a mere omission to act cannot make the person, who so

fails to do something, guilty of a criminal offence: see R. v. Miller

[1983] 2 A.C. 161, HL, where the appellant was held liable for his

reckless omission to take steps to nullify a risk of damage to

property which had been created by his own earlier inadvertent act

(see furth post, 23-10, 23-31). The House of Lords approached the

facts on the basis that-unlike the case of the mere bystander-the

appellant had a duty to act.

(3) Acts prejudicing the public

1-4 An indictment lies at common law for any act of wilful negligence

which endangers human life or health: Williams v. East India Co.

(1802) 3 East 192; Shillito v. Thompson (1875) 1 Q.B.D. 12; or

against an innkeeper for failing to provide traveller with food and

lodging without reasonable excuse, on being tendered a reasonable

price; the question of what amounts to a reasonable excuse being a

question of fact for the jury: R. v. Higgins (1948) 1 K.B. 165 32

Cr.App.R. 113, CCA.

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It appears as if the common law has been trashed world wide in favor of Babylonian civil law. Or Roman statutory "law".

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