"Sammy used to love homegrown green beans" said the man sitting next to me at the dinner table referring to the beans that my wife had cooked us for dinner that evening. When I heard him say that I almost choked on mine.
Sammy was a 14 year old boy who had heard his dog barking and thought he had stirred up a deer. Sammy ran out with his rifle to check what the dog was barking at.
About the time he reached the area where the dog was, a man dressed all up in camouflage shot his friend and killed him. Sammy, seeing what had happened turned his rifle on this unwelcome stranger and shot...killing Marshal Degan who was there to arrest his father for the "heinous" (our Founding Fathers considered HEINOUS as a crime with a victim such as murder, robbery, rape) crime of cutting a shot gun off below the "legal" limit. Yes, Sammy's dad was having dinner with us in Arkansas where he had moved to after the terrible incident that became known as the Siege on Ruby Ridge. That siege cost him his dear son, his wife Vicky and permanent mental and physical scaring from the siege that left him a widower as his wife was shot in the head while holding Elishaba in her arms.
Elishaba was also at that same dinner table with her boy friend. The discussion that Randy Weaver began was one I'll never forget. Sammy was his murdered son.
Why do you suppose that happened and why are we looking at many future Ruby Ridges if the Feds have their way with banning our defense weapons? Because in 1903 the first 13 words of the 2nd amendment were pretty much taken out of the amendment and tossed in the waste bin of history. Those first thirteen words are actually the most important 13 words in the whole of the 2nd amendment and the ONLY place in the Bill of Rights where the word NECESSARY is used. A WELL REGULATED (like a well oiled machine) MILITIA (all of the able bodied men and today most likely women between a certain age) being NECESSARY for the SECURITY of a FREE State. That is WHY "they" were able to go around and round up the arms of the victims of Katrina. That is why they can go around and arrest and try people for violating basically a civil infraction of not paying a tax on something that shouldn't be taxed. Or go out at 6:00 AM to affect an arrest warrant on Bryan Malinowski and break down the door of his home and shoot him because he were “dealing in firearms” without the vaunted permission of his masters. That is why they can shoot children in the back and women in the head and get away with it. That is why they can burn churches down with 17 little children inside and blame it on the people in the church. It must be special to have that double 0 license to kill in real life and get away with it because of your “qualified immunity.” What was the “reason” they murdered LaVoy Finicum? Oh, that’s right…BECAUSE THEY COULD.
That is why they can ban magazines and decide what barrel length a rifle can be. That is why they can force us to use fake money for our living expenses. That is why they can force us to pay taxes on our own homes every year (which is the 1st plank of the Communist Manifesto). That is why we can be picked off one by one if we refuse to follow their edicts and bow to their blatant violations of our unalienable rights...BECAUSE those THIRTEEN WORDS are not in force and effect anymore. Those words embody the HOW and WAY the 2nd amendment was to be respected by those in "power" over we the people. That is why Hollis Fincher had to languish the last years of his special life on earth in a CAGE. Because WE THE PEOPLE have had THE POWER OF THE MILITIA TAKEN AWAY FROM US!
And unless we start putting together ORGANIZED county security organizations SANCTIONED by the very county we live in that will fall under the STATE we live in Militia statutes, the ORGANIZED militia being NECESSARY will be a pipe dream. Our Founding Fathers were pretty smart guys and they patterned our 2nd amendment after the Swiss example of the time and expected that we would be vigilant in keeping it that way. Unfortunately we haven't. It was lost back in 1903 by the passage of the Dick act and then the National Defense act of 1916 pretty much turned our state Milita's into part of the UNconstitutional standing army. The Federal Reserve act of 1913 pretty much sealed our doom and left us on our own to fight individually against a behemoth of a government that has UNLIMITED RESOURCES due to its' ability to create money out of thin air!
I, with sadness in my heart, have to say Randy passed away on May 11th 2022 at the age of 74. He was one of the people who I can say had the fortitude of the Founding Fathers. I’ll miss you Randy! Our talks together are still being remembered to this day. ~C.L.
(click the picture above or here to go to the RUBY RIDGE OFFICIAL WEB SITE)
In remembrance of Randy Weaver…great to have known you buddy!
Wheresoever Eagles Gather
The Ballad of Randy Weaver by Carl Klang
In the mountains up near Sandpoint, north of Naples Idaho
Eagles gathered there together, to guard the truth, so you might know
Down the road that followed Deep Creek, at the turn that crossed the bridge
Federal Marshals had the road blocked, to mark the seige of Ruby Ridge
There the armies of the enemy, slayed your Bride and only son
Nearly killed your close companion, when the shrapnel pierced his lung
We stand with you Randy Weaver 'cause your Lord and Savior lives
Wheresoever eagles gather that is where His Body is
On that evening late one August you were forced to take your stand
There two strangers as they trespassed, drew first blood on private land
Governor Andrus, back in Boise, let the enemy tell him lies
From his anti-Christ decision, Sam and Vicky lost their lives
Federal Agents, US Marshals and FBI men stormed the hill
All on false fictitious charges, given orders shoot to kill
We stand with you Randy Weaver, 'cause your Lord and Savior lives
Wheresoever eagles gather, that is where His Body is
Though the armies of the enemy, may surround us in the night
There's a host of Heavenly angels, hovering near ready to fight
We stand with you Randy Weaver, we are proud to call you friend
As we gather here together, to stand beside you 'till the end
We stand with you Randy Weaver 'cause your Lord and Savior lives
Wheresoever eagles gather, that is where His Body is
Recently it came to my attention that PBS had released a one hour documentary about Ruby Ridge. It is one of their “American Experience” series. I watched it with my wife and was totally aghast at the interviews in it. Especially those of Sarah Weaver who was the oldest of the four children that Randy and Vicki had born to them. I’m a pretty level headed man who doesn’t tear up too easily. The interviews of Sarah, even thinking about them at this moment have me doing so… And as usual, there had to be BS added to make Randy seem like some sort of ogre. Fact is they didn’t have an “arsenal”. They didn’t live in a “compound”. And Randy was set up to be used by the Feds as an informant on a group that he didn’t exactly agree with like they might make you think in this show. I know…I spent time with him at my home and at his home when he lived in Bergmann Arkansas. Randy was just an ordinary guy who simply wanted to be left alone. His story and the story told by Kevin Harris is really the truth. Marshall Deagan shot Sammy Weaver’s dog. And Sammy, a 14 year old out thinking he was after a deer said, “You killed my dog you son of a bitch.” and then he reacted in anger and shot Marshall Deagan. He then realized Marshall Deagan was not the only invader there for the purpose of arresting his dad for the heinous “crime” of cutting off a shotgun barrel and turned to run away and was shot in the back by those brave men of “honor” who were “only doing their job.”
I hope you can stomach this show, but it was hard for me, having been a friend in real life who was able to talk to Randy about all kinds of things that came up. I remember to this day, when Randy was visiting with Elishaba and her boy friend, sitting in our living room with my father who was visiting from Florida, and asking my dad “Did you ever think you would meet Randy Weaver?” to which he responded… “Not in your living room!”
I missed Randy when he moved up to Montana to be with two of his girls and his grand children. I hope his last days were good ones. He was quite the guy! Yes, Randy WAS a “Courageous Lion.”
This is the link to “Ruby Ridge”, an American Experience”
Now let’s continue with
In Orwell’s classic fable, Nineteen Eighty-Four, the protagonist Winston Smith makes a key statement:
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
Following the trial of the surviving Branch Davidians in San Antonio, Texas, in March, 1994, in which a miss instructed jury acquitted all the defendants of the main crimes with which they were charged, but convicted them of the enhancements of using firearms in the commission of a crime, the federal judge, Walter F. Smith, first dismissed the charges, correctly, on the grounds that it is logically impossible to be guilty of an enhancement if one is innocent of the crime. However, under apparent political pressure, he subsequently reversed his own ruling and sentenced the defendants to maximum terms as though they had been convicted of the main crimes, offering the comment, “The law doesn’t have to be logical.”
No. The law does have to be logical. Otherwise it is not law. It is arbitrary rule by force.
Now by “logical” what is meant is two-valued logic, which is sometimes also called Boolean, Aristotelian or Euclidean logic. In other words, a system of propositions within which a statement and its negation cannot both be true or valid. One of the two must be false or invalid. The two possible values are true and false, and every meaningful proposition can be assigned one or the other value.
A system of law is a body of prescriptive, as opposed to descriptive, propositions, that support the making of decisions, and therefore its logic must be two-valued. It is a fundamental principle of law that like cases must be decided alike, and this means according to propositions that exclude their contradictions.
It is also a fundamental principle of logic that any system of propositions that accepts both a statement and its negation as valid, that is, which accepts a contradiction, accepts all contradictions, and provides no basis for deciding among them. If decisions are made, they are not made on the basis of the propositions, but are arbitrary, and that is the definition of the rule of men, as opposed to the rule of law.
So what Winston Smith is saying is that freedom means being able to distinguish between a true proposition and a false one, and what his nemesis O’Brien therefore does to crush him is make him accept that “2 + 2 = 5”, which cannot be true if the logic is Aristotelian. O’Brien represents the logic of arbitrary power, a “logic” we might call Orwellian, although Orwell, whose real name was Eric Blair, was strongly opposed to it.
The Methodology of Tyranny
The methods used to overthrow a constitutional order and establish a tyranny are well-known. However, despite this awareness, it is surprising how those who have no intention of perpetrating a tyranny can slip into these methods and bring about a tyranny despite their best intentions. Tyranny does not have to be deliberate. Tyrants can fool themselves as thoroughly as they fool everyone else.
Control of Public Information and Opinion
It begins with withholding information, and leads to putting out false or misleading information. A government can develop ministries of propaganda under many guises. They typically call it “public information” or “marketing”.
Vote Fraud Used to Prevent the Election of Reformers
It doesn’t matter which of the two major party candidates are elected if no real reformer can get nominated, and when news services start knowing the outcomes of elections before it is possible for them to know, then the votes are not being honestly counted.
Undue Official Influence on Trials and Juries
Nonrandom selection of jury panels, exclusion of those opposed to the law, exclusion of the jury from hearing argument on the law, exclusion of private prosecutors from access to the grand jury, and prevention of parties and their counsels from making effective arguments or challenging the government.
Usurpation of Undelegated Powers
This is usually done with popular support for solving some problem, or to redistribute wealth to the advantage of the supporters of the dominant faction, but it soon leads to the deprivation of rights of minorities and individuals.
Seeking a Government Monopoly on the Capability and Use of Armed Force
The first signs are efforts to register or restrict the possession and use of firearms, initially under the guise of “protecting” the public, which, when it actually results in increased crime, provides a basis for further disarmament efforts affecting more people and more weapons.
Militarization of Law Enforcement
Declaring a “war on crime” that becomes a war on civil liberties. Preparation of military forces for internal policing duties.
Infiltration and Subversion of Citizen Groups That Could be Forces For Reform
Internal spying and surveillance is the beginning. A sign is false prosecutions of their leaders. See:
Suppression of Investigators and Whistleblowers
When people who try to uncover high level wrongdoing are threatened, that is a sign the system is not only riddled with corruption, but that the corruption has passed the threshold into active tyranny.
Use of the Law For Competition Suppression
It begins with the dominant faction winning support by paying off their supporters and suppressing their supporters’ competitors, but leads to public officials themselves engaging in illegal activities and using the law to suppress independent competitors. A good example of this is narcotics trafficking.
Subversion of Internal Checks and Balances
This involves the appointment to key positions of persons who can be controlled by their sponsors, and who are then induced to do illegal things. The worst way in which this occurs is in the appointment of judges that will go along with unconstitutional acts by the other branches.
Creation of a Class of Officials Who Are Above the Law
This is indicated by dismissal of charges for wrongdoing against persons who are “following orders”. It typically falls under the auspices of “qualified immunity”.
Increasing Dependency of the People on Those Who Administer Government
The classic approach to domination of the people is to first take everything they have away from them, then make them compliant with the demands of the rulers to get anything back again.
Increasing Public Ignorance of Their Civic Duties and Reluctance to Perform Them
When the people avoid doing things like voting and serving in militias and juries, tyranny is not far behind.
Use of Staged Events to Produce Popular Support
Acts of terrorism, blamed on political opponents, followed immediately with well-prepared proposals for increased powers and budgets for suppressive agencies. Sometimes called a Reichstag plot. For instance the Oklahoma City Federal Building incident Oklahoma City Bomb Report by General |Benton K Partin
Conversion of Rights Into Privileges
Requiring licenses and permits for doing things that the government does not have the delegated power to restrict, except by due process in which the burden of proof is on the petitioner.
Political Correctness
Many if not most people are susceptible to being recruited to engage in repressive actions against disfavored views or behaviors, and led to pave the way for the dominance of tyrannical government.
Avoiding Tyranny
The key is always to detect tendencies toward tyranny and suppress them before they go too far or become too firmly established. The people must never acquiesce in any violation of the Constitution. Failure to take corrective action early will only mean that more severe measures will have to be taken later, perhaps with the loss of life and the disruption of the society in ways from which recovery may take centuries.
I believe we have passed the point of no return. ~ by Jon Roland & C.L.
“I believe we are living here now at this crossroads for a reason. I believe we are meant to be here; that we are being given a chance to be the right people in the right place at the right time. I believe that we can end this evil, but only if we dare to try. It begins with one simple step: Telling the world “We Will Not Comply!”
—Brandon Smith
Until now the only time I had heard The Oath Keepers talked about (in articles) they were described (paraphrasing) as a small, fringe wannabe militia, in Kalifornia. Thank-you for letting me know they aren't just that.