Nov 9, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

Thank you! Now I understand better why two of my children who took the Jab, never respond to my emails when I send them links that tell the truth about it. They still talk to me, but the Jab is off-limits in our conversations. My third child didn't take the Jab, so he and i can talk about what is going on and educate each other. We are aware of the Terrain model and are in the process of incorporating some of that in our life. I pray daily for those who fell for the CON. I think part of the reason I refused the Jab is that I haven't watched television in decades. I took one flue shot back in the mid nineties at my employers suggestion, and still got the flue. I never took another one. I take targeted vitamins and supplements and I have not had a single "cold" in the last 40+ years.

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So sorry to hear about your children having poisoned themselves. I have one out of four who has.

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I am in the UK and my wife and I got rid of the telly when digital signal came in. I have not had vaccines for 30 years plus.

However, I did have 9 sessions of immuno-therapy in 2020 which I stopped once I realised what what the real cause of alleged cancer. I subsequently found out that the ingredients were similar to vaccines.

However, I will talk to people about vaccines and how utterly pointless they are at best.

I believe the polio vaccine I had as a child may well have been the cause of a terrifying nightmare I had. Also I had a BCG vax at age 15 which I now believe was the cause of so-called German measles when I was very ill for 2 weeks.


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Thanks for your excellent insights. Until the germ theory is put to bed, these psychopaths will continue to peddle their fear porn (aka the dark theory of contagion)..

I write songs on the subject of medical tyranny. My latest is called "The Dish," which deals with fraud in virology. Lyrics can be found on the Soundcloud song page: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/the-dish

All my songs can be found under The Scamdemic Collection here: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/sets/scamdemic-collection

And check out these music videos:

CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. There’s a new church in town!


TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG. “Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton join forces to remind us “Trust the Science” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szPvXq8UXGU

1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR. The mainstream Covid narrative is compared to the Salem Witchcraft trials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx8keLopGIM

POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Aliens take over peoples’ bodies and turn them into mask-wearing zombies


SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. The people graduate “with honors” at mass conformity Sheeple University


THE COMMANDANT. Welcome to internment camps for the unvaccinated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SR9L-TRmfs

All music videos can be found here on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvrDA-UtzN9zSEsaUJ5mvG-zfekakATKJ

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter on Substack.

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

Trust the Science Rag cannot be improved upon. The video, the music (rag time piano was incredible), the vocals and the lyrics...wow. Thank you, for sharing this. I'll be sure to check out the rest of your music.

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Feb 26, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Yup, good stuff and subbed the channel!

A Future Vaccine to Prevent Knowledge of Soul and Spirit From The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness (Bristol: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1993; GA 177), p. 85.

October 7, 1917 85 – “The time will come – and it may not be far off – when quite different tendencies will come up at a congress like the one held in 1912 and people will say: It is pathological for people to even think in terms of spirit and soul. ‘Sound’ people will speak of nothing but the body. It will be considered a sign of illness for anyone to arrive at the idea of any such thing as a spirit or a soul. People who think like that will be considered to be sick and – you can be quite sure of it – a medicine will be found for this. . . . The soul will be made non-existent with the aid of a drug. Taking a ‘sound point of view,’ people will invent a vaccine to influence the organism as early as possible, preferably as soon as it is born, so that this human body never even gets the idea that there is a soul and spirit. “. . . the heirs of modern materialism will look for the vaccine to make the body ‘healthy,’ that is, make its constitution such that this body no longer talks of such rubbish as soul and spirit, but takes a ‘sound’ view of the forces which live in engines and in chemistry and let planets and suns arise from nebulae in the cosmos. Materialistic physicians will be asked to drive the souls out of humanity.”


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Apparently those who are SOUL LESS among us are the ones who want to stamp out any thought of some sort of force that may be the end to them. I am reminded of a song recently. Listen carefully to the words...Vision Of The Valley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPHEXuPFPio

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Thank you for this link. The quote has inspired me to seek out this book. Substack is the best place to be, in the entire world wide web! Amazing people. Amazing knowledge. Thanks again!

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Amazing Steiner was so prescient. One of the comments some injected people make is that they no longer arecable to feel a connection to God (or spiritual realm I guess for non religious). Horrifying but lines up with that video clip from decades ago showing Bill Gates forgiving a lecture to CIA students about the brain and a part if it in loved in 'religious fundamentalism' ( he points to a specific spot on a large diagram of a brain...)

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Thank you so much. And please check out this review of The Scamdemic Collection which was published in the Feb 2022 edition of New York Music Daily at https://newyorkmusicdaily.wordpress.com/2022/02/07/turfseer/

Or read the review here (below):

Turfseer Share a Vast, Venomously Funny, Historically Rich New Protest Song Album by delarue

Turfseer‘s epic new 33-track Scamdemic Collection – streaming at Soundcloud – is the bucket of ice water at the end of the marathon. It’s a suicide hotline on wheels. If you’ve been thinking the New Abnormal nightmare will never end, this record will lift your spirits. Outrageously funny as many of these songs are, they speak truth to power.

The studio-only project’s mastermind, Lewis Papier, started writing protest songs shortly after the global totalitar+ian coup in March of 2020 and he hasn’t stopped since. He’s the missing link between Jeff Lynne and Jello Biafra. Musically speaking, his big anthems are a blend of New Pornographers and ELO, with frequent, sarcastic detours into theatre music, circus rock and occasional stabs at country that sound more like Sean Lennon. The Alan Parsons Project are also a good reference point, considering that band’s rotating cast of singers and musicians. Behind the hilarious lyrics, there’s forceful neoromantic piano, sweeping strings and lush harmonies, or scruffy guitars and soaring pedal steel.

What’s it like to listen to all 33 tracks? Redemptive AF – and a little chilling, with moments of full-blown PTSD. Papier, who hails from Queens, doesn’t mention the lines outside Trader Joe’s, or the cringe-inducing nightly 7 PM pots-and-pans psy-op ritual, but he has vindictive fun satirizing every other scam the behavioral scientists of the Gates Foundation and the propagandists of CNN have subjected us to since then. And not all the songs are satirical.

The first track is Forever Freedom Brigade. a cheery, upbeat anthem spiced with banjo and pedal steel: “They keep us apart, we all have been fooled, freedom is something you don’t learn in school.” Things get considerably more grim from there through the end of the record, but Papier’s message is clear and bright: you’re not alone.

Papier is wise to Covid groupthink as both death cult and new religion. The Virus Is My God, a brisk Old West gothic shuffle, is one of the most tellingly detailed parables here, right down to the out-of-work bartenders and hookers, and the hanging judge who’s going after the town doctor. An unidentified woman sings the piano ballad My Mystery Cult with an unrelenting, rapt reverence, even as the initiation ceremony transforms her DNA into something distinctly inhuman. And amid the baroque-rock cadences of Church of the Pandemic Mind, “If you don’t believe, you’re a snake, we’ll burn you now at the stake.”

The devil is in the details throughout the rest of the record. Kids’ video games are weaponized to spread fear porn in the ominously swaying historical parable O Holy Roman. The Tyranny Train is where you’ll feel “the noose slip round your neck, and not so loose.” And the Statue of Liberty recurs as an unnamed, tarnished image throughout the angst-infused Nevermore.

Other songs draw deeply on how history repeats itself. The Ballad of Typhoid Mary, a ragged circus rock number, recounts the doomed saga of the feisty Irish cook who was the first to be accused of asymptomatic disease transmission, which we now know is basically an old wives’ tale. 1692 Was a Very Good Year, the most vivid ELO/Carl Newman mashup here, makes the Salem Witch Trials connection. The funky I Drank the Kool-Aid references the Jim Jones massacre. And the brooding folk-rock anthem Days of No Immunity traces the turbulent and largely unsuccessful early history of vaccine science.

There isn’t a song here that doesn’t have a wicked punchline. Some of the funniest tunes include Who Stole the Boston Cream Pie, a snarky, witchy parable of lockdown-era binge-eating, and the faux-earnest Sheeple University, whose students pledge never to disobey or think for themselves. Gaga’s Gone, packed with sarcastic Lady Gaga references, ends with a couple of breathless, diehard fans being turned away by security on the way into the concert. And It’s Just a Mask features a fierce debate between a guy who’s in the Covid cult for life, and the soulful belter who wants to sing her way out of lockdown.

1984 Is Here, a parody of American Idol excess, quickly escalates to where “They’ll give you some loot if you persecute all those who don’t fit the mold.”

“No more indoor restaurant dining, now there’s no more whining, you can always order delivery,” is the cynical message in Passport to Hell, a Vegas noir ballad. The most sinister of all these songs is The Commandant, a menacing, Schumann-esque art-rock piano anthem where

I’m the Commandant, you must play by our rules

You didn’t listen, we gave you the tools

That’s what you get, a knock on the door

We’ll take you away, you’ll be feeling quite sore

We blocked all your funds, you can’t pay the rent

You don’t understand, we brook no dissent

Someday, when the world has a much smaller population, children will ask some of us what the plandemic was like. Not many of us are going to want to talk about it: Instead, we can give them this album as evidence of how we survived…and how so many others didn’t.

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What a great review! Did you pay this guy? Just kidding! I wish I had known about you back in 2020. Your music would have definitely made the rough road a lot smoother and easier to take. Then again, we're not out of the woods yet, so thank you for the future humps you'll help me and mine over. Peace and God bless.

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Email me at Turfseer@aol.com. Best regards, Lewis.

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It's heartening to receive great feedback such as this. Subscribe to my newsletter for more detailed information about the songs, new releases and bonus material.

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Thank you! I watched the one called THE COMMANDANT. It's very good. I look forward to listening to more of your music.

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Thank you so much. My entire "Scamdemic Collection" of songs can be found here on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/sets/scamdemic-collection

Subscribe to my new Substack newsletter where you can listen to more songs an music videos along with bonus material including ezines and blogs. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-virus-is-my-god

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Excellent article! Very well sited and written! Definitely agree with a ton of points made here!

We are in a WAR of Good VS Evil and the evil’s agenda is to keep people sick, scared, disoriented, confused and obedient to their will. Toxins are a large part of the modern arsenal that they are using. This is a WAR and very few even begin to realize we are at WAR.

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I would have to get a WordPress account to comment. But what I will say is this...THANKS!

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My pleasure. I am thinking about setting up substack page but it requires running them both then.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

Thank you. Very well written!!!!

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Pass the link around to your friends. Get more people to sign up as readers. We need to start using our creator given reason, logic and common sense!

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I will share this. xo

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

I could have written this myself... So of course, I totally agree! ^_^

I thought that quote attributed to Claude Bernard was from Louis Pasteur, on his deathbed... Well, maybe it matters not at this point. Anyway, so nice to see this post, after seeing antithetical post by a fellow I used to enjoy... and the hullabaloo it stirred up. You just never know who is really a seeker of truth and reality, and who is all about themselves and "glory," and who is simply posing as a decent person... Cheers, and well done, Gryffindor. ;)

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And by the way, it's not "waalaa" as Murkans are so fond of slaughtering (that poor word-- it's almost like it was given an American JAB!), it's VOILA, which does sound a lot like "waalaa" if you don't know any better... :). But, this is not meant to dishonor you, only to enlighten.

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I sort of stand corrected. As I've never heard this before and have only ever heard "WAALAA during my 68 years on this earth. I did look up the word and found this interesting "definition"... "There it is; there you are. A misspelling and mispronunciation of the French "voilà," an exclamation calling attention to or expressing satisfaction with something that has just been presented or accomplished. Finally, you just turn this crank to set it into place and—walla! The machine is ready to go. "Wallah!" said the magician as he pulled the girl's card from his pocket."

So, how can we really prove that it IS a misspelling AND mispronunciation of the French "voila" if it is spelled nothing like it and sounds nothing like it? I have to go by someone CLAIMING that when in reality...how can it be proven? My spelling isn't even the same as Wallah either. Oh well...such is language...BTW...what is a "dollar"? LOL!

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Ah, but it DOES sound very much like the French, hoh hoh. ;)

Depending on where a French person lives, the "v" is a bit soft or very soft, compared to English. And being as how English speakers seem to shred every other language they ever come across, lol, it's not surprising that it seems FOREIGN to you! ar ar ar ar

A "dollar" is a nickle in American, or perhaps 3 cents by now...

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A "dollar" is actually a weight and measure of a substance.

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Sounds like is just right. The English speaker are Phoenicians, always looking for the sound they like, which is why English is so flexible.

But in fact all languages are a form of pigeon or baby English based on the sounds or phonetics.

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I like pig Latin myself the most.

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A dollar is a sad thing because it puts you in the dol-drums if you don't have any.

Assuming one loves money of course.

re voila and wallah. Voila is voi la, i.e. 'see there' in English. Wallah contains 'alla' as in 'a la' meaning 'to there' in English, but originally from the Greek but also evident in Hebrew.

A wallah is also as the Indo-Aryan languages meaning in essence 'someone' so the sense of describing a person over there as opposed to pointing to oneself.

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Dolor is Mexican sorrow.

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deletedMar 3
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Well, I YAM the Word Herder, after all, and je parle le francais, aussi. Voila, mon amie. ;) La woof!

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deletedMar 4
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Oui! Merci! ^_^

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Thanks for the great article, Mark. I have always been leery of the medical mafia, and I was fortunate enough to learn back in 2006 that all "vaccines" are poison designed to make us into forever-customers. I also learned several years before the CovAin't that the Spanish Flu of 1918/19 was not Spanish nor was it a flu, but it was planned by same kind of psychopaths that are still running the black magic show here on Earth.

One night six years ago, I awoke to horrific chills that were so intense, I had to ask my husband to lay on me so my body didn't rattle off the bed! When the chills subsided, I healed my body and staved off getting a bout of some typical flu-like "detox" by literally telling my body to heal immediately. I also used my mental field to fill my body with Divine Light. It took several hours of constant focus (in between short naps) but I got out of bed and was healthy as normal. After that, I realized that it is toxicity that overwhelms the body. I then cured myself of "seasonal allergies" that I strangely acquired when I moved to Central California, realizing that they are toxic build-up from the constant geo-engineering in the atmosphere, water, and soil (and we live close to Big Ag "farms" that of course do a lot of chemical spraying).

My husband and I eat a 90% whole-food, plant-based diet that I cook mostly from scratch. We rarely dine out, and are very selective when we do since only a few establishments offer truly vegan options, and it's not very fun to spend our time and money on yet another boring restaurant salad, haha. I intend to buy organic/non-GMO whenever possible, and we largely refrain from eating refined white flour and sugar. We minimize ingesting pressed oils and instead eat fats that are intact (nuts, seeds, avocados), and consume raw and cooked vegetables/greens, cooked mushrooms, and fruits. The med-tech-cartel lie of "genetic" illnesses has been shattered in our mind/body/spirit complexes! The "genetic" part is simply eating the same toxic diet and living a similar toxic lifestyle as one's parents and grandparents (and adding in a bunch of pharmaceutical and food-like poisons).

Furthermore, the notion of "public health" is a concoction by the CON-TROLL-ers to perpetuate their germ theory scam! Like you said, they've mind-controlled most people into thinking of themselves and others as dirty. And, for what it's worth, shame is the lowest vibration in our existence, and the CONs know it.

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When I was reading your response I had these words come into my mind...

New blood joins this earth,

And quickly he’s subdued.

Through constant pained disgrace

The young boy learns their rules.

With time the child draws in.

This whipping boy done wrong.

Deprived of all his thoughts

The young man struggles on and on he’s known

A vow unto his own,

That never from this day

His will they’ll take away.

What I’ve felt,

What I’ve known

Never shined through in what I’ve shown.

Never be.

Never see.

Won’t see what might have been.

They dedicate their lives

To running all of his.

He tries to please them all –

This bitter man he is.

Throughout his life the same –

He’s battled constantly.

This fight he cannot win –

A tired man they see no longer cares.

From the time of our birth we are fed continual lies. It starts as soon as we are cognizant enough to question and it beings with the tooth fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Then we go to church and learn about the big bad "God" that will toss us for eternity into brimstone and fire if we won't love him or his son or his spirit or whatever they come up with next.

And then as we are forced to go off to the indoctrination camps against our will and over our objections we are fed lie after lie after lie about how great our country is, how the Civil war was over slavery, on and on. I wonder how I managed to get through it all and have to say that there is SOMETHING that keeps a remnant around to expose their lies. To feed the sheep grass that wakes them up and turns some into lions. Thank you for your interesting perspective Lioness...I have a few more if you check around that are red pills. If you haven't read this one, you might do so next...https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Courageous Lion

Awesome Metallica song! It deserves another listen with new ears.

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Nothing Else Matters is another good one from them.

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Thank you for this poetic reply, Courageous Lion. I will check out the article in all my "free time" 😉.

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Mar 22Liked by Courageous Lion

Don't work on FreyaDay.


Freyadom's just another word for...

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I definitely don't work on FreyaDay. I'm Norse, so I just have to follow her to the hilltop and download divine information for a couple of hours, but it's not like work at all.

Freyadom, indeed!

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In possibly related news, my stepdaughter played a tiger's roar and a lion's roar on her machine thing and said that the tiger apparently does the stronger roar that sounds like the lion. How anyone believes anything anymore, who knows, but it sounded plausible.

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P.S. Here in California, Thor's Day is almost over for another week. Now I look forward to Freya's Day!

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jeez, I got a little too excited just reading about that Freya

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It's likely that the important thing to note here is that one does not generally wish to be roared at by either of those big cats. My 8-10 pound Persian cats are strong enough!

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My theory is that if our housecat was the same size as us she'd eat us. She puts up with monkeys the size of elephants as long as they keep giving her chicken. I've always thought of Persians as embodying the feminine principle. Persian cats, I mean.

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Aww, our Pershies are sweet. Technically, we only have one now, but we've had four in total. If they were human-size, I don't think they would eat us; but they'd have us working more hours because they'd need A LOT MORE food.😻 And yes, they have a feminine aura, although they are fierce as fuck when they feel the need to defend themselves!

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Very interesting story about healing yourself with mind control.

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Very interesting comment using "mind control" in a different context.

Does everything begin in the mental field, in the imagination?

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Yes, everything. There are some ideas, such as time travel that are not obtainable under any circumstances. Why? Because time is a man made construct. Reality is there is only a constant changing present. Nicola Tesla was said to have the ability to build devices from his mind only. No blue prints. Just have the idea and follow his thoughts.

"Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny." ― Stephen Covey, or possibly Ralph Waldo Emerson according to sources for the quote.

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Mar 22Liked by Courageous Lion

That's the $64k question. I've had a mental year, and now I look out the window and just laugh and say "reality" and I make air quotes with my hands.

The sound track of the world's prolly heavy mental.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Author

I'm starting to wonder if "The Truman Show" is really a documentary and "Minority Report" is too. Maybe "The Matrix" is a whistle blower flick. We're all wired up somewhere and live out our lives in a glass globe someplace. How would you know?

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Courageous Lion

Love to hear you give credit to people to trust themselves and their own bodies to deal with exposure to all that's out there, looking to invade us and do harm. Or not! If you take care of the body and give it the fuel it needs, it won't be susceptible to toxins that cause it to break down. Thank you for this great article! You're also getting the word out that we should not trust the medical institution. Or any institution affiliated with government. They are not on our side. If they were, we would never be in a another foreign war, ever again. We are nothing but expendable commodities and a giant piggy bank to them. DON'T BELIEVE THEM.

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Mar 22Liked by Courageous Lion

Great to see more and more people seeing through the germ hypotheses (a theory is something that is to be proven or disproven) and that no virus has ever been proven to exist. Terrain is everything.

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Please add to the list of anomalies of COVID:

It can live on surfaces, but not on all surfaces. It depends, not sure on what, but it depends.

It can travel in aerosols, that's why the distances of feet and Meters The aerosols might settle down on surfaces, but only selectively. Again, it depends.

No virus has ever been found on surfaces or in aerosols, but they are supposed to be there, so don't ask.

On certain surfaces the virus never settles, like swab sticks, masks, petri dished or simply inside or on the host cell or inside the snod. Don't look further into, nothing to see here.

It's a shy one, the virus.

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I licked open mics every Friday all winter. For years before that, urinal handles. Also a restaurant table, but my wife pointed out that that might look a little weird, so I limit my table-licking in public. Haven't had a cold in four years. Or never, I guess, as cold viruses don't exist.

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You licked urinal handles? What kind of Doctor are you?

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We know each other. We don't always agree on everything, you and me CL, but we'll always have urinal handles!

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That's both funny and a little bit bizarre ☺️.

As you know, in so called GoF labs staff allegedly needs to be all day in air supplied full body hazmat suits and still can't handle the little bug safely, that's why the lab leak 🤫.... But outside of labs, "hands, face, space" will do! People need to see the blatant bullshit.

Reality is the best teacher.

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Aug 14Liked by Courageous Lion

Where men take a leak, that's my lab.

But I haven't done urinals in a while because it doesn't seem like a wholesome environment (not cuz I'm scared of "viruses.")

The last few weeks I've been licking bird poo. I'm still here.

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Jan 25Liked by Courageous Lion


For Doctors Of Medicine:

This Is Not A Crisis Of Identity;

This Is Not A Crisis Of Competence

( ... There Is Too Little To Matter) ;

This Is A Crisis Of Conscience.


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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Author

@Thomas Lewis: But there is a problem. PSYCHOPATHIS have no conscience. And the GARBAGE they learn is what they CONvince everyone else is the truth. Well, almost everyone else. I think the tin foil hat that I've been wearing since birth has protected me from what ever the hell is in the Aether that is blasting peoples reason, logic and common sense all to hell. Thank you for your comment.

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Yeah, tin-foil hats seem as smart as the next thing, under the circumstances.

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What a wonderful post, thank you very much. I have been fighting myself for people to realise the virus and exosome are one and the same. I have clarified my thoughts further since realising in June 2020 what was going on and when the penny dropped. I was very angry I had been deceived for so long.


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May 25Liked by Courageous Lion

Terrain Theory Ordained By GOD

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Mar 21Liked by Courageous Lion

"the place most folks call Arkansas" Heh heh, the subtlety is appreciated.

I have a lot of standup jokes about Tennessee, but Tennessee's gettin all gentrified, so I'm thinking of moving all my Tennessee jokes over to Arkansas. Cuz if there's one thing we all know about Arkansas, it's that we don't know anything about Arkansas.

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An interesting post about ARKansas. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/the-mystery-of-the-seven-thunders

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I enjoyed it, and it wouldn’t surprise me if Arkansas is somewhere in the eschatological mix. I’ve probably mentioned to you that I’ve moved all my Tennessee jokes out of Tennessee because Tennessee’s standard of living came up. Tennessee I know. But Arkansas, well, one thing we all know about Arkansas is that we don’t know anything about Arkansas. So I’ve moved all my Tennessee jokes over to Arkansas.

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Jan 12Liked by Courageous Lion

Oh… don’t forget about the vaxx ingredient made from the genetic cells of aborted babies. I think they call it something like Luciferase? They might as well have named it “Lucifer’s ass”.

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Okay I'll bite. The machine gave me, just as you said, luciferase. It actually said "luciferase assay," and assay prolly means attempt or trial, and Lucy Fair has always been one of my favorite names for a girl character and luci- is light and fer- is carrying. And then if it's got aborted-baby cells in it, well, just as you say, it's luciferian. What a world.

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Jan 12Liked by Courageous Lion

Hello kindred spirit…. I happened upon your articles from someone else’s stacks and I must say, so far all that I have read could have been from my fingers. The final result would have been the same.

Thank you so much for your work. Finally, some mentally stimulating material with great substance and much courage. (Tipping my proverbial hat to you).

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Totally get this. Worked in pharma. Believed it’s nonsense until I got very sick. Exosomes and snake poisoning, some anti freeze and other elixirs and people get dead, change personalities, become handicapped permanently. The medical community

Those who played this game deserve to be tarred and feathered, not sure we have the will or the muscle or legal blessing to do so.

I took one flu shot winter of 1986 last one ever

Taken. I learned long ago big pharma is all profit driven they don’t give a rats ass about your cancer, heart disease, indigestion, mental clarity, but they will gladly write you a Rx. Poison you, cut you, or burn your body. And perhaps in 100 years people will gasp they did what? What crude methods considered state of the art medical protocols.

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9Author

Sooooo true! I have one for you...a spot on my shoulder. Skin cancer. Would bleed, scab up, fall of at night and get blood on my pillow. I went to a dermatologist who said, yep, skin cancer. They wanted to carve a chunk out of my shoulder about 10 x the area. So I started looking for an alternative remedy. Found something called egg plant tincture getting some rave reviews. Bough some, applied it and within a WEEK had a normal scab, that after it fell off was just scar tissue. https://www.amazon.com/Eggplant-Tincture-Extract-Disorders-Discolored/dp/B09RMHJNNG I call them the MEDICAL MAFIA! I dealt with it for close to a year with different experiments. BOOM, gone in WEEKS!

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Apr 25Liked by Courageous Lion

I did something similar with garlic! Sliced one clove in half. Put it on an ugly looking skin “mole looking growth” and left it there for a few days. ( used two large bandaids in an x to keep it there.) changed the garlic & the bandaids a few times…and it went away.

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I will keep that one in mind. Seems that the garlic works in a similar way. The burning sensation is well worth it.

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Good example! I got my first flu shot first winter I was a new pharma rep. It was recommended. I went trained on east coast. New born son awake every two hours. New house. Combination of stress and flu shot. Developed sinusitis, allergies. Asthma went about 2 years taking ventolin, vasocourt, surgery for polyps, prednisone, and allergy shots.

Damn tired of being stuck. Started taking large doses of vit C msm stopped eating all dairy and sugar. After a fashion presto. Back to myself. Then about 10 years into repping, I learned about homeopathy and realized at the time I was selling chemotherapeutic, thought knew intuitively that modern medicine was nearly direct opposite of what healing was all about. I learned with my health my struggles, my search for health and my path seems to be kearn by contrast. At first I placed my full faith in the white coat mentality. After calling on mds pharmacist nurses selling ERT, beta blockers, chemo, tamoxifen, proton pump inhibitors etc that I was in the game and realized damn I wished I’d gone to the Natural Pathic College.

Cant go back to school. Not with a house payment two kids cars etc. But I realized long ago ama is systematically built on am incorrect premise. Therefore most if it is corrupt. In the old days if the Shaman didn’t fix you, they may be out of a job. And Baby it’s all in the REFILLS

And test, and checkups and they keep dancing on a false promise.

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Here is a good one for you...the SSRI meds. I have this posted here too. But I wanted you to be introduced to Lew Rockwell via this link too. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/07/mark-reynolds/the-ssri-connection-to-suicides-spontaneous-murder-and-mass-shootings/

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Will take a keen look later. I took ssri

For bi polar not much help. Flushed pills down grinded it out.

Thank YOU!!!

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Lew and I got on good in 2008 but I went just a little too far. Okay a lot too far. I still like him but I'm just a little too out there for him to take my calls nowadays. When I was ivy league, I was presentable. But I chose seven years on the street. Cleverly, I wrote for Lew under pseudonyms so nothing has to be hidden.

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Lew got irritated with me over my push to get him to publish this article. He said it was too long. I said, put a read the rest of it here link. He's just getting too ornery in his old age. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs

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