Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by Courageous Lion

Even the Nat'l Guard is deployed overseas.

I tried to dissuade my son from enlisting (He, now a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom). But his sense of duty towards his countrymen won out and I remember him staunchly hiding his trepidation the night he shipped out. Just a boy then, really.

Honorable intentions exploited by others for (mostly) their material gain. Acknowledge though, one must, that we all enjoy a small share in the bounty via a preeminent currency and Pax Americana protected trade. The crooks in the three letter agencies and the puppets in congress have distorted foreign policy and squandered good will earned by others of greater character and sacrifice.

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Author

"Honorable intentions exploited by others for (mostly) their material gain." Definitely. Plain and simple most swallow the Hooo Raaaa nonsense fed to them from the time they are born.

We Can Evade Reality

But We Cannot Evade the Consequences of Evading Reality... https://www.courageouslion.us/p/we-can-evade-reality I guess I was fortunate enough to have seen right through the ruse from the beginning. I see being a soldier as a DEFENSIVE job. I simply cannot see it in the light of going over and invading other countries and then believing that I'm doing it for my countries better good. It's actually a totally backwards way of looking at what reality is. That is also why we need a militia. And do away with a standing army.

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Jan 6Liked by Courageous Lion

Even the founding fathers understood, focus on your own, they were opposed to fighting foreign wars

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Did you know that Butler was recruited by wealthy bankers to help to overthrow the U.S. government and install himself as military dictator? He went along with the plan until the last minute, then testified to the Senate about the plot. Even back then TPTB were intent on destroying the Constitution, and they have been scheming to do just that for decades. Now they're close to achieving their goal.

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CLOSE? CONSTITUTION? What Constitution? https://www.courageouslion.us/p/constitution

AND COMMUNISM - American Style https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style They are just now putting the final nails in the coffin to nail it shut.

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The wealthy bankers and businessmen that approached SDB to overthrow FDR had the tables turned on them when SDB testified before CONgress (emphasis on the CON) in 1934 of the plot. It would appear that SDB had no intention of installing himself as a military dictator.

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Of course he didn't; he's a Marine.

Makes you realize, though, that, if they tried it once, they would certainly try again. This time they may well succeed, using the WHO, to destroy what's left of our sovereignty.

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I think they will FAIL.

I just feel they will, and also, tyranny never lasts, IF it can get started at all.

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Indeed! You're In The Know. When I read about Butler's near-folly, I was under the impression, right or wrong, that he didn't realize quite what he was doing until the last minute! And he had a long time in prison to think about it...


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Who cares what Smedley Darlington Butler had to say. He was ONLY a 2-star general. KIDDING!!! I've been telling some of the young men (Gen Zers) where I work to consider not going if they are called up in a war draft and to suggest to all their friends of draft age not to answer their draft notice either. When hundred's of thousands or millions of young men don't show up to fight the wars of The Powers That Should Not Be (TPTSNB) what will happen? "They" can't arrest hundred's of thousands or millions of young men.

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Yep, protect home base, f-ck the rest of the planet. There was a reason people came here, now it is a different reason.

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I'd change that to Protect Home Base, and DON'T fuck the rest of the planet!! ;)

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deletedJan 7Liked by Courageous Lion
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Jan 7Liked by Courageous Lion

America first, screw the people that don't think so, which means get rid of the Marxist influencers completely!

This isn't about feelings.

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deletedJan 7·edited Jan 7
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Not angry at all.

What are you?

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deletedJan 7
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Jan 7·edited Jan 7Author

I try hard to keep my anger placed in the present. What has been done has been done. I can't do anything about the past so why get angry about it? I have very little control over the future, so why get angry about something that may never be. If, however, someone were to commit an act of violence against you in the present...GET ANGRY and don't cower in the face of adversity.

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Jan 7Liked by Courageous Lion

You're angry about "ancestors getting eaten" and I get it.

Should look to the future, not the past.

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deletedJan 7
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Jan 7·edited Jan 7Author

There is only one justification for war. DEFENSE. The minute you're placing military inside of another country, the term most used is you have INVADED the country. And if your snipers kill women and children defending their country, NORMAL people wouldn't make a movie about it praising the sniper as they did for Chris Kyle. He was a MURDERER. It makes me sick seeing people act like he was some sort of hero. Was Lon Horiuchi a hero when he murdered Vicki Weaver or was he a MURDERER who got off scott free because he was "just doing his job"? What is the difference? Oh, I know, put a uniform on someone and they can commit psychopathic acts and it's "ok".

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deletedJan 6
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Can you put a meaning to "HOCIANS"?

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deletedJan 8
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Jan 8·edited Jan 8Author

Hosea - USA? Most likely not. But at least you solved the mystery for me.

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One of Eisenhower's main reasons for building the interstate highway system as a force multiplier, to be able to quickly move forces to repel invasion. With it, the U.S. really needs only small military to defend the nation.

All the rest of the military exists so that our rulers can project their imperial will onto other countries.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7Author

And both are are a good argument for militias instead of a standing military.

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Ah ha, it WAS you, lol. YES.

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And we don't NEED a standing army if we have State Militias... I think it was Lion who pointed that out a few posts back? Anyway, I agree with that.

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