This morning I woke up with some vision of what reality really is in the “United” States.
And lots of questions started popping into my mind.
Recently my wife said something that made me start to wonder. She knows I speak my mind and am willing to stand behind my beliefs that I have come to using reason, logic and common sense. And because of this she is in fear. How would I know this? She told me that she wouldn’t let our 5 year old grandson spend the night because she is afraid that we could be raided by some agency of the government because of my political views. If that isn’t the very definition of TYRANNY I don’t know what is.
We are supposed to have freedom of speech. The reason being that we should be able to criticize those who lord over us if they are getting to out of hand. Freedom of speech obviously doesn’t include shouting fire in a crowded movie theatre, but it does allow for us to criticize and even call someone nasty names. If I call AOC, Autasium Occasionally Cortex because I dislike her communistic views of politics, I’m “allowed”. Or at least should be.
If I attend a peaceful rally and walk into a building invited by the very men guarding it, I’m allowed. But if I do so and end up in a cage for multiple years and had damaged no one or any property, THAT is TYRANNY. And yet the “powers that be” will let true criminals who destroy churches, police stations and other buildings walk free. Something is drastically amiss.
If I take it to heart that the second amendment says “shall not be infringed” and believe that is absolute, and have a hobby of gun collecting and in the process to maintain my hobby I may buy and sell some at a local gun show, that should be protected. If the “powers that be” believe I’m violating some "law” that says I am selling and trading enough that I should have a Federal Firearms license, the proper way to deal with me would be to come to my home or workplace and explain why you have that view. I should NOT be subject to a 6:00 AM raid where my door bell camera is taped over and the power to my home is cut and then armed men who claim to be ATF bust through my front door and attack me as the first way to deal with my $200 lack of payment for a license. That is what happened to Brian Malinowski and that is the very definition of TYRANNY.
I should not be subject to set up operations where someone working behind the scenes for the ATF pays me to cut off a shotgun barrel and then tell me that if I won’t work for them as an informant I’m going to go to a rape cage for a long time, the only way you can look at it is tyranny. ESPECIALLY when they come to arrest me and shoot my son in the back and my wife in the head for not paying $200 for a permit to cut that shotgun off in the first place. That is what happened to Randy Weaver.
None of us should have to worry about coming up with “property taxes” on the home we live in ever year under the threat of violence and loss of our homes at gun point if we don’t pay it. That is TYRANNY, not freedom. And it fits the 1st plank which pays for the 10th plank of the Communist manifesto to the TEE.
No one should be in fear of imprisonment or death for growing a plant that we find enjoyable to smoke or eat. That is TYRANNY not freedom.
No one should have to worry about where or what they carry for SELF DEFENSE anywhere in the United States. If you have to ask permission and pay a fee for doing so without threat of death or imprisonment for refusing to do so, that is TYRANNY not freedom.
When I listen to those who support the military talk about how they are “fighting for our freedom” I have to ask myself the following…
When I read about people being put in a cage for peacefully protesting abortion in front of an abortion clinic, I am reading about TYRANNY, not freedom.
If I can’t drive down the highway, as long as I don’t do anything to damage someone else in their life, liberty or property without forced insurance, a license plate and a drivers license I’m living under TYRANNY, because that is not freedom.
When I read the long list of abuses King George was charged with in the Declaration of Independence and can find an equal to it today along with many others, that’s TYRANNY, not freedom.
And I hear the gelded sheep say…well if you don’t like it here why don’t you move somewhere else? Because they have no issue with TYRANNY as they “believe” they are free and live in the freest nation on earth. Why we are such a free nation that someone like Edward Snowden had to move to RUSSIA rather than facing cage time for letting the American people know we are being spied on CONTINUALLY by those in the government. And how about Julian Assange who spent how many years in confinement for releasing information about TYRANNICAL actions of the US military?
When you look at how they have been treating Donald Trump with all the BS charges and now even making an assassination attempt on him, we have to ask..TYRANNY or freedom?
When you have to fill out papers every year and pay “income” tax on the compensation you received for your labor, is that freedom or TYRANNY? Worse yet, they use a never properly ratified amendment to rationalize this insanity.
If you have to pay to have possession of certain firearms that have arbitrary features like barrel length or whatever, is that TYRANNY or freedom? Isn’t it a direct violation of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED?
When we have standing armies in our midst committing “SWAT” raids all over the country for so called crimes with no victims, and in many cases killing or maiming the victims, is that TYRANNY or is it freedom?
When a tiny dot of people can cause the masses to fear them, is that TYRANNY or freedom?
So seriously…do we live under TYRANNY or are we living in the land of the free and the home of the brave? I think we live in the land of the FEE and the home of the SLAVE. How can you see it any other way?
A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State
Battlefield America: The War On The American People
The Freedom Wars-What You Can Do To Preserve Your Rights
The Stealing of America
The Second American Revolution
The Change Manifesto: Join the Block by Block Movement to Remake America
The Tyranny of Good Intentions: How Prosecutors and Law Enforcement Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name of Justice
Three Felonies A Day: How the Feds Target the Innocent
Waco a Survivors Story
The Federal Siege at Ruby Ridge: In Our Own Words
Every Knee Shall Bow : The Truth & Tragedy of Ruby Ridge & The Randy Weaver Family
So what do you think? Is it TYRANNY or freedom we live under? I’m going to keep updating this one every so often…stay tuned. And you followers…SUBSCRIBE!!!
Just wait until they install Kamala as President. All pretense will have been abandoned at that point.
I'm surprised so many people still harbor ideas that the last "election" was anything other than a coup.
Well said Courageous Lion - the "Land of the fee and the home of the slave."
EXACTLY. Here's another Constitutional property violation well worth taking a look at - which Wikipedia conveniently has a page on - the almost UNKNOWN 1951 Inventions SECRECY Act - which means the Federal Government of the USA SCREENS all patent applications and any Federal Agency can call for the patent application to be CLASSIFIED and there is ZERO recourse to the inventors, all in the name of "National Security" - which is code for "Protecting the financial interests of American oligarchs and the International Money Cartel who are the true slave masters." It is even detailed that the Inventions Secrecy Act's purpose is to "stop disruptions to any existing industries" and that any patents seized can be used by the "military industry."
This is where all the United States SECRET WEAPONS are source - the government STEALS the technology, then farms it out to the Military Industrial Complex and tells the property owners to sod off while giving billions to private contractors!!!!!!
Another major TYRANNY - and source of great Evil.