FED 101 - Do you REALLY think your taxes pay for anything?
Eustace Mullins, the author of “Secrets of the Federal Reserve” has a wonderful line in which he says the Federal Reserve System is not federal; there are no reserves; and, he says, "It is not a system, but a criminal syndicate." That is one of the more vituperous summations of the institution. And it's not unfair because there is a lot of truth in it.
Mullins presents some bare facts about the Federal Reserve System with subjects it IS NOT a U.S. government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately owned Central Bank controlled by the elite financiers in their own interest. The Federal Reserve elite controls excessive interest rates, inflation, the printing of paper money, and have taken control of the depression of prosperity in the United States.
"The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it." ~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8
ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon? The only reason for taxes at the federal level is to make you "believe" they need them and to impart value in your mind on fake fiat currency.
It's the ultimate scam. This was a brilliant, brilliant swindle. That it has been so long-lived is remarkable, as are the results of what they have achieved with it. In this article, I’m going to try to walk the reader through the most basic elements of money and banking and then finance and currencies generally. But the real point that I hope readers will take with them is an understanding that this institution has cheated all of us of our citizenship. How? Because the Fed gives the thieves running the government the power of creating unlimited debt.
Recently I have been reading from Congressman Louis McFadden's litany of rants in 1933. I had forgotten that he actually brought charges that are still sitting in limbo somewhere that nobody ever acted on to this very day, 92 years ago. Do you see something a bit wrong with that?
He was a grand old gentleman, and it is a pity we don't have legislators today of his caliber or his determination to protect this country and our liberties. He was nearly the last of a breed, I am afraid. I can think of one or two that fit his shoes like Ron Paul and his son Rand. Both of them know of the devastation that the Fed has perpetuated since 1913.
The Fed is one of several pet peeves I have posted about in my Stack. Another is the 16th Amendment, and I’ve posted about the author of the Law That Never Was. I’m working on one about Joe Banister, who, while still a badge carrying/gun carrying IRS agent, had his epiphany listening to an interview that took place with Devy Kidd.. All this bad stuff happened around the same time around 1913. I don't think that was mere coincidence.
John Maynard Keynes played a large role in the establishment of the International Monetary Fund, which is the international satellite of the Fed. This quote is from a book Keynes wrote after World War I called "The Economic Consequences of the Peace." In talking about a fiat money system, he had this to say: "Should government refrain from regulation/taxation, the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent, and the fraud can no longer be concealed." You see, it is a brilliant move psychologically, because we get our “money”, even though the notes are colored tickets with no inherent value. Nonetheless, it is our “money”. We receive “money” from our work and our investments, and it is the natural course of human beings to protect what they have. When the government wants some of our “money” in the form of taxes, we try to defend against that, and we are thereby in that act giving value to the “money” that it really doesn't have. Actually the truth of the matter it really ISN’T “money” because you see, Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) over 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT.
This is a quote from Congressman McFadden who was one ticked-off ole goat when he was talking to Congress.
"Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the nation's debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed have cost enough money to pay the national debt several times over."
And that was just his warm-up. He was really upset, and obviously, he had cause to be. The huge frustration now is, with the exception of retired Representative Ron Paul, does anyone really have a clue?
Some did. Sen. Phil Gramm did, for instance. He's was head of the Banking Committee in the Senate. But really, our best bet was Ron Paul, who understands this issue top to bottom and always crosses swords with Mr. Greenspan in his annual testimonies. He is a brilliant gentleman and a great defender of the Constitution, and really, American citizens would not be able to own gold today were it not for Ron Paul. And who did we end up with in 2008? Another bad joke. Heck, it’s been PROVEN that he wasn’t even a citizen of the US by Sheriff Joe Arpaio as well as others and that he used fake social security numbers which we would have been tried for doing and caged. He was also the President that turned around race relations in the USA back about 100 years. I don’t even want to write his name here because he disgusts me so much.
I remember from reading "The Creature from Jekyll Island," that some of the games that went on with the framers of the Fed are frankly right out of an old dime-store novel. Some of it is. There's a fascinating detail that shows just how determined these people were. Jekyll Island was a private reserve of J.P. Morgan. They had built a club on the island, and a lot of Manhattanites would go down there in the winter for duck hunting. Later, several of the robber baron families built their private homes there. But in 1913, only J.P. Morgan's spread was located on this island off the coast of Georgia. They were so determined to maintain secrecy that every servant on the island was removed, and an entirely new staff of servants was hired out of Atlanta and brought to the island. About the only thing they didn't do was cut their tongues out after the meetings. They didn't want them to be able to recognize the people there and to be confused about where they were and so forth. Those are the lengths they went to, the sort of extremes that they felt necessary to protect their scheme from exposure.
A few days before the Fed passed, Sen. Root denounced the Fed as an outrage on our liberties. He predicted:
"Long before we wake up from our dream of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold -- which alone could have kept us from catastrophe -- will have vanished, and no rate of interest will tempt it to return."
Talk about prophetic! A $50 gold coin today is worth what? 2700+ in Federal Reserve “Notes”? We're on the verge of that today, I think sometimes. It's a fantastic scheme. It's just so fantastic. There have been other paper-money schemes throughout history, and all of them have collapsed. But because the United States was a young, dynamic country, we were able to fund this system off the prosperity and wealth that our ancestors created in the 19th century. Then, when we became a world power, we were able to keep this game going by exporting the inflation, by sending worthless Fed “notes” to other countries willing to take them in exchange for the goods. And then we expect them to just sit on them and not do things like buy land in the US.
We had central banks prior to the Fed. History shows that President Jackson got rid of one of them. In a titanic battle, he brought that to a conclusion. There was the First Bank of the United States founded by Alexander Hamilton, and that was succeeded by a Second Bank of the United States. That's the one that Andy Jackson put the end to.
Nikolai Lenin once said, "The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debase the currency."
For those who don’t know let me explain what fiat money is all about. Fiat money is money that derives its “value” from a government edict. I'm king and say this piece of paper is worth something because I say so. And the first step to getting there is: I will accept this currency as “legal tender” for tax payments; then I move to making the issuance of the legal tender a monopoly, my government’s monopoly. Which is the 5th Plank of the Communist Manifesto
But here's the weird thing. Congress has the authority to coin and mint money. Why would they give up something that powerful to the Fed? Because the Fed gives them a scapegoat. We are constantly told it is so wonderful that the Fed is independent because that way, the financial system does not become politicized. And just think, citizens, how terrible it would be if all those politicians were handling the money. We have our disappointments with the political class, so that makes sense -- but it really doesn't. The Fed allows the political class to use a private structure -- which is the banking consortium that actually owns the Fed -- as a scapegoat. No matter what happens, they can blame the Fed when times turn bad. And any action that the Fed takes, depending on whose ox is gored amongst the public -- exporters, importers, farmers, whoever -- their champions in the legislature can curse the Fed while their opposition cheers it. So you see, Congress is really a co-conspirator with the Fed.
What you have to understand first is what the Fed is and what it does and doesn't do, and secondly, how this fiat money works. Fiat money is designed to fail. It is designed for inflation. And that's another area we constantly are confronted with, that the Fed is a "hawk" on inflation. This statement is risible because … what is inflation? Supposedly it is too much money chasing too few goods and services.
As it stands the only issuer of “money” in the United States is the Federal Reserve System. So, of course the Fed is the source of inflation. It is not a hawk against inflation, it is only a means to control inflation for the benefit of the financial elite. Allegedly, just before John F. Kennedy was killed, he had ordered the printing of a whole bunch of U.S. Notes that would not be Federal Reserve Notes.
That is the only conspiracy theory behind the assassination that makes complete sense to me; the others do not. When I heard it, I thought, yeah, that would do it, because of the power of the Fed. It is very hard for the citizen to imagine the power of this institution. And for the financial elite to be threatened, if indeed they were, it would then probably be worth knocking off a U.S. president.
What do you supposed would happen Congress were to end the Fed and just take back the power to mint and coin money? What would do you suppose would happen? I think that If they were acting in unison, an effective method could be devised. But I don't think you can ever get to the point where a debate could lead to a consensus to act. Frankly, I don't think this Congress could agree on the time of the sun rising in the morning. Most folks do not know, there were three attempts on McFadden's life. And he did die under mysterious circumstances, according to Eustace Mullins.
Andrew Jackson also had an assassination attempt against him many folks don’t realize. So much motive. It was Rothchild who said, "I care not for who makes a nation's laws, if you give me control of the money," because the money will drive everything. Nothing can touch you if you have control of the money. And this is why we are cheated as citizens, because we cannot discipline or control “our” government. Through the use of fiat money, the government has the power of creating unlimited debt. All we are reduced to doing in elections is deciding whether the blue team or the red team is going to get the reigns of power.
John Locke's view was that money is property. And, therefore, since in the normal course of business a man lends money -- his property -- he must receive in return money of equal value if justice and commerce were to flourish. So this was a huge step historically because the people immediately agreed. In those days, the king would debase the currency by calling it in and reminting it, and each time he reminted it, he would take about 10 percent and replace it with a base metal in the coin. So the crown gained 10 percent, and the people lost 10 percent. Merchants would shave the coins and melt down the shavings. That's one of the reasons we have those ribs around our coins now. Of course with the bi metal coins it’s a joke, but when we used gold and silver it made sense. And if you examine old coins, you'll see where they were chipped away for whatever precious metal they contained. It was very common. In fact, the Fed is really exactly that same system in a modern dress, and institutionalized.
This is how wealth moves and is transferred. What actual function does the Fed have besides having the Fed chairman scaring people once a quarter? The Fed actually emits the money. Typically by buying up old government bonds. The Treasury will issue bonds; people buy the bonds, and money comes into the treasury. That transaction takes money out of circulation. In order to emit money, the Fed reverses the action and buys back bonds. These transactions are done under the Fed’s Open Market Operations. The Fed controls discount rates. The discount rate is what the Fed charges banks for loans, and thereby controls short-term rates for the economy. Long-term rates are set by the market. Even though setting the discount rate is said to be a relatively small tool, it is enough most usually to control the market, and more. When the Fed inflates or emits money, you have a lag before that effect hits the market or the economy of about 18 months. In the presidential cycle, the ideal situation is to start printing the money 18 months before Election Day. That way, you have a nice robust economy before the voters go to the polls.
Here are a few examples. Back in '75 when President Ford was told it was time to start printing money, being an estimable man, he said no; we don't have to. We've got a pretty good economy. I don't want to inflate. It will create a problem later. But Jimmy Carter came in and he wasn't going to make Ford's mistake, so he started printing money right away. He printed and printed money, and he got the system completely out of whack. Twenty-one percent interest rates. And there was a point where you could actually see a headline in the Wall Street Journal that said, "Fed to expand money supply/Interest rates rise." That's how goofy it got. Then look at what George Bush did. George Bush thought he had victory in hand because he had 90 percent approval rating after the Gulf War. So he didn't need to inflate. Late in '92, he saw he was in trouble finally, and he called in Jimmy Baker. Jimmy Baker got hold of the Fed and said start printing money. But unfortunately, it was too late. The beneficial effects started hitting the economy in January, just in time for Clinton’s inauguration. So we see that the three men in recent history who chose not to inflate for their own re-election all lost. That's the power of the Fed. That's the way in which we are manipulated as voters.
Way back in 1941, there were some hearings in Congress, and Congressman Patman was talking to one of the Fed governors, and he asked him, "How'd you guys get that $2 billion to buy these government securities back in '33?" And the response was, "Out of the right to issue credit money." So Patman says, "And there's nothing behind it except our government credit?" And the answer was, Yeah. That's what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn't be any money.
This is the area where people are confused, purposefully, because we are taught in our economics classes that money is a store of value, a unit of account and a means of exchange. But the Federal Reserve Note, which is what a so-called dollar is, is an instrument of debt, not of value. And the debt is created out of NO THING, which is an anomaly in itself. For if you identify what the debt was in or of you could take a hundred pounds of it and ship it somewhere. But the “debt” is all imaginary made up out of thin air Wizard of Oz insanity when you really look at it.
Did you ever wonder what happened to the gold in Fort Knox? I know I have. No one is entirely sure. Fort Knox hasn't been audited in a very long time. Actually, most of the gold is kept in Manhattan underneath the New York Fed, and you can tour the vaults and see the gold holdings therein. When FDR confiscated all private gold in the United States, that gold eventually went to form the gold quota for the United States in the International Monetary Fund and also in something called the Exchange Stabilization Fund, which is under the control of the treasury secretary. I’m not sure if you can still do the tour since 911. It seems that the gold may have been stolen under the cover of that debacle.
Ever wonder who decides the quota? That happened originally at Bretton Woods in 1944 at a multinational conference which was called in order to restructure the international financial system. The United States has the largest membership in the IMF. We control about 18 percent, but it's enough for us to control the entire institution. And each nation when they join the Fund has to put in so much gold and so much currency. So, the gold that the United States contributed was provided by our ancestors after FDR confiscated it from them. See why BRICS is forming? To break the monopoly. See why Russia and other BRICS members are being demonized? See why Muammar Gaddafi was killed?
I have read from assorted experts about this stuff for over a decade, and the one thing I have never fully understood is why the political leadership -- who care more about power than anything else -- would give up Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5 of the US Constitution and replace it with the 5th plank of the Communist manifesto?
Yes, but it is an opportunity also, because by having given it up they can now dream up programs to benefit their particular constituencies which all taxpayers are claimed to have ended up funding. All part of the con. All they have to do is have Treasury sell government bonds. The politicians get votes from their respective client groups, and the entire population gets the debt. They don't have to come to us, the citizens, anymore and ask for funding.
How did they sell this snake oil to the American people? Well, after Andy Jackson finally shut down the Second Bank of the United States, the bankers did not stop scheming, nor did the financiers. Throughout the Civil War there was great profiteering as one might expect. Lincoln brought in a greenback that was a just a fiat money, but the nation returned to the gold standard some years after the Civil War. The founding fathers didn’t set up a “gold standard” they set up a system of actual use of gold and silver. There was an ineffective system instituted. It was sort of a halfway house to central banking called the National Banking System. The idea was that big national banks would police the smaller state banks. Of course, no one policed anyone, and because of dishonest banking, panics and breakdowns were rampant in the system. This was very unsettling to the population.
Most likely the people would rather have managed panics and breakdowns. However, they thought, and they were told, they would escape this because of the Fed’s managed system, and even better they would get an “elastic” currency that could accommodate America’s dynamic business development. In fact, it's interesting that because on the gold standard, prices actually fall year to year as economic development occurs. The “static money” argument is a red herring. In the late 19th century, we were on the gold standard and there was an explosion of wealth and prosperity for people. So the bankers stepped in, and it is believed they organized the panic of 1907 to bring back the bad memories just as they began a campaign to establish the Fed. Actually it is beyond "believed." It’s pretty clearly documented.
One reason Congressman McFadden was so exercised in those congressional hearings I mentioned above is because when the Fed was established, not all banks belonged to it. There were still independent country banks. In 1920, the Fed raised interest rates unexpectedly and unnecessarily with the result that the artificial contraction of credit put thousands of banks out of business and bankrupted thousands of formerly prosperous farmers. That was to coerce independent people and banks into the system.
Some folks may ask if it is better to have a government-controlled system or a privately controlled system. And what you really want is a private banking system. You don't really want the government in it. The government should be responsible to fulfill the biblical edict of "ye shall have honest weights and measures." Government should set the standards and then let the private bankers compete for market share within the confines of the gold and silver coin that is stated in the word SHALL in the Constitution. We, the customers of those banks, should be responsible to be attentive to our banks' business and bottom line. And as the banks compete against one another under the natural restrictions of the Constitutions standard, honesty and sound banking are rewarded by an increasing market share.
The inevitable question that comes up whenever we talk about the ubiquitous, nefarious and noxious Fed is: What can we do about it? Since tt's such a huge system and so many people live off of it now it is a major issue that will cause a major SHTF scenario when it finally comes crashing down. The political class has been completely corrupted by this ability to spend and spend, and they are no longer dependent on us to get the money for their operations. The problem is the same one you have with taxation arguments -- complexity. Both the Fed and the tax code are extremely complex. We are all treated like mushrooms. They keep us in the dark and feed us bullshit. And the public is overwhelmed with propaganda and conflicting statistics whenever any changes are proposed. We're a busy people. We can't focus on these issues to give them their proper due, so when the arguments begin, honest reformers are easily defeated. My idea of how to end this abusive system is to end withholding from checks paid to employees. Why would I suggest that?
Because when the citizen has to sit down once a year and write a check to the government himself directly, you will suddenly change the character of this country. At that point, people will start paying as much attention to the cost of government as they do their garbage collection service. And then people will start asking questions and demanding some results.
Recently, I discussed with a woman who supports the idea of a national retail sales tax and the figures she offered about the "imbedded cost" of the government, the key thing being "imbedded." She claims it's about 23 percent, and you never see that. People just accept it because they are not compelled to sit down and write a check for it. In fact, very often they get a check back from the government, so they think of the Internal Revenue Service as a sort of savings institution, and the government as their benefactor.
The propaganda the Fed uses so routinely -- this isn't an anomaly that just happened. Before Jekyll Island, these guys were master propagandists. As a matter of fact, in the late 19th and early 20th century, not very many of our universities offered a Ph.D. So many of our academics were actually completing their education in Germany. Germany had built a great social state under Bismarck, and these academics became admirers of Bismarck. When they returned to the United States, they encountered an economy that needed only so many people who could speak classical Greek or perform abstract mathematics, for instance. They needed jobs, so an unholy alliance between tremendous wealth and academia was formed. These so-called scholars, mostly historians, economists and social scientists, became the mouthpieces for a “reform” of the banking system.
Thinking back I have to ask myself about Alan Greenspan. I know the guy was a company guy, bought and paid for. But he used to hang out with Ayn Rand, and he even wrote an article for one of her books about a quarter of a century ago on the gold standard. Dr. Gary North wrote a wonderful piece about Greenspan called "Jazzman." Greenspan is an improviser. We can see this in his early career. I believe he actually played with Benny Goodman. He studied at Juilliard, then he moved to economics. He did not finish his doctorate. He went to work as an economist on Wall Street. He has gotten honorary doctorates subsequently, of course. While he was on Wall Street, he came under the influence of a man named Arthur Burns, who was a former Fed governor under Nixon. He was from the Viennese school of economics, and he believed that the economy was best controlled through monetarism -- the supply of money. Milton Friedman is the more famous proponent of monetarism. Alan Greenspan became Burns' protégé. So I think he got a taste for money and power and forgot all about the gold standard and Ayn Rand. Although to this day, he does pay lip service to the gold standard. But it's like the politician talking about a tax cut -- we'll go back to gold when the debt is paid off, and on that happy day we’ll have a big tax cut too. The debt should be actually easy to pay off. Since it really doesn’t exist. It will be a year of jubilee when we send the BANKSTERS to pasture.
For more on the subject see:
Blood Running in The Streets. Mobs of Rioters and
Demonstrators Threatening Banks and Legislatures...
Thank You Federal Reserve. What Would We Have Ever Done Without You?
A Plea For The Constitution of The United States
I've Heard it Said...TAXATION IS THEFT
A Dirty Little Secret About Federal Income Taxes
Scroll through my posts as there are over 200 now and read and comment where you can.
My job isn’t to wake up the sheep…MY JOB IS TO WAKE UP THE OTHER SLEEPING LIONS!
And on a lighter note I want to end this with Why The Banksters Keep Us Dumb by the late Carl Klang…
Excellent article!
I just wish more people were aware of this... If people knew what's been being done to them since 1913, they would rise up with pitchforks...
In all fairness, it was not Sheriff Arpaio who discovered the discrepancies with Obama's birth certificate. I was one of the original members of the Arpaio team, having uncovered the phony Social Security Number in 2009, but Mara Zebest, also an original member of the team and a computer whiz, unlayered the phony Hawaiian birth certificate. We both bailed early because of how the "investigation" was being run and Arpaio and Mike Zullo continued to take credit for our work.